Less than 24 hours away, and...


Arch Defender
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I honestly have zero feel for tomorrows game. I thought last weekend was a DEAD SOLID LOCK win and we were set up perfectly. Playing an offensively challenged team with a rookie QB, at home, that was coming off a devastating loss in a key division game the week before. We were coming off a huge divisional win ourselves, and were playing dominating defense since basically the bye week.

So I can honestly say I wont be surprised at any outcome tomorrow. This is the classic example of a helter-skleter team, and we have the classic example of a helter-skleter QB leading us. I wont be surprised if we win, win fairly easy or blow them out. Likewise I wont be surprised if we fold like a house of cards ourselves and lose 9even lose badly) to a team that probably will be playing for nothing.

As I've said all week, the game pretty much comes down to Romo. We cant win when he plays like garbage, and he has played awful in 2 of our last 3 games. He has to step up and take care of the football, and realize that every play doesnt need to be a 50yd TD pass. There's nothing wrong with checking down to outlet guys or even throwing the ball away. Likewise the defense cant blow the game like it did last week with a laugher of an alltime like effort of giving up length of the field TD's on back to back running plays. It'd be nice if our DB's stepped up (particularly those safeties, who dont do anything) and make some POSITIVE plays for us.

I wont be surprised at any outcome tomorrow, but there ultimately is no excuse for this team, with this kind of talent to miss the playoffs. I dont care how anyone (including the owner) wants to spin it, not making the playoffs is a failure of epic proportions. People (coaches and players alike) should lose their jobs here if we arnt playing somewhere next weekend.


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dbair1967;2526328 said:
I honestly have zero feel for tomorrows game. I thought last weekend was a DEAD SOLID LOCK win and we were set up perfectly. Playing an offensively challenged team with a rookie QB, at home, that was coming off a devastating loss in a key division game the week before. We were coming off a huge divisional win ourselves, and were playing dominating defense since basically the bye week.

So I can honestly say I wont be surprised at any outcome tomorrow. This is the classic example of a helter-skleter team, and we have the classic example of a helter-skleter QB leading us. I wont be surprised if we win, win fairly easy or blow them out. Likewise I wont be surprised if we fold like a house of cards ourselves and lose 9even lose badly) to a team that probably will be playing for nothing.

As I've said all week, the game pretty much comes down to Romo. We cant win when he plays like garbage, and he has played awful in 2 of our last 3 games. He has to step up and take care of the football, and realize that every play doesnt need to be a 50yd TD pass. There's nothing wrong with checking down to outlet guys or even throwing the ball away. Likewise the defense cant blow the game like it did last week with a laugher of an alltime like effort of giving up length of the field TD's on back to back running plays. It'd be nice if our DB's stepped up (particularly those safeties, who dont do anything) and make some POSITIVE plays for us.

I wont be surprised at any outcome tomorrow, but there ultimately is no excuse for this team, with this kind of talent to miss the playoffs. I dont care how anyone (including the owner) wants to spin it, not making the playoffs is a failure of epic proportions. People (coaches and players alike) should lose their jobs here if we arnt playing somewhere next weekend.

I've been home all day and every so often I'll think about the game. Usually I'll be very confident, or very uneasy about the game.....I have no fell for what going to happen tomorrow......

Maybe I have been able to follow through with the stance I took after the Raven game......not expecting this team to come through, but willing to be suprised.

Just no feel, so I get what you're saying.

Here's hoping this team can do something to get us back to expecting great things.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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I agree with you, dbair. You just never know with this team. I have never seen a more talented bunch of losers on a Cowboys team than this one, and I've been a fan since the beginning of the franchise.

We've had bad teams that lost but you expect that. This Cowboys team has the talent to win and maybe even dominate; but you just can't rely on them to get it done.

Nonetheless, I love the Cowboys and always will. My hope is that something finally clicks with them and they play up to their talent level on a consistent basis.


Negativity King
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I'm prepared for a loss.

