Key misconception obliterated during the JW Retirement Presser


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Don't be a Pollock. A lot of people care about this stuff even if you don't.

My brain:


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On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

*** SORRY ABOUT CREATING A REDUNDANT THREAD. Didn't see the other one on this topic. Mods, feel free to merge. ***
I get what you are saying but at the same time you have to look past that press conference. look at how J.G. was compared to how he was on "All or nothing". Which by the way pretty much confirms a portion of what some of our fans think (myself included).

I don't think he doesn't care about winning, they all do. But... the family business comes before actual football in my opinion, which is understandable from a business stand point. The Brand, the business grows constantly, the name and all that goes with it regardless if we are a winning franchise ever again.

Now.. I will say that if the boys are not winning they will miss out on all of the prime time games and that is enough for the Jones family to rethink their game strategy.
We'll see, I'm hopeful that the off season decisions work a lot better than they have in the past, like grabbing FA's and dropping them the in the same yr.

How Bout Them Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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My point wasn't that Jones is an effective owner or GM, or what "place" his personal agenda is compared to his motivation for winning.

It was directed at people who claim that all he cares about is money and not winning.

I think he does care about winning above all else. But as has been pointed out ad nauseam throughout this thread, his methods have led to questionable results.

You're saying that "if he actually wanted to win over everything, he would put an NFL savvy guy in charge" is your (very valid) opinion on his methods. But just because he doesn't do it the way you think he should, doesn't invalidate his motivation.

I just realized how ironic it is that I have spent the day actually defending my original argument - in political spheres I often find myself arguing against people who place all the emphasis on their own motivation and that their good intentions should trump (pun intended) the results that they actually achieve. I have officially entered the bizarro world.

Thanks for the offer to help me ... but now I need to go hit happy hour somewhere.
So, if I bought a mechanic shop, and I'm a terrible mechanic, but I insist on doing all the mechanic work myself, that means that I'm doing my best to make the business work?

Jerry has admitted that he should have been fired years ago. Which means he knows he's not doing a good job. But, insists on doing it.

So, no, he does not put winning over everything else.


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So you're saying Jerry wants to lose if he doesn't get the credit for winning?

At what point is he deciding he's not getting enough credit and starts sabotaging his team?

When does he decide to start winning again?

I mean, did Jerry decide he didn't get enough credit for 13-3 in 2016 and decide he'd show everyone by failing to make the playoffs the next year?

Has the team managed only two playoff wins since 1996 because Jerry is still awaiting praise for the 90's SB's?

Ironies of ironies, this argument assumes Jerry could win if he wanted to and is choosing mediocrity to salvage his ego. By that logic he loses on purpose so a) nobody will blame him for losing, or b) everyone will tell him how great he is. Uh. Yeah. I'll just show them! I'll build crappy teams. I'll perpetuate playoff futility until everyone recognizes my genius! Sound strategy.

Jerry tried to buy the Chargers before he bought the Cowboys. This does not scream to me I'M IN THIS TO MAKE A PILE OF MONEY! I think the idea that Jerry isn't trying as hard as he can to win is illogical. If he's not trying as hard as he can to win he's trying to lose, and losing football games loses him money as well as dimming the luster of his franchise and a legacy that some people seem believe is the most important thing in his world. Yeah, the Cowboys are and will always be top-three in NFL franchise popularity. Yeah, they still make a pile of money, drive ratings like no other team at any level in any sport and are in fact the most valuable sports franchise in the world. But how much more popular would the team be if it contended every year, or even just advanced a playoff round once in a while? How much more money would Jerry make? How much more valuable would his franchise be?

No, I don't believe for a second that Jerry loses on purpose. I don't believe that he fields mediocre teams, expects praise for mediocrity and then decides not to do any better because he doesn't get any. I'm not sure why Jerry's Cowboys have been so inept in the postseason since the end of the last century, but I'm 100% certain that it's not because Jerry wants them to be. You don't get credit for winning if ya lose.
You are presupposing that sabotage is always intentional.

You are incorrect about so many things. Jerry wants to win. However, he refuses to take the necessary steps to winning. Why is that? The logical answer, after reviewing all facts is that it's more important for him to be in charge than to win. Since he's admitted himself that he'd have been fired as GM if he wasn't the owner, that is a logical conclusion.

Jerry will decide to start winning again when he starts taking himself out of the football decision making. Could he win if he wanted to? Yes. However, it would require him not being in control of football operations. And he's not willing to do that.

Look at your first sentence. You start assuming immediately and start misreading info and not comprehending Jerry's effect.

OK, since Jerry has admitted that he's a poor GM, but insists on continuing in that capacity, how do you explain it?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I can't wait until his equally inept son takes over.