I don't think marijuana should be illegal. I put it on a level just under alcohol, which is much worse for people yet is legal. That being said, it is still illegal. A bad law is a law none the less. It needs to be changed, but that may or may not happen.
I don't smoke it myself. I have tried it. Didn't like it.
I don't believe it when it is claimed that pot has never killed anyone. Any drug has the potential to kill someone. Heck, there are people dying from drinking too much water. It may be a very, very low percentage of people susceptible to dying from an overdose of pot, but it is a possiblity.
That part doesn't matter as much anyway because if you want to kill yourself intentionally or accidentally from too much of any drug, that is your business. It is endangering other lives that should be monitored. Operating a vehicle or the like while high is just as dangerous as driving drunk. There should be no penalties for getting stinking drunk or high in your own house( as long as you aren't beating your spouse or kids). There should be stiffer penalites if you are out there endangering others. The stiffest penalties should be there when you actually do hurt or kill someone due to your negligence.