Lmao I Love It !!!

KINGBRICE_28 said:
Read hostiles post then mine....you'll understand.....

so basically if this site was run like the dumbskins site you would be banned...? Okay then I believe everyone should completely ban your responses by not responding to them....just by your pic as avator you should be kicked off by your sites rules...so please go back to your skins **** site and sht the f up....and let the adults talk about a good team with a future....
Bring Back Jimmy J said:
so basically if this site was run like the dumbskins site you would be banned...? Okay then I believe everyone should completely ban your responses by not responding to them....just by your pic as avator you should be kicked off by your sites rules...so please go back to your skins **** site and sht the f up....and let the adults talk about a good team with a future....

Um......rephrase that because I'm not seeing a point. Adults huh? So how old do you think I am? Seriously. I don't post like a child so don't treat me like one.

Bring Back Jimmy J said:
Hey doesn't your team have to like try to buy a championship trophy or something....maybe Jerry could sell a "replica" to your owner for the money he is spending on wasted players...we have like a whole buch of them. then maybe save everyone the trouble of wondering just what the hell you guys are doing over there....I respect your coach and that is about it...the rest of your organization sux and will always suc...Snyder is a wanna be J. Jones...Dallas will be back in the superbowl again very soon while the skins are still trying to give 1 billion dollars to manning or something...

um....maybe you should check out last years free agent stats. Not only did our FA's perform incredible ( mostly on defense ) We only had 1 disappointment ( brunell ) For the record in spurriers second year we didn't spend heavy, nor last year, and Gibbs doesn't plan on it this year.

While the skins haven't won 5 SB's they have been to 5. I don't think that replica is needed because I remember 4 of 5 just fine.

zorg222 said:
As Tio said, *** is up with those rules

Basically, the rules say that Cowboy fans are going to be bashed and no one is going to do anything about it...that is CLASSLESS! Now I'm not saying skins fans NEVER get bashed, but most of the time this board has the class to have well thought out debates with other teams not slugfests.

Thats not at all what they are saying....read it again. The rules here are the same as there. Light smack talk is allowed but if you get personal....buh bye......
Uhh know, they are not. Believe me, if Hos was to bash you, and you made a snide remark back, you would not be banned, and you know it. Your site's rules are stupid and ignorant. Its just facts.
Bring Back Jimmy J said:
To the Pink skin fan who responded.....
um....you're banned so your are not speaking right now Wrongskin fan....

:confused: Does that comment make you feel like a bigger fan?

Tio said:
Uhh know, they are not. Believe me, if Hos was to bash you, and you made a snide remark back, you would not be banned, and you know it. Your site's rules are stupid and ignorant. Its just facts.

Hey it's your opinion....


Were off topic........eh...who cares........I gotta finished cooking......later

KINGBRICE_28 said:
:confused: Does that comment make you feel like a bigger fan?

Hey it's your opinion....


Were off topic........eh...who cares........I gotta finished cooking......later

Your site is gay.

By the way, just to let you know, your site doesn't warrent any further discussion because it is well, gay.
2233boys said:
Your site is gay.

By the way, just to let you know, your site doesn't warrent any further discussion because it is well, gay.

Thank you for reminding everyone how mature are truly are....... :rolleyes:
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Thank you for reminding everyone how mature are truly are....... :rolleyes:
How mature are truly are?????

What does that mean?

Did I hurt someone's feeling he didn't like my little opinion...

2233boy>>>>:skins: <<<<<Extremeskins website

2233boys said:
How mature you are truly are?????

What does that mean?

Did I hurt someone's feeling he didn't like my little opinion...

.......Plug in the word "you" and get over it.....

for the record yours didn't make much sense until read twice either.......

Now back on topic.......Do your immature comments make you feel like a bigger fan? :rolleyes:
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Now back on topic.......Do your immature comments make you feel like a bigger fan? :rolleyes:

I don't need to prove how big of a Cowboys fan I am, I am a pretty secure person... As far as mature, I am not the one going to other boards defending my teams message board... How mature is that, really?

