Lmao I Love It !!!

KINGBRICE_28 said:
Well at least it wasn't all in caps..........That statement alone proves your immaturity. "Obviously" I wouldn't have posted my response if it wasn't for YOUR "goofy teams website" being the home to trolls everywhere. It seems like everytime I come over here someone has started a, " haha I just got banned thread."

If you haven't noticed your own mods don't approve what you are doing. No you aren't breaking any rules or going to get in trouble but I'd imagine you are on someones ignore list now. I don't come here to troll so don't treat me like one.

All my point was is that the threads about us over there are getting out of hand and you are not helping any.

If you haven't noticed not too many people are defending your point right now regardless of being a cowboys fan. Just grow up and respect the rivalry for what it is.
Agree completly. Gettin banned is nothing to be proud of. I can see a thread about being pissed if you unfairly got banned *cough* but this is kinda stupid...
Parcells said:
either if they reply or not beleive me every cowboy fan is smiling when there reading this!!!! Call it immature.. Doesnt matter to me right?


:skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins:
I know one that isn't. Haven't you noticed everyone stopped posting here? They are probably ashamed...
Tio said:
Parcells, if you started a thread just bashing the skins, you would have, and should have gotten banned. Opposing fans that can't make intelligent debates besides flaming the other team is what we call a troll.

hey if there ashamed then whats the whole point of even having a rivarly this is what its all about man.. in fact were in the Smash Talk threads.. so if you cant take this or you cowboys fans that feel ashamed im sorry but when I see someone always bashing our BOYZ you darn right im going to post some of the QUOTES that are being said.. Works both ways and I will never let SKINZ ever take the upper hand on our BOYZ especially in our forums or on me. and then to attack me by saying "YOUR MOM" if you ask me HE NEEDS TO BE BANNED!. If yall think I should be banned for this just call DALE up and ask him if I should be I also use "DOOMSDAYCOWBOY" as a name as well. He knows just how much I stick up for our boyz.. And I only posted this thread for only cowboy fans to read and reply to.. Ofcourse if a Redchins fan would reply they try to turn everything around. beleive me I know Cowboy fans that are reading this are smiling A FACT!. Maybe not all of them but about 99% of them are!!


:skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins:
Parcells - I can't take your posts here seriously, not enough smileys

/sarcasm - chill on the smileys, the more you add the weaker the words in the post...
:) Parcells, You're alright in my book I just like messin' with your head. As much as we hate each others teams we have to remember that we'll probably never meet in person so try not to get upset.

At least we can agree on one thing though.,,.....

tothewhipbill said:
a troll in cowboys gear is STILL a troll.

Ding Ding Ding...and contrary to what he thinks, I do not find it amusing, I actually find it annoying and immature to have someone come back and brag about being banned over there for doing stupid stuff.
KINGBRICE_28 said:
:) Parcells, You're alright in my book I just like messin' with your head. As much as we hate each others teams we have to remember that we'll probably never meet in person so try not to get upset.

At least we can agree on one thing though.,,.....

Amen to that
Parcells said:
hey if there ashamed then whats the whole point of even having a rivarly this is what its all about man.. in fact were in the Smash Talk threads.. so if you cant take this or you cowboys fans that feel ashamed im sorry but when I see someone always bashing our BOYZ you darn right im going to post some of the QUOTES that are being said.. Works both ways and I will never let SKINZ ever take the upper hand on our BOYZ especially in our forums or on me. and then to attack me by saying "YOUR MOM" if you ask me HE NEEDS TO BE BANNED!. If yall think I should be banned for this just call DALE up and ask him if I should be I also use "DOOMSDAYCOWBOY" as a name as well. He knows just how much I stick up for our boyz.. And I only posted this thread for only cowboy fans to read and reply to.. Ofcourse if a Redchins fan would reply they try to turn everything around. beleive me I know Cowboy fans that are reading this are smiling A FACT!. Maybe not all of them but about 99% of them are!!

Let me respond to this and explain something to you. As a Cowboys fan I have a pretty healthy dislike of the Commanders. I also have a healthy respect for their team and what they have accomplished. More than anything else regarding them though I have a job here as a Mod that often intertwines with their fans.

The fact that you think it is okay for you and other Cowboys fans to go to their forums and be a jerk means that they should have the same rights here. You can take it from me as someone who has to deal with the fools from their fandom who think just as you do that there is nothing noble or "funny" about it.

It doesn't make you look like a "true fan" of the Cowboys to go over there and be disrespectful. It makes you look like a Cowboys troll and that comes back to reflect badly on the rest of us.

