Key misconception obliterated during the JW Retirement Presser


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You're off target.

He has made plenty of changes. Some of the biggest were this year. Your measurement of wanting to win is making the necessary changes to get there. By that very logic, there are 31 teams out there who's GMs do not want to win (because they did not make the necessary changes to get there). Only the Eagles care about winning.

I'll reiterate - don't confuse motivation with effectiveness. Motivation is only a component to success (an important one, but only one of many).

My original point was that the criticism of Jerry's motivation is misplaced.

And just to put a finer point on it - even though his motivation is in the right place, he has failed in several of the other components to success (motivation of those who report to you, selecting the right team to compete, usurping the authority of those who report to you, failing to hold people accountable, putting loyalty above bottom-line results, etc.).

Jerry wants to win 'If he gets the credit'. That seems to be the common theme here. And I see that as very misplaced motivation. He's getting old now and obviously handing the reins over to is son, but Jerrys body of work speaks volumes. If you bought the Dalls Cowboys back in 1993 and Jerry was your GM, what year would he be fired between then and now? That's the difference between the Cowboys and 31 other teams.


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I honestly have a hard time taking anyone serious that doesn't believe Jones wants to win. Especially after the copious amount of changes we've seen. Nothing personal of course, I just see Jones as not only wanting to win, but badly. All you have to do is watch him in any of the games we've lost. His reactions illustrates wanting to win.

I know actions speak louder than words, I get it. But he IS making changes and a lot of them. It just hasn't all come together.

Stephen is making changes. Jerry is getting old. The rather large resume tells the story. He wanted to win (and get credit). That's been the problem. And over that time action did not speak louder than words.


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On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

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no, many of us have stated that he's incompetent which you just proved in this thread.


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I have been a fan since 1967 and got to meet Jerry in Atlanta in 1989 just after he
had bought the team (greeted and shook his hand as did many other fans... see my profile pic). He seemed to me to be if you were a Cowboys fan then you were definitely a friend of his! I know seeming to be a nice person doesn’t make for a winning organization but I sensed the enthusiasm and excitement in him for his team. That being said I wish Jerry would turn the team over to a real GM and stay in the background. Will McClay appears to be a step in the right direction.


The Godfather
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no, many of us have stated that he's incompetent which you just proved in this thread.
I don't disagree that he is incompetent. This thread was not meant to be focused on his incompetence.

The thread was directed at those who keep putting forward the idea that he doesn't care about winning (only about money) to support the conclusion that he is incompetent.

I agree on the incompetence conclusion, not on the point about his motivation.

And I have proved nothing in this thread - only put forward an opinion (which it seems has been lost on a number of posters).


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He just replaced the majority of the coaching staff. Doesn’t fit your agenda I get it.

In the life of a tree, you have a stump (Jason Garrett) you have branches (Scott Linehan and Rod Marinelli), you have leaves (all coaches below Scott and Rod)
I say this (in regards to your comment): You can replace all the leaves all you want but if the stump and the branches that support the leaves are bad, the leaves are worthless...


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You totally missed my point.

I am not defending mediocrity at all - that goes to Jerry Jones' effectiveness.

I am arguing against the perception that he cares nothing about winning and only about money - that goes to his motivation.

I am in no way saying that motivation should be a surrogate for effectiveness (or that a positive motivation should justify poor bottom line results) - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I've really never heard someone say that JJ doesn't care about winning he does, what I have heard is that he only wants to win if he can get the credit and that is true.

PA Cowboy Fan

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2 playoff wins in the past 20 plus years. That's all I need to know. Look at my signature for our futility. It's always wait till next year. It will be different but it never is. Romo and Witten were young once too. Now we are starting on our next bunch of players. I wonder how many playoff wins they'll get?


Wide Right
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You underestimate how cold some of our posters can be.


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Unfortunately, his reign has gone on long enough that if he simply turns the control over to someone else he will effectively admitted that he FAILED as a GM to win a SB. His ego will not allow that. Unless, for health reasons, Jerry has to take a step back and relinquish control, we will never see #6 until the man is 6 feet deep in the ground.

