Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.
But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason

, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.
My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.
I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.
We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.
It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.