kid slaps mom


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sorry if repost but i had never seen this before.


i wouldnt be alive today if i had done this.

this kid needs his butt whooped with a belt like it used to be before somebody told kids they have rights and nosey *****es call cps for flicking a kid in the head.


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I'll volunteer to kick the **** out of this kid.

And then I'll make fun of him for being a big sissy and crying.


The Duke
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No one, is ever going to hit my wife or my mother and get away with it. I will go to jail. Gladly. The mark on the side of his face wouldn't be gone in 20 minutes. I wouldn't be gone in 20 days.

That kid would get his wish to live somewhere else. He'd be lucky to get a 2nd chance and it would not happen without some serious contrition.


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I mean..
The only real explanation for this is terrible parenting from an early age.

The kid is actually doing a very reasonable job explaining himself. He quite obviously has emotional issues. His issues aside, everything he's saying seems very reasonable.

Watching that video for a second time.. the kid seems rather intelligent. I'm very impressed with his reasonable way of speaking.

I hardly blame him. I'm assuming there is no father to beat his *** but I haven't read into it. Emotional issues like that rarely just "Happen" and almost ALWAYS tend to be the parents fault. The mother seems like a terrible parent. I watched the second video and I completely believe the kid over her when he says she slaps him repeatedly. She is straight lying when she says it's untrue.

That kid seems like he could be a great kid if his mother could do her job correctly.

Nothing wrong with hitting a kid, but it's not always the answer, and is often times overly used in place of simple things like patience and words and understanding. It's easier to smack a kid to get your way than to take the time to explain to them and discipline them correctly.

Mother seems like she has issues she can't get over, and it's negatively affecting her kid.

Given the situation, beating the kid for that is totally incorrect and would do NOTHING to solve the problem, just instill more violence in him. You don't **** a kid up with bad parenting them beat him back into normalcy.


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I'm sorry but this is what you get when you treat a kid like some equal they are not they are children not adults you do not reason when them as you would with a grown person. Had I hit my mom like that (which I would not even have tought about it) she would have been all over my butt. I don't beleive in beating a child but yes I believe in spanking a child and letting them know they are not in charge period.


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I can't imagine the hell that my life would have turned into if I had ever done something like that. The belt would have come out and I wouldn't have been able to sit for a week.


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My mom would have beat my *** if I had done that. However that mother should have better control over her son. He acts like a spoiled brat.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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What a horrible mom.

First of all, putting your kid in a pink shirt. Second, for allowing him to become a tub of goo at that age. Third, for not nipping that behavior in the bud long ago. And finally for dragging your sordid home life on that d bag Dr. Phil's show.


I'm Complicated
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There is no way in hell that our child will ever behave like that. If she ever laid a hand on me (at that age), it would be the last time she ever did it.


Well-Known Member
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I would beat that brat so hard that after 20 years in prison my hand would still sting.


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Danny White;3305900 said:
What a horrible mom.

First of all, putting your kid in a pink shirt. Second, for allowing him to become a tub of goo at that age. Third, for not nipping that behavior in the bud long ago. And finally for dragging your sordid home life on that d bag Dr. Phil's show.


Be Realistic. Demand the Impossible.
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You can call it poor parenting or whatnot, but we really don't know what the whole situation is to call her out. I'm starting to see that a lot of times, especially with children with extremely difficult temperament, it takes some very patient parents. However, a lot of adults also carry a lot of baggage. Who knows, maybe this woman has had men beat her down all her life, and given that her son is a male, it might be why he can get away with some of the stuff he can.

I've met women who become very submissive due to the plethora of controlling men in their life, they don't even know how to leave or become less dependent. That's normal to them.


Cowboy Fan
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He reminds me of the kids in Talladega Nights.

HE needs to have his teeth rattled ..... and she needs her kid taken away from her.


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VietCowboy;3305918 said:
You can call it poor parenting or whatnot, but we really don't know what the whole situation is to call her out. I'm starting to see that a lot of times, especially with children with extremely difficult temperament, it takes some very patient parents. However, a lot of adults also carry a lot of baggage. Who knows, maybe this woman has had men beat her down all her life, and given that her son is a male, it might be why he can get away with some of the stuff he can.

I've met women who become very submissive due to the plethora of controlling men in their life, they don't even know how to leave or become less dependent. That's normal to them.

Making an excuse for her? She needs to act like a parent all she is doing is treating this spoiled brat as her equal as she trys to reason with a kid. Growing up what my folks said was law if you ask why simple ansewer because I said so there was no debate my folks were in charge and responsible for my action after all I was a child not an adult.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Doomsday101;3305937 said:
Making an excuse for her? She needs to act like a parent all she is doing is treating this spoiled brat as her equal as she trys to reason with a kid. Growing up what my folks said was law if you ask why simple ansewer because I said so there was no debate my folks were in charge and responsible for my action after all I was a child not an adult.

Yes but you had bad acne and a funny hitch in your step, they just did not like you. ;) :p:


Pixel Pusher
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They deserve each other. Terrible mother. Terrible son.

Also, who the hell refers to their son as "Dude"? I can't even remember ever having a discussion like this with my parents.

My mom always tells me this story about her mother (my grand mother, obviously). She comes from a family of 5 kids, and there would be times when they would drive their mom nuts and she would just look at them and say, "Good Night.". It didn't matter if it as 6 in the evening or 6 in the morning. Once she told you "Good Night.", that means she expected you to go to your room and not to see you till the next morning.


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BrAinPaiNt;3305940 said:
Yes but you had bad acne and a funny hitch in your step, they just did not like you. ;) :p:

True but there was never a doubt who the parents were and who the child was. :p: