So I’m pretty sure everyone has different minor/major problems almost daily or there about, that’s life. Do these things ever get under your skin and make you a little crazy? How do you shake it off?
There are a lot of really good suggestions already so I will offer just a few thoughts:
While I really enjoy my wine and my bourbon, generally that is not the place I go when I am frustrated. For me, anyway, it typically exacerbates the frustration.
Similar to
@CouchCoach (and, others), I am a type A personality. It is not so much that things got under my skin as much as I
invited them in.
So, my first piece of advice is surround yourself with those not easily frustrated, those that can go with the flow. My wife has the patience of Job and it has finally worn off on me.
Second, find a distraction... not just any old distraction, but one you love doing. My winter "distraction" is snowplowing (and, boy, do we get a lot of snow in NW Montana). There is nothing quite like plowing a few miles of road, in a blizzard, with AC/DC blaring, "Highway to Hell".
In the summer, it is gardening and scuba diving. And FWIW, I did a lot of diving this summer.
Good luck, my friend and kudos to you for your post.