Lee Corso gets his panties in a wad on The Ticket...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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LOS ANGELES - ESPN college football commentator Lee Corso joined hosts Bob Sturm and Dan McDowell on KTCK-AM in Dallas on Tuesday from the SMU Athletic Forum Luncheon, as Corso prepared to attend the Doak Walker Awards in Dallas Tuesday night.

What started out as a cliched collection of Corso's college football yarns, quickly turned unexpectedly awkward and increasingly tense after ESPN's clown prince of college football (ironically) objected to good-natured ribbing from McDowell. A heated on-air exchange ensued, with Corso eventually departing in a huff.

During the interview, Corso, who roomed with Burt Reynolds at Florida State, initially delighted in telling the duo the well-worn story about Reynolds posing nude in Cosmopolitan magazine.

At the end of his story about Reynolds' naked layout, Corso gushed, "He was the first guy basically to post nude ... in Cosmopolitan, and one thing lead to another ... and he became the leading movie star in the world."

KTCK-AM host McDowell then followed up Corso's comments about Reynolds by joking, "And not a lot of people know this, but Lee Corso was actually the second person to pose nude ... correct?"

Following the McDowell quip, an apparrently offended Corso went stone silent, with a stunned McDowell then saying, "Or did I read that wrong?"

After a long pause, Corso muttered, "I won't even give you ... next question." He then said, "I think that was very sarcastic and I don't appreciate it. And I'm not kidding."

McDowell: "Really?"

Corso: "Why would you say that? It's not funny at all. The people out there that don't know me, would say, 'what kind of jerk is this guy?'"

McDowell: "Well wouldn't you think most people out there listening know me?"

Corso: "They probably think you're a jerk ... you are a jerk."

McDowell: "We're having fun here. You're telling us funny stories about Burt Reynolds and now all of a sudden I'm a big jerk?"

Corso: "You are a big jerk, because of the fact you take a shot at me. Because you inferred the fact that I posed naked."

McDowell: "How is that a shot?"

Corso: "Because that's against what I would do."

McDowell: "And that's not a joke then? The irony of the whole situation? Lee Corso certainly wouldn't do that. Burt Reynolds would."

Corse: "Not to me. I don't appreciate people taking shots and joking at my expense, when I don't do that to anybody else."

McDowell: "Well I think that's real silly. I really do. I don't think you should be offended at all. And I thought we were laughing here and having a good time ... "

Corso interrupted: "Not at my expense."

McDowell then essentially showed Corso the door, saying, "I guess I should thank you for stopping by then?"

Corso: "Thank you very much. My pleasure."

*Sound of Corso abruptly taking off his headset and bolting from the broadcast location*

Click here to listen to audio of the tense exchange
(mp3 format).

McDowell and Sturm then said after the interview that the entire time that Corso was complaining about the comment, the radio hosts thought they were being pranked (which is a very common practice among show hosts at KTCK-AM). But they weren't, Corso was, for some reason, unquestionably upset at the innocent joke.

Sturm: "It seemed a like prank. And he actually shook our hand (when he left), and he seemed like he had the best time of his life."

McDowell: "To do a 180-degree mood swing like that almost seems not human."

Sturm: "I kept waiting for a Joe Pesci reaction (from the 'am I a clown to you, do I amuse you?' Goodfellas bit). For him (Corso) to say ... 'Gotcha!' ... he (Corso) didn't look mad."

Sturm next reported that Corso walked past their radio broadcast location about 30 minutes later, and "he (Corso) gave me a smile and pointed and smiled again. And he gave me a thumbs-up!"

At the end of segment, McDowell, referring to the ESPN commentator, said, "Well I'm sorry he (Corso) was such a wuss, and offended by throwaway comments."

Corso's constant comment about 'the people that are listening who don't know me' is absurd. He's been a fixture on ESPN for nearly 20 years and was appearing on a highly-rated sports radio station in Dallas - in a city that is a well-known haven for college football fans. How many people listening to him on the show didn't know who he was - or his self-deprecating act?

The obvious point of McDowell's quip was that Corso is pushing 70, and would never pose nude anytime, anywhere. Evidently that was lost on a man who has made millions making fun of himself.

It's all the more hard to swallow when a former coach with a career 41-68-2 record at Indiana objects to a harmless joke about him.

Finally, if Pete Carroll or Bob Stoops made a similar remark, do you think Corso would've made such a big stink? The best part of the interview was that Corso tried to "big-league" host McDowell into an apology for a blameless one-liner, and the host refused to yield.​
I heard that live when it ran. Talk about a tense conversation. I'm sure the real truth will never be knowsn but props to Dan for not backing down.

In a related story.....................

