Keyshawn Johnson. "The Cowboys will start 2-4 before the bye but it won't be his fault"


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And you are an Eagles fan. We all know it.
Stop obsessing about the Cowboys and go enjoy summer.
I am the one and only Eagles fan that want the Cowboys to get rid of Dak so they can be better.

They hate me on the Eagles board too for wanting Dak gone. They call me a Cowboys fan over there. All the other Eagle fans are like you and your pals. They hope Dak is a Cowboy for life.


Captain Catfish
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Because its never dak fault
It's going to always be any franchise paid QB in Big D, it comes with the territory.

If you are the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys you better come in accepting all the pressure to succeed, that is part of the gig here, and everywhere in the league basically.

I have shaken my head so much for the past 30 years that my neck is really worn out, just accept the gift or get out of the way for the next man up.

Trey already understands that he will be next man up and he will be expected to perform the miracles.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I hope you realize there are more Dak fans in the media and among NFL players than any other QB in the NFC. Only equal is maybe Hurts.
There is no freaking way you can prove that. That might be what you want to think, but making a statement like needs to be proven, so get with it.


Captain Catfish
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Some of you are so incredibly obsessed with Dak
He's a good, maybe great regular season QB.
He doesn't have a great post season record.
The debate starts with can we realistically win a Super Bowl with him on a massive contract?
But, here's the thing, unless your last name is Jones, it doesn't matter what you think.
So, just relax and enjoy summer.
Jerry thinks he can outlast the rest of the leagues chances of obtaining a franchise worthy QB that can still have a chance.

Jerry holds on to the tail of potential success longer than any owner I can remember, and I have been around for a day or two, and my thoughts are still clear.

Jerry thinks he will eventually hit with Dak,, I will stay with this assumption, cause I know Jerry..... lol


Well-Known Member
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How does he know it wont be Dak fault?? Can he see into the future? He is already giving Dak a pass and season hasnt even started yet. When has any NFL QB in the history of the league started every game for the first 6 weeks and played no part in the team losing 4 games? Keyshawn has confirmed he is too stupid for TV
so let me get this straight you're getting upset over hypothetical the fact that we may or may not start poorly and that you're upset on who may or may not be blamed for that something that's in the future without wondering what did he really mean/,,,

I think he's pointing out the fact that a lot of people around here and a lot of people around media have said that the Jerry Jones family has done nothing in the offseason to improve the team enough to compete and that other teams within the division and the NFL that's on our schedule may have done more to close the gap therefore he's expecting us to lose more games this year and he's saying he didn't help enough and that you shouldn't blame the quarterback when the GM didn't put together a good enough team to compete and he's leaving his lame duck coach and his lame duck quarterback out on the hook..

So that's what he meant he's saying he believes we're gonna not be a good team this year because the front office didn't do enough to improve the team and you shouldn't blame one player as it's usual around here to blame one player Prescott gets enough flat don't say anybody never blames Prescott of course they blame Prescott for everything so sometimes somebody needs to come in with some balance and say look at the big picture it's a team game and right now in this guy's opinion they didn't put together a good enough team with somebody around here that said on more than one occasion we've had terrible historically bad offseasons and somehow we're still winning 12 games Despite that but he feels like it's gonna fall this year and that we shouldn't look at it as a quarterback issue we should look at that as a team issue...


Well-Known Member
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How does he know it wont be Dak fault?? Can he see into the future? He is already giving Dak a pass and season hasnt even started yet. When has any NFL QB in the history of the league started every game for the first 6 weeks and played no part in the team losing 4 games? Keyshawn has confirmed he is too stupid for TV
He doesn't know anything.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
so let me get this straight you're getting upset over hypothetical the fact that we may or may not start poorly and that you're upset on who may or may not be blamed for that something that's in the future without wondering what did he really mean/,,,

I think he's pointing out the fact that a lot of people around here and a lot of people around media have said that the Jerry Jones family has done nothing in the offseason to improve the team enough to compete and that other teams within the division and the NFL that's on our schedule may have done more to close the gap therefore he's expecting us to lose more games this year and he's saying he didn't help enough and that you shouldn't blame the quarterback when the GM didn't put together a good enough team to compete and he's leaving his lame duck coach and his lame duck quarterback out on the hook..

So that's what he meant he's saying he believes we're gonna not be a good team this year because the front office didn't do enough to improve the team and you shouldn't blame one player as it's usual around here to blame one player Prescott gets enough flat don't say anybody never blames Prescott of course they blame Prescott for everything so sometimes somebody needs to come in with some balance and say look at the big picture it's a team game and right now in this guy's opinion they didn't put together a good enough team with somebody around here that said on more than one occasion we've had terrible historically bad offseasons and somehow we're still winning 12 games Despite that but he feels like it's gonna fall this year and that we shouldn't look at it as a quarterback issue we should look at that as a team issue...
Sure, whatever you say.


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He doesn't know anything.
Yeah like how the focus is that the blame is not on Prescott that we gotta make sure the blames on Prescott on a hypothetical situation versus you should be angry the man picked us to go two and four to begin the year he doesn't know any of that it's gonna happen these are just hypothetical scenarios and a guy getting that upset over anything but he should be he should be upset that his Dallas Cowboys are being picked to start out horribly but no gotta land right back on Prescott as usual....

And he never says dak to blame never he's blamed by 75% of the media and fan base for everything that happens with the Dallas Cowboys good bad or indifferent it's about time somebody looks at it and goes well every year they take more and more talent from the guy they're not building a team to be all in they're not giving him the best scenario so don't blame him when they start out poorly.. That's all he was insinuating or inferring or whatever the proper word would be it's more than likely this would be a team issue not a quarterback issue because they didn't have the talent to improve the team and other teams may have closed the gap that is it that's what he meant and I don't even have to listen to it I don't even care...

What I do care about is the ironic anger that a person would have over a hypothetical situation... The need to blame Prescott that is an odd thing to point out over a post


Well-Known Member
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How does he know it wont be Dak fault?? Can he see into the future? He is already giving Dak a pass and season hasnt even started yet. When has any NFL QB in the history of the league started every game for the first 6 weeks and played no part in the team losing 4 games? Keyshawn has confirmed he is too stupid for TV
So it was all Troy's fault his rookie year???


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I mean I could see the defense sucking real hard out the gate, but usually leads to QB mistakes.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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He’s stating his opinion. What a weird thing to get upset over on this Saturday. Go outside or to take a nap. You guys think anyone is stupid who doesn’t share the same opinion as you but will listen to Colin Cowerd and Skip Bayliss.
Ok, fine. Then the Dak detractors should never be attacked for sharing their opinions.


Well-Known Member
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How does he know it wont be Dak fault?? Can he see into the future? He is already giving Dak a pass and season hasnt even started yet. When has any NFL QB in the history of the league started every game for the first 6 weeks and played no part in the team losing 4 games? Keyshawn has confirmed he is too stupid for TV
Because duh it would be wrong to blame the guy that gets you all these 12 wins, but can't win you the big one!!! Last time we checked, winning during the regular season was much more important than in the post season!!!:D


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He’s seen the multitude of issues with the team especially the defensive breakdowns in the playoffs.
towered by the also always going to bring you down offense!! (yes I realize you mentioned team!!)