Lastly let me expalin what a waste of time it is to act like a troll. I will use someone else as an example. We had a troll come on here and post one message that he and his fellow fools probably thought was real "funny." Please don't ask me to show it to you because we deleted it and banned him. You see for all intents and purposes he and his brilliant contribution never existed.

If that sort of "notariety" appeals to you I'd suggest a career as a cypher.

Your comedy over there had about as much impact as a feather thrown at a target 100 yards away.

I congratulate you on your incredible failure, because it wasn't a success by any wild stretch. They don't remember you. They will remember fans from this team who can intelligently debate with them.


As someone else said, "a Cowboys troll is still a troll."
I totally agree. I am trying to set the example between the sites and guys like this who insist on participating in the insanity don't help much.

I apprieciate you all understanding the fact that true fans are not made by smack talk.
Listen guys, the only reason i even posted this thread or started it was because, everytime I went to extremeskins.com there was someone always bashing our cowboys!!! Always something they had an excuse or some weird reason why our cowboys are no good. Well either I get mad reading them or sometimes they make me just "LMAO" just like this guy I quoted when I started the thread. This "TROLL" bashing now that has started is something I never do and im not "A" Troll! I got BANNED from ExtremeSkins.com just for being a Cowboyz Fan!! With my DoomsdayCowboy name I posted one time just one freaking time on there site in regarding Dan Snyder always signing big free agents, and all my post was saying that Dan cant always buy every big name Free Agent. And the very next day I found myself BANNED.. SO I AM PROUD that I was banned for being a Cowboys Fan and im proud I wont be apart of some sickos running that site.. Not for being a FREAKING TROLL! maybe some of you peeps are trolls and pretending to be cowboys fan. and all you Commanders fans coming in here, atleastCowboyz Zone isnt banning you from listing your opinions on what the cowboys should do for there team. Shoot you even know if you talk smack with someone on here you wont get banned which makes you a "DOUBLETROUBLETROLL" butt let a cowboy fan do that at EXTREMECHINS and you will get EXECuted.. YOu know what I dont care what anyone thinks about me and I dont care what any Commanders fan thinks about my posts. and not ina Dallas cowboy website are they gonna do that to me thats why I get mad and that is why I laugh sometimes... but I cant beleive I could ever have a Commanders fan in our Cowboys website calling me a TROLL UN freaking beleivable!!! CALL IT IMMATURE or WHATEVER!!! why dont you go get your friends and go play TROLLLS AND INDIANS. :skins: :skins: :skins:
Parcells said:
I got BANNED from ExtremeSkins.com just for being a Cowboyz Fan!!
Here's what you posted:


FACE IT GUYS.. After all the scars starting with Snyder buying the team then the busts with our head coaches and big contracts and trades.. All these are scars and its gonna take time for them to go away.. its been so embarrassing and to think we been losing to Dallas for so long.. They own us.. Oh well Ive allready gave up hope on this season since the Boyz beat us.. Let me hear what yall have to say.. ? So many positions to be filled.. Poor Gibbs if he onlyknew what he was getting into.??

And here's what the rules state ( that you didn't read ) :


We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.

First of all, this is a website created by Commanders fans, maintained by Commanders fans, and devoted, primarily, to Commanders football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.

We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Commanders fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.

We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Commanders football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Commanders machismo here because that is part of the Commanders experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.

We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.

You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.

We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.

Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.


Any Questions......
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Here's what you posted:


FACE IT GUYS.. After all the scars starting with Snyder buying the team then the busts with our head coaches and big contracts and trades.. All these are scars and its gonna take time for them to go away.. its been so embarrassing and to think we been losing to Dallas for so long.. They own us.. Oh well Ive allready gave up hope on this season since the Boyz beat us.. Let me hear what yall have to say.. ? So many positions to be filled.. Poor Gibbs if he onlyknew what he was getting into.??

And here's what the rules state ( that you didn't read ) :


We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.

First of all, this is a website created by Commanders fans, maintained by Commanders fans, and devoted, primarily, to Commanders football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.

We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Commanders fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.

We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Commanders football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Commanders machismo here because that is part of the Commanders experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.

We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.

You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.

We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.

Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.

