Justin Tuck Guarantees Victory Over Cowboys


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What I love about this whole week is that the Giants so badly want to play the overlooked and underrespected card and they are having trouble finding a way to do that now that Romo isn't playing and everyone is picking the Giants to win.

That's why they all wish that Dallas was healthy and 8-0, so they can play their "oh no one respects us, everyone thinks the Cowboys are the better team" bs card .


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Rampage;2381908 said:
yes i stated that when i heard our qb was gonna be a wuss and not play till after the bye. look we needed like 4 stupid penaltiesin a row from the bucs to score a td. the giants aren't gonna make those mistakes. they have a much better team than the bucs. we need a miracle to beat the giants this Sunday. now i believe in the "any given Sunday" concept. but i also believe in what i see. what i see is a healthy very good giants team going up against a very unhealthy cowboy team that did what they had to do in the absence of Romo and that was win 1 out of the next 3. if we can remember how to intercept a pass or 2 we might have a shot. I will be cheering and rooting for the boys this Sunday but won't be to upset if we lose. right now i'm just looking forward to the washington game where a majority of our players should be back. believe me i would want nothing more than to be proven wrong about me guaranteeing the giants beat us this Sunday.

I honestly believe it will be tough to beat the Giants because they are not only a good team but fundamentally strong on both sides of the ball including special teams. And they have a shredding running game. Add in Brad Johnson starting and we have an offense performing in futility. Even with Kosier back the Giant's incessant pressure will wear down our Oline in the second half.

Our defense can perhaps play well to limit the scoring but has yet to prove that it is playmaking calibre. The turnover against the Bucs was thanks to special teams. We would need 3 or 4 takeaways from the defense and to score 28 points minimum.


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I believe that all of the bad publicity we have been getting on BSPN and other sources, like the NYP and Newsday are gonna hopefully, piss off our defense. This is a defense that held a Tampa O to 3 FG's, without our top 3 corners. We have a chance if we can get to Eli and get him off his game like what they did to Big Ben last week. We still have MB3, Choice, RW11, and TO and our Oline (minus KK) to make plays. We just need to throw in some new looks on O, IDC whether it is WR screens, Draw plays or flea flickers, we need to play some ball similar to what the Titans are now.
Control the clock, run MB3 down their throats, mix in playaction and draw plays on O.
Get to Eli and pressure him, double Burress and make Brandon Jacobs look like good ole Troy Hambrick.


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I think it's extremely funny that any Giant would say anything about the Boys making any excuses after this Sunday's game. That's all the Giants did last year after we beat them both times during the regular season. I think those guys need to practice a little of what they preach.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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I called it a 'guarantee', and I think it was definately a back door guarantee.
Did Tuck make a direct promise? No. However,

Who makes excuses after games?

The loser.

How does Tuck know the Cowboys are going to lose?

At the very least, Tuck is assuming the Giants will win this game through these comments. That is cocky and arrogant. If Crayton made these statements about 'not wanting to hear excuses', this guy from the DMN would have jumped all over it, and ESPN would have plastered these comments all over TV to feed the Giants' need to be 'disrespected'. That should have been the highlight in the DMN's headline, imo. These comments would have been used against the Cowboys in order to 'help' the Giants if a Cowboy would have made them.

After all, some of them want the coach fired. They like printing Patrick Crayton's comments from last year in the headlines, don't they? Crayton just talked about 'marking his territory'. Tuck's comments pertain to the outcome of the game before it is even played.

It wasn't very hard to expose Tuck's comments about "making excuses" after the game, and I'm sure the Cowboys have these words posted.

Tuck sure changed his tune today. He is throwing roses at the Cowboys, today, after he seemed to be taking this game for granted and assuming victory. He sure sounded like this game was in the bag. After all, he doesn't want to hear any 'excuses' from the Cowboys after the game. Tuck is telling me that the Giants are going to win when he talks about 'not wanting to hear excuses'. He sounds like this game is in the bank when he makes those statements. That can be interpreted as a 'guarantee'.

The Cowboys' players are not stupid. They know what Tuck said, and they will play their butts off in order to make him pay on Sunday.


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Let's face it every team has its resident big mouths including us. PacMan's "who are the Rams" comments may have done us a disservice? That stated if a team has to be motivated by the negative or blustering comments of an opponent then I believe they are motivationally challenged to begin with.


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justin tuck has a funny looking head. it's pretty big near his jaw and gets thinnner as it goes up looking real small where his little brain is.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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either way with johnson at QB they are beating us so i could careless if he guaranteed a victory. its not really something that will earn hiim any credit or respect