Lamb’s feet were in on the touchdown

Only way it was a TD, if he could rotate his foot 180° and made his toe in bounds that way. So his heel would not have hit out of bounds.
It was the correct call. As odd as it seems, it is the rule, and was correct.
Can someone clarify for me, is the rule two toes or both feet or something?

Because his entire right foot came down in bounds, his entire left foot had to come down in bounds as well and not just his toes?
I thought that was the purpose of the toe tap. I guess you have to tap and fall forward. Weird rule. I don't know how they come up with some of this nonsense.
Well, they actually changed the rule recently but it makes complete sense. The entire step needs to be inbounds. Sometimes the entire step includes the heel, sometimes it doesn’t.

But I believe they changed it to when you’re going backwards you have to get the whole foot, heel and all, down. Ceedee obviously didn’t do that. That said, it’s stupid that you can’t toe tap moving backwards.
If Lamb would've drug his toe out of bounds instead of letting his heel drop out of bounds it would've been a TD.
So basically what it comes down to is, if your body is facing out towards the out of bounds, you are much more likely to make this sort of catch in bounds than if you are facing in towards the field. Basically in order for these sorts of catches to be in bounds, your heel can't touch down (out of bounds) at any point until you are on the ground
If he had 2 toes I would have been at TB.. ignore anything that talks about a full foot or a heel ..
It was a good call but also I get replaying it and giving your offense a timeout to call the easy TD we got. Plus there's a chance it could have been overturned because it was close.

Lamb made that play a lot closer than it deserved to be really.
Trash rule that needs to be adjusted. That was an incredible play by Lamb. He had a nice game today.
I think it’s a trash rule that you can no longer toe tap moving backwards off the field. Infinitely stupid.

That said, ceedee would have been out under the old rule too and I’m fine with that. He didn’t get the foot inbounds because the heel hit out. Doesn’t matter that the toe touched first because the step included the heel.

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