Any Questions......
Yeah, *** is up with those rules...
King Brice, so you agree that I had deserved to get banned from that post I made in Extremeskins.com? See thats why I was proud to be banned from there, all I did was say what I thought was true and in my opinion its still true what I said in that post. Snyder cant buy a Championship and poor Gibbs going to ruin his legacy before its all said and done with. You know ive heard this from Commanders fans saying the same thing why dont yall go ban them!! Just for saying what yalls teams problems are.. GET REAL!!
ask me any question regarding that post. Likewhat made me say that about GIBBS, just think hes been out for 12 yrs right? he doesnt have Parcells track record for coming back with another team and building them up to championship level this is the first time hes coming back EVER.. Think Snyder always tries to buy what ever he can or spend the most money on one guy ummmm ask jerry jones about that one Brice.. Looks to me that what I had said in that post makes sense not like I bashed yalls team making stuff up you know? if yall had something for me to respect I would. Like for example the Eagles there pretty strong and they been that way for years. the giants hey cant say much this team has been to 3 superbowls just like the skins, and made great strides with there new coach.. Now what have your skins done give me one good example? I give you one excuse yall beat us on the last game of the year that Campo coached and god only knew we gave up just to bring in parcells faster!!!

KINGBRICE_28 said:
Here's what you posted:


FACE IT GUYS.. After all the scars starting with Snyder buying the team then the busts with our head coaches and big contracts and trades.. All these are scars and its gonna take time for them to go away.. its been so embarrassing and to think we been losing to Dallas for so long.. They own us.. Oh well Ive allready gave up hope on this season since the Boyz beat us.. Let me hear what yall have to say.. ? So many positions to be filled.. Poor Gibbs if he onlyknew what he was getting into.??

And here's what the rules state ( that you didn't read ) :


We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.

First of all, this is a website created by Commanders fans, maintained by Commanders fans, and devoted, primarily, to Commanders football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.

We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Commanders fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.

We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Commanders football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Commanders machismo here because that is part of the Commanders experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.

We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.

You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.

We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.

Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.


Any Questions......

Your site is gay.

2233boys said:
Your site is gay.

Thank you for the wonderful, thorough, un bias evaluation.

or not......


Tio said:
Yeah, *** is up with those rules...

Regardless of whether or not I agree with some of them ,I must abide to them or I'll be stuck with a read- only. For a management standpoint though they all make sense. I even have some I'd like to add.


You were not "banned" because you just placed your opinion. You were banned because your post was an obvious attempt to irritate the MODS AND FELLOW MEMBERS. I remember reading your post vaguely and not posting on it because I knew what you were doing. Some people enjoy arguing with people like you who come around. The mods don't.......They realized that post was the height of your intelligence and they cut you off at the knees.

I'd expect the same thing for you all if I ever posted a " Cowboys' suck thread."

Think man.....I know what you are doing. I've been in your situation. You are arguing just for the sake of arguing because you know you’ve lost. The longer you do this the dumber you'll feel, trust me. Just walk away please.
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Here's what you posted:


FACE IT GUYS.. After all the scars starting with Snyder buying the team then the busts with our head coaches and big contracts and trades.. All these are scars and its gonna take time for them to go away.. its been so embarrassing and to think we been losing to Dallas for so long.. They own us.. Oh well Ive allready gave up hope on this season since the Boyz beat us.. Let me hear what yall have to say.. ? So many positions to be filled.. Poor Gibbs if he onlyknew what he was getting into.??

And here's what the rules state ( that you didn't read ) :


We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.

First of all, this is a website created by Commanders fans, maintained by Commanders fans, and devoted, primarily, to Commanders football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.

We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Commanders fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.

We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Commanders football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Commanders machismo here because that is part of the Commanders experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.

We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.

You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.

We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.

Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.

Any Questions......
As Tio said, *** is up with those rules

Basically, the rules say that Cowboy fans are going to be bashed and no one is going to do anything about it...that is CLASSLESS! Now I'm not saying skins fans NEVER get bashed, but most of the time this board has the class to have well thought out debates with other teams not slugfests.
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Well at least it wasn't all in caps..........That statement alone proves your immaturity. "Obviously" I wouldn't have posted my response if it wasn't for YOUR "goofy teams website" being the home to trolls everywhere. It seems like everytime I come over here someone has started a, " haha I just got banned thread."

If you haven't noticed your own mods don't approve what you are doing. No you aren't breaking any rules or going to get in trouble but I'd imagine you are on someones ignore list now. I don't come here to troll so don't treat me like one.

All my point was is that the threads about us over there are getting out of hand and you are not helping any.

If you haven't noticed not too many people are defending your point right now regardless of being a cowboys fan. Just grow up and respect the rivalry for what it is.

Hey doesn't your team have to like try to buy a championship trophy or something....maybe Jerry could sell a "replica" to your owner for the money he is spending on wasted players...we have like a whole buch of them. then maybe save everyone the trouble of wondering just what the hell you guys are doing over there....I respect your coach and that is about it...the rest of your organization sux and will always suc...Snyder is a wanna be J. Jones...Dallas will be back in the superbowl again very soon while the skins are still trying to give 1 billion dollars to manning or something...

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