latest stupidity for Vick

theogt;1432831 said:
I was listening to Vick on NFL radio and he said he didn't bring it up because he didn't think anyone would believe him. It's not a very believable story, so he's probably right.

The bottom line is that he didn't get caught with marijuana so it's not really a big deal. It doesn't really matter what the bottle could be potentially used for. And I'd bet money that if they did find any trace of marijuana he would have been charged.

When you are celebrity, in the opinion of the public, you are guilty until proven innocent.

And when you are proven innocent, you got off for being a celebrity.:rolleyes:
theogt;1432831 said:
I was listening to Vick on NFL radio and he said he didn't bring it up because he didn't think anyone would believe him. It's not a very believable story, so he's probably right.

The bottom line is that he didn't get caught with marijuana so it's not really a big deal. It doesn't really matter what the bottle could be potentially used for. And I'd bet money that if they did find any trace of marijuana he would have been charged.

Well it did happen in Miami. Everything there has trace amounts of drugs on them. :D
why didn't it come out?
cause he is micheal vick and this is the first statement he has made since the whole crap went down.
you guys just want to hate on the guy, there is no finally this is the first time he has addressed it, everything else we heard was from the media.
And its a very believable story I have two of those very water bottles that I stash emergency cash in, both in my fridge at the moment. You can even drink the water. Very neat little things.
stealth;1432972 said:
why didn't it come out?
cause he is micheal vick and this is the first statement he has made since the whole crap went down.
you guys just want to hate on the guy, there is no finally this is the first time he has addressed it, everything else we heard was from the media.
And its a very believable story I have two of those very water bottles that I stash emergency cash in, both in my fridge at the moment. You can even drink the water. Very neat little things.

What hate? I am sure some have hate for the guy. I don't. I think those are pretty neat gadgets. Still doesn't explain why there would be some sort of residue smelling of marijuana in it. What is not believeable is that he waited two months before addressing it. Woud you wait that long if you were missing your possesions(jewelry)? These same possessions that are not mentioned in the official report. There doesn't have to be hate to see that this whole situation is kind of whack.
joseephuss;1433025 said:
What hate? I am sure some have hate for the guy. I don't. I think those are pretty neat gadgets. Still doesn't explain why there would be some sort of residue smelling of marijuana in it. What is not believeable is that he waited two months before addressing it. Woud you wait that long if you were missing your possesions(jewelry)? These same possessions that are not mentioned in the official report. There doesn't have to be hate to see that this whole situation is kind of whack.

the people at the airport kept the bottle and whatever was in it, I suspect it didn't smell like pot or anything else. It's a peice of schwagg. Bet it shows up on ebay.
joseephuss;1433025 said:
What hate? I am sure some have hate for the guy. I don't. I think those are pretty neat gadgets. Still doesn't explain why there would be some sort of residue smelling of marijuana in it. What is not believeable is that he waited two months before addressing it. Woud you wait that long if you were missing your possesions(jewelry)? These same possessions that are not mentioned in the official report. There doesn't have to be hate to see that this whole situation is kind of whack.
I don't think he was claiming that he had any missing jewelry. I think he's just claiming that the "secret compartment" was for storing jewelry (as opposed to marijuana).
Ahh who cares. There is nothing wrong with marijuana.

Reasons to Smoke Pot

1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.

2) Marijuana users report less depression

3) Marijuana does not cause emphysema, unlike tobacco.

4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)

5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors

6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.

7) There has never been a study to link marijuana with psychological problems, though it’s not for a lack of trying.

8 ) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

9) Marijuana fights hardened arteries

10) Marijuana has both stalled the growth of and eliminated brain tumors in rats. Such an experiment has yet to be done on humans.

11) Not that herd mentality is a good reason, but you’re not alone. Marijuana is the US’s number one crop.

12) Sex gets a whole lot better

13) 15 million people smoke it a month (US only).

16) Marijuana can prevent blindness.

17) Marijuana can prevent migraines.

18) Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. There is no physical addiction but a slight mental addiction can develop.

19) In 1977 the DEA wanted to decriminalize marijuana.

20) Haven’t you always wanted to be able to laugh at Pauly Shore?

21) Because legality isn’t a good enough reason for you to not smoke. Slavery was once legal and sodomy was once illegal; legality is a horrid barometer for morality.

22) Because getting “high” isn’t “bad.” Though you may not realize it, eating meat or candy or fried foods or vegetables or drinking coffee, tea, or soda all effect your mental state. All of these things can make you “high.”

23) Because we don’t yet know all of the benefits of marijuana; the government has tried for years to prove that it is harmful and has consistently failed. Very few studies have explored its benefits.

24) Because you would be in the company of Louis Armstrong, the Beatles, Bob Denver, Bill Clinton, George Bush (okay, never mind him), famous scientist Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Lewis Caroll, George Washington Carver, Salvador Dali, Al Gore, Steve Jobs, John kennedy, John Wayne, and George Washington.

