just adding some 'outside' perspective...Prophet has been around the 'boards' for a while, and is a valid Cowboy fan. He's not bashful or possessive in his view. I recall the kid leaving Louisville, and he did have talent in not only a west coast reference. Louisville hated his loss...as I recall. I was stationed at Fort Knox, Ky for about 12 years, and follow the Cardinals quite a bit, since Howard Schnellinberger made the football program respectable....back when Denny Crum was in charge of the basketball program and Rick Patino was out of the NBA and at UK....and we all are aware of where the program has gone recently....he was a product of some of those improvements, and wanted to hone some of his own skills.....I'm interested, and will keep an eye open, as to possible second day QB prospects. Dallas will definitely be looking, and there still is quite a while before the draft. Thanks for sharing, Prophet...