Lee Corso gets his panties in a wad on The Ticket...

BrAinPaiNt said:
That and the idea that the Hardline are baseball junkies...and it sucks if you hate baseball.

To be fair to the ticket....it has been since this past offseason since I have listened to them...I got so I could not stand it for various reasons and switched to the ESPN one and that nipple head Brian Estridge or something like that got on my nerves and the official cowboy station was only part time on the radio.

Anyways they may have changed some things around for the better and I am still ripping on them for older stuff....if that is the case and they have changed for the better then maybe I will have to check it out again.

Yeah... the Hardline is bitter that Dallas is a football town and not baseball...

They have the same handfull of baseball fans that always call in during the painful 8 month steroid enema that is baseball...

They used to run Michael Irvin in the GROUND... but now that he does a show with them during the football season they can't plant their lips on his arse quick enough...
Here's what I've never gotten. People who bag on The Ticket for "why don't you guys ever talk sports??"

Exactly WHAT is there to TALK about, 24/7, 365?? Then, when they DO "talk sports," say baseball, basketball, hockey, whatever, and it happens to be a sport you don't like so much, ppl BAG on them for THAT!!

Honestly, if they DID "talk sports," TWENTY FOUR/SEVEN, every segment, all day, ad nausium, HONESTLY, how much would you really listen, or for that matter, CARE ABOUT??
DallasCowpoke said:
Here's what I've never gotten. People who bag on The Ticket for "why don't you guys ever talk sports??"

Exactly WHAT is there to TALK about, 24/7, 365?? Then, when they DO "talk sports," say baseball, basketball, hockey, whatever, and it happens to be a sport you don't like so much, ppl BAG on them for THAT!!

Honestly, if they DID "talk sports," TWENTY FOUR/SEVEN, every segment, all day, ad nausium, HONESTLY, how much would you really listen, or for that matter, CARE ABOUT??

Oh I have no problem with "guy talk" as they term it... I like D & M and Norm.... I like the Hardline too... it's just the baseball talk (Which they do LOTS) is just not interesting to me...
trickblue said:
Oh I have no problem with "guy talk" as they term it... I like D & M and Norm.... I like the Hardline too... it's just the baseball talk (Which they do LOTS) is just not interesting to me...

Usually not to me either, but I just tune it out when/if it gets too much.

Also, always gives me a good giggle how the same folks that profess the loudest about they can't stand to listen to station "XYZ," are generally the 1st ones to post the "Breaking News.... "Just heard on blank" threads ASAP!

I listen to the Ticket every weekday starting at 5:30 am when I get up. I LOVE the Musers, and I LOVE BadRadio. I can take Norm, and I HATE Dale. My radio goes off for an hour when Dale comes on. Then when I get home around 4-ish. I listen to the Hardline whilst doing some chores, Laundry, dishes, trash..etc...then at 5pm, my Radio goes off for the day when my Rachael Ray comes on FOODTV.

There ya have, more info than any of you probably care to know.

Stay Hard
Baby Arm
I listen to the Ticket every weekday starting at 5:30 am when I get up. I LOVE the Musers, and I LOVE BadRadio. I can take Norm, and I HATE Dale. My radio goes off for an hour when Dale comes on. Then when I get home around 4-ish. I listen to the Hardline whilst doing some chores, Laundry, dishes, trash..etc...then at 5pm, my Radio goes off for the day when my Rachael Ray comes on FOODTV.

There ya have, more info than any of you probably care to know.

Stay Hard
Baby Arm

Argg...I knew there was something about you....Darn Rachel Ray...she is ok if the TV is on mute but I can hear that annoying laugh of hers a mile away when the wife has that show on. :mad:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Argg...I knew there was something about you....Darn Rachel Ray...she is ok if...

...you're into walking fire hydrants w/ lop-sided boobs!!

You momos are missing the boat if you want "food-babes," to peel your tubers to....

Giada De Laurentiis of Food Network's, "Everyday Italian"​
DallasCowpoke said:
...you're into walking fire hydrants w/ lop-sided boobs!!