25) Because it feels good.
Not that I'm for or against smoking marijuana, but there are numerous items in that list that are absolutely not true. For example, smoking marijuana can increase risks of lung cancer just as cigarettes can.
theogt;1433590 said:
Not that I'm for or against smoking marijuana, but there are numerous items in that list that are absolutely not true. For example, smoking marijuana can increase risks of lung cancer just as cigarettes can.
WEDNESDAY, May 24 (HealthDay News) -- A U.S. study concludes there is no link between smoking marijuana and increased risk of lung cancer -- even among heavy, long-term users.
theogt;1433590 said:
Not that I'm for or against smoking marijuana, but there are numerous items in that list that are absolutely not true. For example, smoking marijuana can increase risks of lung cancer just as cigarettes can.

Not only that, but, I'm not sharing mine with some damn rats, period!

Also, I always hide my weed in a jewelry bottle...or whatever Vick called it!

I like hash, but, I cannot get the damned corned beef lit!


:D I wonder if Fuzzy can do us an analysis on this subject?
otero1;1433592 said:
Have you actually read that? It doesn't prove that smoking marijuana doesn't contributed to higher risk of cancer. It only asks about 1600 people, some of which have cancer, if they ever smoked marijuana, and concludes that people that answered yes weren't more likely to have cancer. That doesn't prove much, and I assure you that inhaling smoke, be it from cigarettes, marijuana or any other substance, increases risk of cancer.
Pot is becomming a big issue here in the US. I saw on TV the other night kids in CA can get medical marujuanna cards for headachs, stress, etc. Kids are showing up in HS stoned and thier parents aren't informed (thank you hippa laws) and kids are basically giving the finger to the schools because they have the cards.

Just wait for the 1st NFL player to get busted in CA and have a card, that will be fun between the NFL and the players association.

Any CA posters in here that can elaborate on this ? I just see it on the news, would be interested to see what the CA locals think.
Jarv;1433620 said:
Pot is becomming a big issue here in the US. I saw on TV the other night kids in CA can get medical marujuanna cards for headachs, stress, etc. Kids are showing up in HS stoned and thier parents aren't informed (thank you hippa laws) and kids are basically giving the finger to the schools because they have the cards.

Just wait for the 1st NFL player to get busted in CA and have a card, that will be fun between the NFL and the players association.

Any CA posters in here that can elaborate on this ? I just see it on the news, would be interested to see what the CA locals think.

I was watching an episode of COPS and they rolled up to a fight between some neighbors and the cop asked one guy if is was smoking weed and the kid said yes he was but it for medical reasons...the cop said ok...then they went on to figure out why they were fighting.

So in can get a card to smoke weed...
theogt;1433601 said:
Have you actually read that? It doesn't prove that smoking marijuana doesn't contributed to higher risk of cancer. It only asks about 1600 people, some of which have cancer, if they ever smoked marijuana, and concludes that people that answered yes weren't more likely to have cancer. That doesn't prove much, and I assure you that inhaling smoke, be it from cigarettes, marijuana or any other substance, increases risk of cancer.

Well you are completely wrong on that one, marijuana smoke doesn't contribute to cancer. It is proven, and not in a survey. It's a fact, whether you can wrap your head around it or not. I am not going to spend the time to google and give links but I wrote a paper on it last year, its been proven.
Jarv;1433620 said:
Pot is becomming a big issue here in the US. I saw on TV the other night kids in CA can get medical marujuanna cards for headachs, stress, etc. Kids are showing up in HS stoned and thier parents aren't informed (thank you hippa laws) and kids are basically giving the finger to the schools because they have the cards.

Just wait for the 1st NFL player to get busted in CA and have a card, that will be fun between the NFL and the players association.

Any CA posters in here that can elaborate on this ? I just see it on the news, would be interested to see what the CA locals think.

lol ignorance is bliss.

and as for the NFL its a drug testing policy that they test for pot its a company standard that is beyond the laws.
stealth;1433711 said:
Well you are completely wrong on that one, marijuana smoke doesn't contribute to cancer. It is proven, and not in a survey. It's a fact, whether you can wrap your head around it or not. I am not going to spend the time to google and give links but I wrote a paper on it last year, its been proven.
Are you really disputing that marijuana smoke contains carcinogens? This fact is universally accepted by doctors and scientists.
Smoke in your lungs is unhealthy, period.

Doesn't mean it should be illegal. But that's a silly avenue for supporters to try to use.
theogt;1433721 said:
Are you really disputing that marijuana smoke contains carcinogens? This fact is universally accepted by doctors and scientists.

and yet, they use MArijuna to fight cancer?


Lts fight cancer with somethig that causes cancer
dargonking999;1433974 said:
and yet, they use MArijuna to fight cancer?


Lts fight cancer with somethig that causes cancer

Since when? Cancer patients can get it because it relieves pain....but I've never heard of it causing cancer.
Crown Royal;1433977 said:
Since when? Cancer patients can get it because it relieves pain....but I've never heard of it causing cancer.

I didnt say it did, he did

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