Locker room is trashed


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They all getting paid record breaking deals in the next year or two, this is nothing.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Tick Tock Tick Tock ........................BOOM.
Predicted this way back that his demise would start in the locker room.
Tough to be the highest-paid dude in there and also be the one who's the primary reason these cats aren't winning a ring anytime soon.
Yes, the Cap matters ................again I stress how the heck is Jerry gonna sell an extension to his fans and most importantly to his Players???????


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I can't see how they let Dak walk considering his contract and it would hamstring Jerry's 'We're so close' thinking.

I have really gotten to like Cee Dee so I hope they pay the guy and keep him.

Parsons is trending the opposite way for me. Too much social media drama and has pretty much disappeared down the stretch the past 2 years. If you disagree on Parsons I totally understand and I'm not looking to make any enemies but if he could be traded for a nice haul and let somebody else pay him I'd be all for it

For the record if Daks contract situation wasn't so dismal I'd say trade him yesterday and I really don't hate the guy, it just looks like he isn't the answer especially when it comes to post season play


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak will get restructured. CD will get paid. Micah has to wait until next year. there is a 5th year option we can use.
And Micah will take us to the BANK or from what I'm reading won't have a problem of leaving us as the offers will be there in plenty from other teams.
So what you're telling us is that Dak, CD, and Micah who will be taking a massive % of our cap will put us in a position to win the big one?
GL with that....................... :facepalm:


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And Micah will take us to the BANK or from what I'm reading won't have a problem of leaving us as the offers will be there in plenty from other teams.
So what you're telling us is that Dak, CD, and Micah who will be taking a massive % of our cap will put us in a position to win the big one?
GL with that....................... :facepalm:
its the cap. the cap goes up. contracts will get restructured. you can't have a team with 10 players who are top 5 in their positions. no team in the NFL has that. so this we need so much cap room to sign 10 top 5 players or else we are doomed is not realistic. we signed Lawrence back then to a top 5 contract. we signed Smith to a top 5 contract. we signed Zeke to a top 5 contract. we had signed fredrick to a top 5 contract, so on and so on. we had signed Dak and then signed cooper and still had all of those top 5 contracts on the team

I get it that for some one like you its hard to understand how the cap works as you tend to just think in averages, but all those three can be signed and fit under the cap and still have cap room to sign others. restructures help you do that. last year we had 20M on the cap even after we cut cooper. this year before Diggs we had close to 25M on the cap and now still about 10M. working the cap is not that hard.


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Tick Tock Tick Tock ........................BOOM.
Predicted this way back that his demise would start in the locker room.
Tough to be the highest-paid dude in there and also be the one who's the primary reason these cats aren't winning a ring anytime soon.
Yes, the Cap matters ................again I stress how the heck is Jerry gonna sell an extension to his fans and most importantly to his Players???????
Will you pretend the Cowboys are on a win streak and not post. At all? Like you do when we’re winning?



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No way Jerry lets go of Parsons. It would destroy JJ to see how successful Parsons became elsewhere - defensive player of year awards, rings etc.


Safety third
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Dak will get restructured. CD will get paid. Micah has to wait until next year. there is a 5th year option we can use.
You use the term "restructured" as if it somehow softens the upcoming impact of whatever they do with Dak.

A restructure is when they just convert future salary into upfront bonus which allows the team to spread that over the remaining years of the contract choosing how and when they want to take the cap hits. Since Dak has no remaining years on his contract, there is no restructuring. He will need a entirely new contract, aka an extension. Unless Dak accepts a very team friendly deal, he will be signing another 4 or 5 year deal at 60ish million/yr and 100+ million guaranteed. The existing cap responsibilities don't just disappear and will have to be worked in as well. If it plays out like that, the team will be in the same position in 3 or 4 years, unless they structure the contract to take the cap hits over the first years instead of deferring much it to the last year(s).

You need to be DAMN sure Dak is the guy before you dig the hole even deeper. A miss on this one sets the team back farther than just letting him walk and rolling the dice on a draft pick/journeyman type.

It's a no win situation. (pun not intended). Unless of course Dak takes one for the team, but the odds of that are zero.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Tick Tock Tick Tock ........................BOOM.
Predicted this way back that his demise would start in the locker room.
Tough to be the highest-paid dude in there and also be the one who's the primary reason these cats aren't winning a ring anytime soon.
Yes, the Cap matters ................again I stress how the heck is Jerry gonna sell an extension to his fans and most importantly to his Players???????
Who's to say any of them even wants a ring? I see the families bickering, but the players seem oddly quiet, like they don't give a damn if they win or lose.