Led Zeppelin

Watching LZ open with TSRTS in 1977 was definitely one of my top LZ Highlights. It was so bloody powerful!!! When I listen to TSRTS from TSRTS, I imagine the opening from 1977!
Wow, where did you see them in 1977?
They were a juggernaut then by all accounts, everything was turned up to 11 and I mean everything!
Wow, where did you see them in 1977?
They were a juggernaut then by all accounts, everything was turned up to 11 and I mean everything!
I was in my 4th year in college, and I made it my business to see every Zeppelin show in Texas in 1977. So, I saw them in Dallas, Houston, and Ft. Worth.
Zeppelin were extremely popular in 1977, and they could have done a Taylor Swift like Stadium only Tour, but in many cases chose to do a 6 night stand in large arenas in cities like NY & LA.

But sadly, fate stepped in, and for both their '75 and '77 tours, most of their later dates were stadium date, and those dates never got fulfilled, because of tragedy. A car wreck in '75 involving Robert Plant while on a tour break, and, in '77 due to Robert Plant's young son dying.

I've often wondered if the band had plans to film some of those later stadium shows...
I was in my 4th year in college, and I made it my business to see every Zeppelin show in Texas in 1977. So, I saw them in Dallas, Houston, and Ft. Worth.
Zeppelin were extremely popular in 1977, and they could have done a Taylor Swift like Stadium only Tour, but in many cases chose to do a 6 night stand in large arenas in cities like NY & LA.

But sadly, fate stepped in, and for both their '75 and '77 tours, most of their later dates were stadium date, and those dates never got fulfilled, because of tragedy. A car wreck in '75 involving Robert Plant while on a tour break, and, in '77 due to Robert Plant's young son dying.

I've often wondered if the band had plans to film some of those later stadium shows...
I believe I have a soundboard recording of the Dallas 77 show.
Zeppelin might be the greatest classic rock band of all time!

Virtuoso musicians? Check
Top ten greatest rock vocalist and frontman? Check
Legendary guitarist with a vision for their sound? Check
Arguably the best rock drummer in history? Check
Multi instrumentalist? Check
Diverse catalog spanning multiple genres? Check

I like AC/DC, but they made the same album 15 times while Zepp kept evolving their sound.
Zeppelin might be the greatest classic rock band of all time!

Virtuoso musicians? Check
Top ten greatest rock vocalist and frontman? Check
Legendary guitarist with a vision for their sound? Check
Arguably the best rock drummer in history? Check
Multi instrumentalist? Check
Diverse catalog spanning multiple genres? Check

I like AC/DC, but they made the same album 15 times while Zepp kept evolving their sound.
IMO, Bon Scott made all his albums pretty much the same (But each one a lot of fun), and then Brian Johnson made his all the same (Also, all very fun). It's pretty coincidental that you said this, as I just this week received 2 T-shirts I'd ordered...1 AC/DC and 1 Led Zeppelin.

Zep is an example of the whole being much more than the sum of its parts. The way each of these geniuses worked together was amazing. I don't think they ever performed any song the same way twice, but they always played as one. Incredible.

Definitely the greatest rock band of all time. There are bands I'd rather listen too, such as Pink Floyd, but there's no denying Zep is the most talented.
IMO, Bon Scott made all his albums pretty much the same (But each one a lot of fun), and then Brian Johnson made his all the same (Also, all very fun). It's pretty coincidental that you said this, as I just this week received 2 T-shirts I'd ordered...1 AC/DC and 1 Led Zeppelin.

Zep is an example of the whole being much more than the sum of its parts. The way each of these geniuses worked together was amazing. I don't think they ever performed any song the same way twice, but they always played as one. Incredible.

Definitely the greatest rock band of all time. There are bands I'd rather listen too, such as Pink Floyd, but there's no denying Zep is the most talented.
Well said and I agree. I love Zepp for the reasons you mentioned and they covered so much ground in their songs. Jimmy Page was a huge influence for countless guitarists that followed.

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