The man who would never pose nude and the #1 Dan-Hater in America - Lee Corso!!

***BP says...no half nude pics please....especially photoshopped pics of an old geezer.***
K19 said:
I heard that live when it ran. Talk about a tense conversation. I'm sure the real truth will never be knowsn but props to Dan for not backing down.

In a related story.....................

The man who would never pose nude and the #1 Dan-Hater in America - Lee Corso!!
:eek: Please don't ever do that again without a warning
I heard it this morning and thought it was funny. Corso was not in the mood to be picked on. I thought he was a jerk.
Sorry not my thread or I would have posted a not safe warning at the top hehe :D
K19 said:
I heard that live when it ran. Talk about a tense conversation. I'm sure the real truth will never be knowsn but props to Dan for not backing down.

In a related story.....................

The man who would never pose nude and the #1 Dan-Hater in America - Lee Corso!!
Somebody PLEASE find Corso's e-mail and let's bombard him with this picture!!
I think that Corso was over reacting, if he really was just not part of a bit they worked out.

But one thing is for sure....He told the truth about a certain someone on the ticket being a jerk...I would have added whiner in there as well.
Peyton & Archie Manning, Newey Scruggs and now Lee Corso.

Wow - Dan is making friends across the land, isn't he? And Scruggs wanted to take it a step further - he challenged McDowell to a fight.
GTaylor said:
Peyton & Archie Manning, Newey Scruggs and now Lee Corso.

Wow - Dan is making friends across the land, isn't he? And Scruggs wanted to take it a step further - he challenged McDowell to a fight.

He is one of the main reasons I can not even listen to the ticket any longer.
BrAinPaiNt said:
He is one of the main reasons I can not even listen to the ticket any longer.
That, and you have the sense of humor of a tree stump, you mean???

:p awwwwwww, I kiiiid, I KIIIIIIID!!!
I think I'm in the vast minority that actually likes Dan McDowell. I like the fact that he's always stood up to Rhyner. I can't hardly listen to the Hardline anymore. The only parts worth listening to are Corby's bits. Listening to those two talk sports is like nails on a chalkboard.
I think I'm in the vast minority that actually likes Dan McDowell. I like the fact that he's always stood up to Rhyner. I can't hardly listen to the Hardline anymore. The only parts worth listening to are Corby's bits. Listening to those two talk sports is like nails on a chalkboard.

I used to LOVE the Hardline... but Rhyner's whole schtick now is to aggravate the Cowboy fan...

I listen to Galloway & Company on ESPN Dallas in the afternoon...
Honestly, Corso makes a living off of his baffon act of donning the sweaty costume head of whatever mascot he supports on Nat TV Sat morns in the fall, then acts like a harmless "locker room-esk" dig, defecates all over his "Pope-like" persona!!!??? GIVE ME A BREAK!
DallasCowpoke said:
That, and you have the sense of humor of a tree stump, you mean???

:p awwwwwww, I kiiiid, I KIIIIIIID!!!

I actually am not as sensitive (or anal if you wish) in real life as I am on this board due to having to trying to keep the peace and blah blah blah.

However I will say that I have no tolerance, on the board or off the board, for racism and I think that station is full of veiled racist remarks and attitude.

Oh and please tell me you do not like Dan....I can understand someone being ok with Bob...but that dan is a putz.
trickblue said:
I used to LOVE the Hardline... but Rhyner's whole schtick now is to aggravate the Cowboy fan......

That's far from a recent phenomenon, he's been riding that horse since Jimmys departure.
DallasCowpoke said:
That's far from a recent phenomenon, he's been riding that horse since Jimmys departure.

True... but it gets worse every year...
trickblue said:
True... but it gets worse every year...

That and the idea that the Hardline are baseball junkies...and it sucks if you hate baseball.

To be fair to the ticket....it has been since this past offseason since I have listened to them...I got so I could not stand it for various reasons and switched to the ESPN one and that nipple head Brian Estridge or something like that got on my nerves and the official cowboy station was only part time on the radio.

Anyways they may have changed some things around for the better and I am still ripping on them for older stuff....if that is the case and they have changed for the better then maybe I will have to check it out again.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Oh and please tell me you do not like Dan....I can understand someone being ok with Bob...but that dan is a putz.

I honestly don't have a opinion on him either way, (other than he's just a long line of yankee carpet baggers, down here soaking up our Texas milk-and-honey).

While I do listen "almost" daily to the Musers, as soon as the clock hits 9:30 or so, I rarely tune into sports talk (or any talk radio for that matter), until the Hardline at 3. Then, I hardly ever listen to them past 5, once the local news starts, I turn the stereo off.

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