Key misconception obliterated during the JW Retirement Presser


The Godfather
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On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

*** SORRY ABOUT CREATING A REDUNDANT THREAD. Didn't see the other one on this topic. Mods, feel free to merge. ***


Well-Known Member
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this is what im talking about, defending this mediocrity to the point where someone will find a 15 second film and be like "see Hes all about the winning" To be fair some of these people believe actors are the people they are portraying.

no, at the end of the day JJ has his playground due to the fans who will praise him regardless of all the bad decisions they think he makes but good for him because he still has his money.

you dont waste the talent you have with a guy like Garrett and sell me a bill of goods. we have seen the height and death of the old Cowboys legacy. Its not coming back anytime soon. You want evidence, watch what we do this year.


Well-Known Member
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If JJ really really cared about winning, JJ the owner would fire JJ the GM and SJ and leave. Stay away from the day to day stuff. He can market the team, im sure the guy can sell a freezer to an eskimo, but he cant keep gm ing this team thinking hes doing the right thing.


Well-Known Member
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Caring and doing are 2 different things. Jerry screwed this team. He might be good at giving emotional speeches but his actions over the past few decades tells another story.


The Godfather
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this is what im talking about, defending this mediocrity to the point where someone will find a 15 second film and be like "see Hes all about the winning" To be fair some of these people believe actors are the people they are portraying.

no, at the end of the day JJ has his playground due to the fans who will praise him regardless of all the bad decisions they think he makes but good for him because he still has his money.

you dont waste the talent you have with a guy like Garrett and sell me a bill of goods. we have seen the height and death of the old Cowboys legacy. Its not coming back anytime soon. You want evidence, watch what we do this year.
You totally missed my point.

I am not defending mediocrity at all - that goes to Jerry Jones' effectiveness.

I am arguing against the perception that he cares nothing about winning and only about money - that goes to his motivation.

I am in no way saying that motivation should be a surrogate for effectiveness (or that a positive motivation should justify poor bottom line results) - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Well-Known Member
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Caring and doing are 2 different things. Jerry screwed this team. He might be good at giving emotional speeches but his actions over the past few decades tells another story.

like we have evidence of this. please, the last 20 plus years have been filled with titles and victories and, fantasies . lots of hope, lots of hope. lot of drivel, talking stupid. you know, anything that avoids the reality of it.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's never been about his desire to win, it's been about his desire to win with him doing "everything from socks to jocks" because that's always been the downfall.


Well-Known Member
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You totally missed my point.

I am not defending mediocrity at all - that goes to Jerry Jones' effectiveness.

I am arguing against the perception that he cares nothing about winning and only about money - that goes to his motivation.

I am in no way saying that motivation should be a surrogate for effectiveness (or that a positive motivation should justify poor bottom line results) - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Fair enough. I do think on the players side of it he does care, i havent forgotten what he did for La el and i believe in that aspect, JJ did the right thing.


The Godfather
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Caring and doing are 2 different things. Jerry screwed this team. He might be good at giving emotional speeches but his actions over the past few decades tells another story.
I agree.

Argue that he is not doing the right things. Stop arguing that he has the wrong motivation (money).


Taco Engineer
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Things are not even close to as bad as some here suggest. All the carrying on and complaining doesn't really mean anything. Fans want wins and championships and rightfully so.
So all of the insults to the staff and owner are silly.

There's a 100% certainty that Jones cares and wants to win, otherwise no changes would be made. I can understand wanting a SB win, but the lengths some go....


Franchise Tagged
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Jerry Jones is not stupid. He understands that winning is what created a lot of the marketing opportunities he has. Make no mistake, he wants to win badly. The problem is, he wants to be, and believes he can be the architect of the whole thing.


Reaction score
On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

*** SORRY ABOUT CREATING A REDUNDANT THREAD. Didn't see the other one on this topic. Mods, feel free to merge. ***
You underestimate how cold some of our posters can be.


Well-Known Member
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I agree.

Argue that he is not doing the right things. Stop arguing that he has the wrong motivation (money).

Year after year of not winning isn’t the benchmark for wanting to win. Saying he wants to win is comical. If you truly wanted to win, then you make the necessary changes to get there. Wishful thinking isn’t enough!


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If Jerry really cared about winning he would not put up with a GM who is responsible for the longest Superbowl drought in team history.

He cares about winning ......... but only if its on his terms of being in complete control.

He would not trade ,himself getting all the credit, for another Superbowl


Well-Known Member
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If Jerry really cared about winning he would not put up with a GM who is responsible for the longest Superbowl drought in team history.

He cares about winning ......... but only if its on his terms of being in complete control.

He would not trade ,himself getting all the credit, for another Superbowl
I've heard Jerry describe it in the past....he considers this a business. Now if it was my business.....I would hire better and younger people and fresh people to make sure nothing slips past me. I think as a business owner you need people just as smart as you are or smarter than you are.

But Jerry believes its his business and he runs it as such. IF his business dies it will be on his terms and not at the hands of someone else. I get it.....but don't agree with it.


Taco Engineer
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Year after year of not winning isn’t the benchmark for wanting to win. Saying he wants to win is comical. If you truly wanted to win, then you make the necessary changes to get there. Wishful thinking isn’t enough!
I honestly have a hard time taking anyone serious that doesn't believe Jones wants to win. Especially after the copious amount of changes we've seen. Nothing personal of course, I just see Jones as not only wanting to win, but badly. All you have to do is watch him in any of the games we've lost. His reactions illustrates wanting to win.

I know actions speak louder than words, I get it. But he IS making changes and a lot of them. It just hasn't all come together.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I've heard Jerry describe it in the past....he considers this a business. Now if it was my business.....I would hire better and younger people and fresh people to make sure nothing slips past me. I think as a business owner you need people just as smart as you are or smarter than you are.

But Jerry believes its his business and he runs it as such. IF his business dies it will be on his terms and not at the hands of someone else. I get it.....but don't agree with it.

That is exactly what I said

He cares about winning ......... but only if its on his terms of being in complete control.

He does not care about winning a Superbowl if its not on his terms and how he wants to do it.

Why do you think Barry Switzer said that line after they won in 95 ....... "We did it our way" while shaking Jerry


Taco Engineer
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That is exactly what I said

He cares about winning ......... but only if its on his terms of being in complete control.

He does not care about winning a Superbowl if its not on his terms and how he wants to do it.

Why do you think Barry Switzer said that line after they won in 95 ....... "We did it our way" while shaking Jerry
Jones has loosened up the grip quite a bit in terms of control and a lot of that has been blown out of proportion.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have never offered that he only cares about money; he cares about doing it his way more than he does turning it over to someone else. He wants to win and the operative word there is HE.

But I do agree with one misconception that seems to permeate these boards in spite of the evidence to the contrary. Booger has not relinquished any control of the team to Son or McClay or Garrett or anyone else. He is still that guy that was "sox to jocks" coming in only more motivated because he wants his own to shut up the JimmyLove media. He thought Parcells failure to bring a ring might make that subside but it's still there.

The question is if this team does win one in the next 2-3 years, will he get that credit he wants so badly that he even asked them if they would give him credit. That was tongue in cheek but he meant it. I am already seeing "Son is taking over" and "it's all due to McClay" but I do not see it that way.

This is one man's team more than any other in the NFL. If he gets that which has eluded him, he will get 100% of the credit from me and deserve it.