2233boys said:
I don't need to prove how big of a Cowboys fan I am, I am a pretty secure person... As far as mature, I am not the one going to other boards defending my teams message board... How mature is that, really?


Did it really take you a week to come up with that? :confused:

I guess you just don't get it do you..........How mature is it to defend someone who is OBVIOUSLY on the losing side of arguement. Once again note , even the moderator here agreed that he is acting childishly. Please stop........seriously......
FINALLLY!!!!! Im glad im seeing now the respect for being in COWBOY COUNTRY!! shoot what took so long????? "Bring Back Jimmy" hey bro you can come over and watch a game with me anytime cause I know you speak from the heart. and our opinions are very similar. Every cowboy fan like I said was either laughing or agreeing with me on my post that started this thread.. Only a dumb redchins fan would come in here and make a huge debate and argument and try to make a point where it wont be. Face it Brice your site has its stupid ways and for sure the dumbest Rules "musta been snyder who thought of them" and like everyone is saying they are dumb! Even you Redchin fans agree they are! "how Pathetic" and like I said before "I WAS PROUDLY BANNED FROM THERE" and I still am I hope when they see my name in there ban list that they always remember me.. as "that" cowboy fan who thought he could come in here and tell us our stupid teams problems... I told it the way it was YOUR OWNER "slyder" has to BUY everything that he hears off a radio show or what Sean salisbury and that goofy looking crackhead Clayton that he always argues with is saying on ESPN.. like the guy said in the other post Jerry jones would be glad to send you a replica of any of the superbowls that we have. and yes yall have 4-5 superbowls we have 5-8 just try and compare the excellence.... YOU CANT SUCKA.... Your owner goes and brings back Gibbs for who I respect but kinda losing that now as well.. I see your offense like you said only Brunell was the bad move.???? ya ok Hey dood looks like both your WR's are fixing to head out of town and one place they could land is here in our Star "wouldnt that be nice" just so the saga could grow on how the boyz dominate yalls stupid ugly looking dorky financial cap problem team! Spurrier trying to bring his old QB's back to town LMAO only ramsey is left and he dont even know if he has a starting job LMAO..... Sry I havent been on the "Zone" lately to read the posts but now that I did Brice if I were you I wouldnt reply anymore just cause your reputation might take a big hit!! and we wouldnt want you to lose that.. cause we know all the Redchins fans have to be arrogant as well as sucking in the NFL!!


:skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :iggles: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins:
hey 223 you can come over too with "bring Back Jimmy" and we could watch the Boyz on sunday!! That is my type of crowd big time Boyz fan and wont ever change!! BLEED SILVER AND BLUE 4-EVA!

KINGBRICE_28 said:
Did it really take you a week to come up with that? :confused:

I guess you just don't get it do you..........How mature is it to defend someone who is OBVIOUSLY on the losing side of arguement. Once again note , even the moderator here agreed that he is acting childishly. Please stop........seriously......

Sorry I didn't notice the post you made until yesterday. I am not defending anyone just think your board stinks. Please stop what, stating my opinions.
and yes yall have 4-5 superbowls we have 5-8 just try and compare the excellence.... :D

ok,ok......I don't think any of the 3 of us are going to give up so I see no purpose in posting anymore. Although I give you two credit for being equally persistent I still get the last laugh.

BUT before I go I wanna leave you with this.....

Because our site "sux" so much I wanted you to read this.......If you read the right post you'll see why this site equally sux.....If not more:D....lol....


KINGBRICE_28 said:
and yes yall have 4-5 superbowls we have 5-8 just try and compare the excellence.... :D

ok,ok......I don't think any of the 3 of us are going to give up so I see no purpose in posting anymore. Although I give you two credit for being equally persistent I still get the last laugh.

BUT before I go I wanna leave you with this.....

Because our site "sux" so much I wanted you to read this.......If you read the right post you'll see why this site equally sux.....If not more:D....lol....




LOL. That was pretty lame. Crying about another board using the word Extreme in their name. See a glaring example of why your board stinks...

Lets see you not post. You said you wouldn't. Let see if your "Extremeskins" pride allows you to keep your word. :D

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