Lmao I Love It !!!

I must say, I tried to read this,, but good grief, Parcells, dude..

Honestly, from the heart,, it's a headache,, your ramblings make me run out of breath. Paragraphs, dude,, soemthing to break up that giant block of crap you type...

I dunno.
Extreme does have a lot of rules, it's true, and many times I don't agree with how heavy handed it can be... but when an obvious troll comes over the do nothing but start trouble, ..
Well, I just look at it like sending a problem child to their room forever.

I enjoy posting here, and I've alwys been treated with respect. I do appreciate that, and I try to behave that way myself. After all, it IS just football, and we can discuss it without being savages...
but, that isn't to say some good natured barbs aren't always welcome. After all, what's a rivalry without some trash talk?
But, to me, anyway, trash talk should always be done with the idea in mind that the guy you're trash talking to is just some other guy like you who really doesn't have anything to do with the team, and really hasn't done anything to lead to some of the childish crap that goes on. I mean, hey,, both of our respective teams suck,, does that make you or me suck too?
I make goofy cartoons, so yeah, I make fun of people and their teams, and as a result, I am aware I have to have a bit of a thick skin myself. Aside from people coming after my team harder when i make a toon about theirs, I also get to read all the very personal things folks say about me, and write to me in emails. Some if it is nice,, some of it is not so nice, and some of it is downright disturbing.

But, that said, some folks do need to be banned, and I'd bet this clown is one of them. You've seen them come thru here, I'm sure,, and I'm sure a few have been banned.

hey Bang, sometimes you try to post something thats funny and ofcourse someone always has a different opinion and thats whats happened here... and to make matters worse its a Commanders fan... I thought it be allright to start this thread thinking that no one would take it the wrong way.. Hey man if i knew all this was to come out of it I would have just laughed Like I did anyway and just went on with my ways when I read the quote that I started this thread with. and I think now thats just what im gonna do I doubt I will ever post anything on here again or anywhere but I do know I will be reading all the posts and threads on here..

Anyway thats all folks. ahehehehe..

Hey didnt you say something about making cartoons? lol
Bang... you are always welcome over here... we have no problems with classy enemy posters... and we have a few skins fans that fit that bill... you included...

I am afforded the same at extremskins... a little chiding is ok... but don't go overboard...

We collectively love your work over here... even when we are the butt of the joke... funny is funny...

BUT... you have to give us latitude on the DTC... it is hard to let that go... ;)
Parcells said:
hey Bang, sometimes you try to post something thats funny and ofcourse someone always has a different opinion and thats whats happened here... and to make matters worse its a Commanders fan... I thought it be allright to start this thread thinking that no one would take it the wrong way.. Hey man if i knew all this was to come out of it I would have just laughed Like I did anyway and just went on with my ways when I read the quote that I started this thread with. and I think now thats just what im gonna do I doubt I will ever post anything on here again or anywhere but I do know I will be reading all the posts and threads on here..

Anyway thats all folks. ahehehehe..

Hey didnt you say something about making cartoons? lol

Truly, i usually stay out of threads over there that are obviously trying to rile things up. There's a LOT of members over on Extreme, and most of them love to jump into the fray. Too much testosterone for me.. I guess I'm old. :D .
And don't let a bad experience stop you from posting. It's a lot of fun being a part of these communities, it's fun to lay your thoughts out and see what others think of them, and these message boards are usualy the fastest place to get news than any other sources.

Parcells said:
HEY BOYZ, I dont post alot i only read alot of threads! and since im a diehard cowboyz fan since birth it tickles me sometimes to go to the Commanders site "EXTREMSKINz.COM" and make a post on how great the Cowboyz are or read just how much they hate us and all of the lame excuses that come out. This post I saw just sent me laughin for atleast an hour I mean really REDSKINZ fans have to come out from every corner just to make an excuse on why they HATE US so much... The topic of the thread was which team do you hate the most the list was the Eagles Giants or our COWBOYS.. and ofcourse the boyz were the most hated team LMAO.. but the nerve of someone to write a post like this one, I mean Who was this Diron Talbert guy? I knew Tony TOlbert LMAOO ENJOY!!!! LMAO :skins: :iggles: :jints: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins:

" As a Commanders fan, how can you not hate the Cowboys most? Clint Longley alone should make your blood boil. Think about the NFC Championship games against the hated Cowboys. Think about Diron Talbert's passion for the rivalry. And think about the unexplainable run they have had over us the past ten or so years. they beaten us 15-16 times And that stupid pass to that nobody to beat us in December when we had them beat. Do you people have no sense of history? To vote for anybody but the Cowboys is like voting for Ross Perrot in 1992 - a wasted vote."

I actually agree with him. How can Cowboy fans hate anyone more than the Wah-shington Foreskins? History does count and unless you are a bandwagon Cowboy fans how the Skins not be atop your most hated list?
Bang said:
Truly, i usually stay out of threads over there that are obviously trying to rile things up. There's a LOT of members over on Extreme, and most of them love to jump into the fray. Too much testosterone for me.. I guess I'm old. :D .
And don't let a bad experience stop you from posting. It's a lot of fun being a part of these communities, it's fun to lay your thoughts out and see what others think of them, and these message boards are usualy the fastest place to get news than any other sources.

I wish more people realized that and paid less attention to the petty agendas. Great point Banger.

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