I just can't get excited about this team. :pink:


Well-Known Member
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I want this win so bad and not cause it puts us in the playoffs but rather to shut those philly fans up it would make their year to end our season and just like last year when the giants did the offseason will be VERY long if we have to listen to those clowns all year, trust me when i say if we lose they'll all come crawling out of the woodwork like the cockroaches they are

Cry Eagles cry!

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Late last week, I was saying I had a bad, bad feeling about the Ravens game but a much better feeling about this one. Now I'm not so sure. I think I've just read the board too much this week. :(


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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dbair1967;2526328 said:
I wont be surprised at any outcome tomorrow, but there ultimately is no excuse for this team, with this kind of talent to miss the playoffs. I dont care how anyone (including the owner) wants to spin it, not making the playoffs is a failure of epic proportions. People (coaches and players alike) should lose their jobs here if we arnt playing somewhere next weekend.

I agree 100%, I know if I don't produce on my job and do what I was hired for, I probably wouldn't be around long.

And they wouldn't give me a two or three year stay.

Whats the diff:confused:


Reaction score
I'm confident.

Why? Because the Eagles are going to get a huge letdown right before the game begins when the Bucs beat the Raiders.

The Ravens were playing for their lives last week.

The Eagles will begin this game playing for nada and half of them will be planning their next vacation in their mind by halftime.

So I guess I am 50% confident that the Cowboys play well and 50% confident that the Eagles lay down for us.


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NY Post

COWBOYS (+1 1/2) AT EAGLES (4:15)

Dallas has covered four straight in conference and is 17-7-1 the week after a loss. The underdog has covered seven of eight, and the road team has covered four straight in this series. Philadelphia has covered just one of 17 as a favorite of a field goal or less.


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I hope every snap of the ball that our defense thinks about Westbrook kneeling at the 1 yard line. I want to see beastly action by our D like they brought vs Seattle. (And this time the secondary can join them)


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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This team = 0 confidence.


Arch Defender
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l2obert;2526468 said:
I hope every snap of the ball that our defense thinks about Westbrook kneeling at the 1 yard line. I want to see beastly action by our D like they brought vs Seattle. (And this time the secondary can join them)

I think I'd rather them remember those feeble attempts to tackle the RB at the end of last weeks game.


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dbair1967;2526480 said:
I think I'd rather them remember those feeble attempts to tackle the RB at the end of last weeks game.

That too. Hamlin needs to have the game of the season to make up for last week. Spencer too.


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l2obert;2526468 said:
I hope every snap of the ball that our defense thinks about Westbrook kneeling at the 1 yard line. I want to see beastly action by our D like they brought vs Seattle. (And this time the secondary can join them)

I doubt there are any hard feelings over that kneel-down. It was a smart play, they probably have a little respect...


Active Member
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The great thing about playing football is that come tomorrow at 3 central everyone in that locker room can forget about confidence,what happened last week, the media, playoffs, and just be emotionally in the moment and ready to play a football game. A game we all love and have or have had fun playing. Dig down in your FREAKING GUT AND GET READY TO BUST SOME CHIN STRAPS!


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We're going to win this game by double digits. Mark it down. :D I have a real good feeling about this one.


Well-Known Member
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lcharles;2526410 said:
I'm prepared for a loss.

I just can't get excited about this team. :pink:

I'm with you. I will get excited once we are in. Only because I am tired of my heart hurting after a loss.

So I will watch tomorrows game, cheering hard for the boys, hoping for the best, expecting the worst.


Well-Known Member
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sacowboysfan513;2526573 said:
I'm with you. I will get excited once we are in. Only because I am tired of my heart hurting after a loss.

So I will watch tomorrows game, cheering hard for the boys, hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

If you're a TRUE fan, your heart is gonna hurt after any loss. Preparing yourself for the worse won't help one bit. You're fooling yourself if you think it will. A loss always cuts deep, it's just part of being a TRUE fan. It's ok tho cause it works both ways, W's feel damn good my friend and that's what we're gettin tomorrow. A big fat W!!!!!:D