Knock, knock. Who's there? Karma. And she's undefeated

Most of the guys on that list were old school rich owners who never wanted to see players have any kind of free agency or fair access to the ever-growing NFL profits that the players were most responsible to make happen.

I give Jerry some credit for at least being more open to fairer compensation for players today. In that sense JJ was more forward thinking than the old guard like Bidwill, Art Rooney, George Halas and Ralph Wilson.

Obviously Jerry is waaaay overdue to step aside and these days the word “incompetent“ in more apt for him than “contributor”. But there is no question that Jerry Jones has played a huge role in making the NFL what it is today. Both good and bad.
Thanks for providing this list. Only one I’d question as a “contributor “ is Dan Reeves.
Most of the guys on that list were old school rich owners who never wanted to see players have any kind of free agency or fair access to the ever-growing NFL profits that the players were most responsible to make happen.

I give Jerry some credit for at least being more open to fairer compensation for players today. In that sense JJ was more forward thinking than the old guard like Bidwill, Art Rooney, George Halas and Ralph Wilson.

Obviously Jerry is waaaay overdue to step aside and these days the word “incompetent“ in more apt for him than “contributor”. But there is no question that Jerry Jones has played a huge role in making the NFL what it is today. Both good and bad.
Yea the rest of the league couldn’t be more pleased.

Jethro has made everyone richer while preventing Americas Team more success on the field.
Jerry once said that he would be happy to accept the blame for the recent failures if he would be given credit for the Super-Bowl wins. What's sad for him is- as the years of failure stack up, it just becomes clearer and clearer who deserves credit for the Super-Bowl wins. His ineptitude continues to diminish any "credit" he deserves for past glory.
Every year that passes it cements the fact it was Jimmy.
Every media outlet besides 105.3 The Coward are asking Jerry more and more uncomfortable questions.
They aren't asking Jerry anything. They are talking about him and he's not listening. He lives in a bubble of love, admiration, and adoration. People kiss the man's butt all day, every day. and we wonder why he's so delusional. He lashed out at the 105.3 guys b/c he's not used to anyone second guessing him or challenging him. He thinks he's above all of it.
Jerry once said that he would be happy to accept the blame for the recent failures if he would be given credit for the Super-Bowl wins. What's sad for him is- as the years of failure stack up, it just becomes clearer and clearer who deserves credit for the Super-Bowl wins. His ineptitude continues to diminish any "credit" he deserves for past glory.
......which is why he continues chasing it. He can't quit now and retire with 28 years of egg on his face.
After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media last night, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking. He doesn’t care as much about winning games as he does the visual aesthetics at his theater, uh I mean stadium.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. Boos and empty seats are only drowned out by the cheers of the opposing fans taking up half of AT&T. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. Lies about the salary cap and free agency options; lies about how “close” his teams have been. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy Johnson had been elected to the Pro Football HOF may have been the worst day in Jerry’s life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the real “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change. Maybe it’s time to step aside. This mess is yours.

Football Karma don’t care how much money your team is worth. It only pays attention to great rosters who get lots of playoff wins. And Jerry and his giggling entitled son don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to building a great roster in the cap era.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Uh Jerry it’s for you. Some lady named Karma. And she can’t be paid off.
I saw the same interview and the little lady who was asking the HARD questions needs to be given a pay raise! Jerry's forehead was all red and you could tell he was getting pissed with every question she was firing at him and the more questions she asked the more he reminded me of a dancing chicken and a lot of his answers made no sense at all! He looked like he was making crap just to get her off his back.....LOL!

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