JG doesn't help the situation either.


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I don’t think most question Jerry’s desire to win
Just his decision making in that quest


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
In the life of a tree, you have a stump (Jason Garrett) you have branches (Scott Linehan and Rod Marinelli), you have leaves (all coaches below Scott and Rod)
I say this (in regards to your comment): You can replace all the leaves all you want but if the stump and the branches that support the leaves are bad, the leaves are worthless...
What if it was the fact the leaves were all rotten?


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The Dallas Cowboys are literally Jerry Jones’ life.

The man eats, sleeps, and breathes Dallas Cowboys. He’s probably thinking about the Dallas Cowboys almost every waking moment. It’s his life.

And obviously the more they win, the more money goes into his pockets.

Anyone who thinks he doesn’t care about winning is either handicapped or being willfully ignorant.


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On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

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If he had won the last 5 Super Bowls there would still be posters on here saying "yeah but, he didn't do it the right way...."


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Perhaps it's this emotion to the team that clouds his "football judgement?"

Hell I don't know, but if you're that tied emotionally to the players it would be difficult to fire them or trade them even when they are past their prime.
This is a weakness, not a strength.

Which is why Jerry the owner needs to separate himself from the GM role. He needs to stop publicly neutering his coach too, let him do his job.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

*** SORRY ABOUT CREATING A REDUNDANT THREAD. Didn't see the other one on this topic. Mods, feel free to merge. ***

Jerry would LOVE to long as its with a coach he can control that had no problem letting the owner walk all over him and undermining his authority with the players. If that happend it will be the first time in NFL history. Don’t hold your breath...but yeah, winning is super important...ish


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I'm one of those that would fall into the JJ GTH categories, but then I am pretty sure JJ has got like most everyone else good intentions in regards to everyday love thy neighbor stuff. JJ's biggest issue is continually sticking his nose into the day to day football stuff that he has no fugging idea what he's doing. He wants to play owner, HC, GM hell OC and DC, draft guru and he sucks at all but being daddy $$ pockets. The last 20 years explains his downside. Good intentions and all, he has wasted the careers of some damn good football players. And THAT is where I take issue with his arrogant behind.


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He cares about winning, just doesn't know how to do it. He if truly cared about winning he would have found a way, he would have made better personnel choices starting with firing his GM. It's not that he doesn't care about winning, he cares about winning his way and unfortunately the careers of several great players were squandered over his hubris.


Well-Known Member
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On these boards there have been multiple discussions about Jerry Jones and his effectiveness as a business owner, GM, football man, NFL owner, etc. In most of those discussions, I can usually understand most of the points made from both sides, even if I don't really agree with some of them.

However, it always struck me as odd when a poster would assert that Jerry cares nothing about winning, and only chases the almighty dollar. I always wondered where such opinions sprung up from. Maybe they come from the overall results of the team the last 20 years, or maybe they are influenced by the lens through which the poster views life in general.

With all that said, I think there is a very strong piece of evidence that disproves the idea that Jerry cares nothing about winning.

Just about the 1:09:30 mark in the press conference, Jerry is asked a question about how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys were not able to win a Super Bowl title while Jason Witten was here.

If you watch and listen to Jerry's response, I'm not sure how even the coldest-hearted individual could come to the conclusion that this man is all about the money and doesn't care about winning. His emotions are completely genuine - you can't fake this type of stuff.

We can continue to argue about Jerry's effectiveness in each of his roles. But after viewing this press conference with an open mind (and a few tissues at hand), I'm not sure some of the arguments about his motivation really hold that much water anymore.

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Let me help you.

The job of a GM is to put the right personnel in place to build a super bowl winner. Jerry Jones does not do that. If he actually wanted to win over everything, putting an NFL saavy football guy in charge would be the first order of business.

Jerry wants to win, but his personal agenda is in first place, winning is in 2nd.