Landry tribute

I think this is the first time almost all players were in unison. The tightends, Murray, and even Wilcox all get into position at the same time. The guy behind Romo on the right (fullback?) ruined it though...

Oh well, lets get everybody on the same page next week :flagwave:
Sometimes it's the little things which galvanize a team.
You see this in the joy they have playing together.

The OL runs to congratulate the player who scored.

Dez celebrating Murray getting the score.

Even Escobar's second TD showed his emotion for perhaps the first time I've seen it.

They rally around each other. They have a commonality of purpose exhibited in the special things like The Hitch. The country club atmosphere seems to have go away and these guys appreciate each other.

Reminds me of the Hell, you remember them playing together and having fun.
I wish they would clean it up little and make it actually look like what they did.

Agreed, Wood. It shouldn't take much for them to dig up some old footage and show them how it's REALLY done.
I think this is the first time almost all players were in unison. The tightends, Murray, and even Wilcox all get into position at the same time. The guy behind Romo on the right (fullback?) ruined it though...

Oh well, lets get everybody on the same page next week :flagwave:

I think we need to practice it 12 more times to get it right.
The TV broadcast didn't show it all the way through because they were showing the celebration of the fumble. So you can pretty much only see the end of it when they are going back down. It is a neat tribute that they decided to do this year.
I missed it during the game this time. It always makes me giddy. I hope to see it many, many, many more times this season because it means we have won another game.

They cut to it at the last minute because they were showing all of the emotion on the sidelines. I don't know why there hasn't been any NW coverage of this especially given Troy was / is the booth. It's good copy.
The TV broadcast didn't show it all the way through because they were showing the celebration of the fumble. So you can pretty much only see the end of it when they are going back down. It is a neat tribute that they decided to do this year.

Thanks for that clarification. I rewound the DVR footage and wasn't sure they did it, this helps to know they did in fact complete it. Go Boys & thanks JG for bringing back this memory of the past.
This is the 4th game where Dallas has knelt down to end the game. Four out of 7 total games.

or, 4 out of the last 5 games they have gotten the chance to do the Landry shift! Twice at home against the Saints and Giants, and twice on the road at the Rams and Seahawks.

That is awesome.

In the GIF above, look how synchronized Martin and Frederick are. It looks like their helments are glued together they are so perfect with it.

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