Let women into Augusta golf club

Sam I Am;4491443 said:
The Masters is a PGA event. If they (Augusta) hold a non-PGA, non-sponsored event, it won't be The Masters.

Roll forward. Someone has to supply the winnings. If nobody sponsors an even, they it must be funded privately. Now tell me. How long do you think that is going to last? Not long. You under estimate the power of big business. If public outcry demands that big business not sponsor an event, they will stop or lose business. If big business doesn't sponsor the event, that event will eventually fold.

So, as a pro golfer. (especially one that doesn't win very often.) Do you go play Augusta for chump change or do you go play a PGA event that pays very well? Especially of the top golfers go play Augusta that year?

If people demand it, it will happen.

Yes it would the PGA does not control the Masters. You underestimate the power the individuals have on the PGA. PGA would love Tiger to play in more events but he doesn't and they can force him. Top Golfers will continue to play the Masters championship. As for Sponsers the Master has already shown they can do it without it. There are many non PGA events players already play in. PGA can't force them to do a damn thing
Cythim;4491353 said:
The problem in this specific case comes with the implied business transactions happening within the club itself. IBM is now at a disadvantage if their female CEO cannot get into the club and rub elbows with other members of the business elite. I really cannot speculate how much of a disadvantage it truly is, but it represents the hardships women face in obtaining and remaining in positions of power.

It would be a disadvantage if it was deemed as a business meeting perhaps. It is indeed entertainment and also a private club. If I am not in that club so be it. There are plenty of folks that can not go to my course...they are not members of the private club.
Doomsday101;4491378 said:
But in the end Augusta does not serve the community they do not get tax payer money they have the right to determine their membership which as I have stated is at 300 members. IBM as a sponsor of the Masters clearly has the right to not sponsor it but they don't have the right to force Augusta to change their strict policy on its membership.

I never suggested legal athority to change the policy, only pointing out why it could be a big deal.
burmafrd;4491402 said:
oh wah wah wah

it that is the best case you can make its pathetic

Considering your obvious inability to rebute it, I would say it is a good case.
SkinsandTerps;4491566 said:
It would be a disadvantage if it was deemed as a business meeting perhaps. It is indeed entertainment and also a private club. If I am not in that club so be it. There are plenty of folks that can not go to my course...they are not members of the private club.

If business people meet there and make handshake deals then it is a disadvantage to anyone who is not allowed in.
arglebargle;4491305 said:
Commerce Clause allows the federal government to mess with pretty much anything. It's another example of why we should always be leary of broadly based law enacted in a time of crisis.

Not everything, certain things have been protected before by the courts. Most private entities funded entirely by donations or commercial revenue contracts are excluded from interstate commerce based on past precedent.

When I was stationed up there in Augusta(Ft Gordon),some big shot showed up to the doors of Augusta National wanting to shoot a round of golf.
He was politely reminded of the club rules and denied entrance.
They do not mess around with their rules,and why should they?

That big shot who was turned away at the gates of Augusta National?

The President of the United States,Bill Clinton.
casmith07;4490985 said:
Gender based discrimination is illegal, but the "private club" good ole boys network style of control is still somehow allowed to be above the law.

Go try to join an all female fitness center.
Those places are private enterprises.
They have the right to deny you entry/membership based on gender.

Are they too above the law?
I'm not sure The Masters is a PGA event. I believe the PGA Tour recognizes it as one of the Four Majors and goes towards points and official stats.
Doomsday101;4490264 said:
That would be nice as well. I would just love one time to play at that course. Not going to happen. :D

I've played Augusta (won't divulge how I managed that) one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had. When you're walking the course you can't stop thinking about its history especially when you reach Amen Corner.
MetalHead;4491798 said:
Go try to join an all female fitness center.
Those places are private enterprises.
They have the right to deny you entry/membership based on gender.

Are they too above the law?

Of course not, because only white men can be oppressors in modern American society. Duh.
viman96;4491813 said:
I'm not sure The Masters is a PGA event. I believe the PGA Tour recognizes it as one of the Four Majors and goes towards points and official stats.

It's an official PGA Tour event and is one of the 4 Majors.
viman96;4491813 said:
I'm not sure The Masters is a PGA event. I believe the PGA Tour recognizes it as one of the Four Majors and goes towards points and official stats.

It is an official PGA Tour event, but I incorrectly stated that it was owned by the PGA. It was created by Augusta Golf Club.

Of course that will won't change the fact that if public outcry was strong enough, the PGA and it's players would not play the Masters.
Sam I Am;4491831 said:
It is an official PGA Tour event, but I incorrectly stated that it was owned by the PGA. It was created by Augusta Golf Club.

Of course that will won't change the fact that if public outcry was strong enough, the PGA and it's players would not play the Masters.

The Masters has gone in alone before and willing to do it again. Now you are right if the players choose not to play that would be a different story but the PGA can't force them to play or not to play. As for Sponsors the PGA does not furnish sponsor to any event it is the event organizers who go out and hustle the sponsor ship. Houston Shell Open for instance PGA did not set that up the tournament organizers here in Houston set that relationship up same with all the tour events.

I do think one day Augusta National will allow women in their club just as they did with allowing black membership however Hootie Johnson will not have it forced on him. The more people push the more stubborn he will get. They will do it on their own time table and not as Johnson put it "at the point of a bayonet"
The PGA Tour does not run The Masters. Augusta National GC does. The PGA Tour recognizes it as one of the four Majors.
The PGA Tour would also need the European Tour and the Japan Tour to not recognize The Master as well because all three use the results and money earned on their official rankings.
The30YardSlant;4491069 said:
Doesn't matter, it's a private club that has the right to refuse membership to anyone for any reason they see fit.

What anybody thinks about it is totally irrelevant and not really worth discussing IMO. It's no different than private female gyms which refuse membership to men.

there might be safety issues re the latter

just because something is private doesn't mean it can discriminate, I privately own a building, should I be allowed not to rent to blacks or hispanics?
CanadianCowboysFan;4491987 said:
there might be safety issues re the latter

just because something is private doesn't mean it can discriminate, I privately own a building, should I be allowed not to rent to blacks or hispanics?

take a hike canook. This is an American only thread
CanadianCowboysFan;4491987 said:
there might be safety issues re the latter

just because something is private doesn't mean it can discriminate, I privately own a building, should I be allowed not to rent to blacks or hispanics?

Your wrong

When dealing with private individuals, the Federal civil rights statutes only reach as far as public accommodations. Thus, while it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race or national origin in hotels, restaurants, theaters, public transportation and public parks, the Federal civil rights laws do not make it unlawful for bona fide private clubs and religious organizations to discriminate on whatever basis they choose.

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