You momos are missing the boat if you want "food-babes," to peel your tubers to....

Giada De Laurentiis of Food Network's, "Everyday Italian"​

Wow....you like that big headed lady?

Her head is so big it looks like she is wearing one of those mardi gras outfits.

The thing is huge.
DallasCowpoke said:
You're talking about DeLaurentis' forehead, or the forearms on that Russian weight lifter, Ray??


I do not think Rachel ray is that hot myself.

As far as DeLarentis...it is not just her forehead....it is her whole head...the thing is huge.

Me and the wife get a giggle out of it and then one day the wife's little sister was down when the show was on and she blurted out....Why is that woman's head so big lol.

Either way I would rather watch her over rachel ray....rachel gets on my last nerve.
DallasCowpoke said:
You're talking about DeLaurentis' forehead, or the forearms on that Russian weight lifter, Ray??


Bear in mind that BP has LONG had his eye on this little spinner of a chef...
trickblue said:
Bear in mind that BP has LONG had his eye on this little spinner of a chef...

Nothing like a giant woman who was blitzed half the time :p
BrAinPaiNt said:
Me and the wife get a giggle out of it and then one day the wife's little sister was down when the show was on and she blurted out....Why is that woman's head so big...

Ohhhhhhh yea, THAT'S the ticket... Denizens of W. Virginia, that BASTION of the symmetrical human form, dictating policy on cranium circumference for the rest of us!!

DallasCowpoke said:
Ohhhhhhh yea, THAT'S the ticket... Denizens of W. Virginia, that BASTION of the symmetrical human form, dictating policy on cranium circumference for the rest of us!!


That's right....we have to remind you guys from texas that believe bigger is always better...that sometimes it is not. :p ;)
All this time wasted on the Food Channel....

Besides I know that Dallascowpoke really has a thing for this person and those other pics were just to cover it up.


DallasCowpoke said:
Here's what I've never gotten. People who bag on The Ticket for "why don't you guys ever talk sports??"

Exactly WHAT is there to TALK about, 24/7, 365?? Then, when they DO "talk sports," say baseball, basketball, hockey, whatever, and it happens to be a sport you don't like so much, ppl BAG on them for THAT!!

Honestly, if they DID "talk sports," TWENTY FOUR/SEVEN, every segment, all day, ad nausium, HONESTLY, how much would you really listen, or for that matter, CARE ABOUT??
I used to think the same until I lived in Miami, listening to the Jet fan ragging on Dolphin fan, followed by Dolphin fan ragging on Jet fan, then Heat fan rags on Knick fan, so on and so on.

I loved, and still think highly of Sturm, however Dans an idiot who brings nothing but "Whacky FM morning bits", sorry but if I want lame bits I'll turn it to Kidd Kradick.

I used to listen to Hardline, except they don't know (As well as the fans) what they're talking about baseball-wise. Greggo griped about how we're misusing players who were not even on the team anymore, fans griped about the Urbina trade to Florida in 03 because "We didn't get pitching in return" (Know that the trade was so lopsided in our favor we were getting congratulatory faxes from rival teams). When Corby joined and added his lame sthick it just got worse.

Then again, I'm a JT the Brick, Chuck Cooperstein diehard and prefer the passionate fans who challenges fans of other teams, so maybe it's just my preference...
GTaylor said:
I used to think the same until I lived in Miami, listening to the Jet fan ragging on Dolphin fan, followed by Dolphin fan ragging on Jet fan, then Heat fan rags on Knick fan, so on and so on.

Then again, I'm a JT the Brick, Chuck Cooperstein diehard and prefer the passionate fans who challenges fans of other teams, so maybe it's just my preference...

I suppose so, to each his own I guess, but "dude, your team blows" is just not exactly entertaining radio to me past about the 15-min mark.
DallasCowpoke said:
Why is Kato, from the "Green Hornet," eating a yellow bellpepper?? Is he a vegan or something??

Kato from the Green Hornet was none other than the late great Bruce Lee. Just in case you weren't aware.

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