Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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So when I am not on the internet reading about the cowboys or yelling at the TV when a game is on I am a Masters level therapist in Illinois who specializes in sex offenses. I am on the SOMB provider list in Illinois. SOMB means Sex Offender Management Board . this means that as a therapist I have done enough education and special training to be qualified to provide this specific therapy. So sex offenders and sex offense victims are pretty much what I work with all day. So here's my 2 cents on this whole thing. Now, I work in Illinois so the laws may be different, but when I got certified to do this specific therapy it was a national certification. But I am not saying I know everything or my knowledge is end all. I'm just sharing what I know is true and what I've observed doing this work the last 8 years.

1. If there is a video of Dez molesting or sexually assaulting a minor someone else, besides Dez, is in serious trouble. This is not something that is taken lightly. So if a person has a cell phone video of Dez sexually assaulting a minor and does not reveal that video for any length of time then that person is held liable. Meaning if I am video taping a girl getting sexually molested or assaulted and I hold onto that for any amount of time. If the perp assaults someone else during the time that I did not contact the police then I am in serious trouble with the law. Obstructing justice and a civil suit from the 2nd victim's family.

2. If I am the family of the victim of the sexual assault and I have a video of Dez assaulting me and I hold onto it for a couple years until he becomes a FA to collect on his pay day, then this is tricky. there's no clear cut law for this bizarre scenario. Most parents would want justice for their child being sexually abused and holding out for money would not look good in the court's eyes. And again if Dez were to sexually assault another girl then the original victim's family may have to answer to that. Again this is a very bizarre, cloudy scenario. and I am not saying the family possess the tape, this is just hypothetical.

3. If Walmart has the tape and has not turned it over to the police for any amount of time. Walmart is going to be sued so bad they'll lose everything. that victim's family can sue the snot out of Walmart and again if any other victims come forward and say they were also molested during the time walmart kept the video then Walmart is toast by the other victim's families.

4. If it's a walmart employee, see #1 and 3.
5. With any sexual misconduct to a minor it has to be reported ASAP. The liability involved is huge. It is a huge risk, legally and financially, to know of a sexual assault and not report it to the police. If that scenario ever plays out then the person with the knowledge can be tagged pretty bad for keeping it a secret. with sex offenders it's all about PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT, I can't say that strongly enough. If you know of a sexual assault/molesting of a minor and don't saying anything then the court system is going to hold you accountable for your role in the one victim's case and any other victims that have happened since then.

So what I'm saying is if this is a sexual thing with a minor then whoever has this tape is in just as much trouble as Dez. Dez will be punished differently than the person with the tape but the person with the tape will be in some pretty hot water. Especially if this occurred a couple years ago. Man that person is going to be hurting. So in my experience I would be shocked that this would be a sexual case involving a minor cuz the court would not be happy that people are "bidding" on the evidence, they'd be pissed about that. the person with the evidence is going to have a lot to answer to regardless of their age. My guess if a minor is involved it is a physical fight or something, but not sexual, not if it occurred a couple years ago.

Anyway, like I said, this is what I do for a living, so take it for what it's worth and I'm not saying I know everything about this subject. Just wanted to offer my 2 cents

I get what you are saying about Wal-Mart but lets say Manager Joe Bob knew and hid it and didn't report it, and the victim did not report it, you cannot hide something at the corporate level if there is no knowledge except for one employee and one individual and no police action or request.
I'm sure this has already been mentioned...but the whole let's see if dez bryants team buys the video bs sounds like a preemptive excuse for when nothing materializes...

That makes this story sound bogus to me
I wonder if his former agent has something to do with this. Lot of money lost, and the timing may be now so as to get even for it.
I honestly think if it truly is a bidding war the Cowboys have already bought the video... Only way it sees the light of day is if the person who has this video is hell bent on exposing dez or making him look bad.. If it is truly a bidding war Roc Nation or the Cowboys would have bought it a long long time ago
I'm sure this has already been mentioned...but the whole let's see if dez bryants tab buys the video bs sounds like a preemptive excuse for when nothing materializes...

That makes this story sound bogus to me

And it plants that seed of doubt in the public's mind if nothing comes out Dez covered it up not on them making crap up.
You'd think one of those supposed screen shots would leak by now with the way everyone in the media is always looking to break the story first. Something ain't right
The fact that no pics are leaked yet is weird, I wish Dez would take to Twitter or Facebook and squash it if it's not true. Going to be tired at work tomorrow for sure
The fact that no pics are leaked yet is weird, I wish Dez would take to Twitter or Facebook and squash it if it's not true. Going to be tired at work tomorrow for sure

Sleep well, it was pretty much proven that guy was trolling us. So this whole story in general, might be BS.
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