Look Who Stepped Into The Room

So glad to be here and see y'all here as well, old big bro CC!!! Yes, I'm glad to have my old moniker back... but this time I'll be much more nice and friendly. I've learned from the past, but it sure it great to be back among my old buds. :flagwave:
Thought we lost ya Dog.....hahaha
Lol. I've been around brother. Only a few knew me by my last moniker, One Star. I mellowed out quite a bit from the old AC. Sheesh, sorry for the past AC old forum mods and bros.
Well, I liked that AC, this kinder and gentler one might be nicer but not as much fun. I miss the old throw downs.
And even moreso from the old ValleyGman!!!!!
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.
I kinda like being the newbie and dealing with bullies a little ;)
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.
There's a big difference between the two situations. I know that had I been in your situation, I would've preferred not to have people on the forum trying to talk to me about it, but at the same time, I wouldn't be able to keep it completely from them. My best friend just passed from liver cancer a few weeks ago, and I mentioned it briefly in the Favorite Songs thread, because there's a song about that very situation, but I don't want to put anyone in the position of feeling badly for me, nor do I want to think about it more than I already do, and as wonderful as it is of them to give condolences, I'd rather they don't remind me. I usually treat others the same way, and it may come off as cold to some, but I'm actually trying to give them a break from thinking about their loss.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.

Well said. I know what you mean about the old forums. I felt lost without them. I even messaged DC.com to find out exactly what happened only to get the response that they were "closed indefinitely". I am so happy to see so many of our forum family here.
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.
X 1,000.

I knew I liked the old place, or rather loved the people there. When I got the PM from Derek that they were shutting it down, I knew I'd be sad, but I cannot even begin to describe the chasm of loss that hit me. I mean, it just shook me and the depth of melancholy took me by complete surprise.

I'm not a big internet person. I'm not on Facebook, I don't twitter, don't peruse the web just for kicks. So, to think I would find the meaning that I do from this is simply a true shock. Shakes me to my heels.

Like you, Couchy, I thought leaving this place behind would be no biggie. Instead, it's just a major source of solace, friendship, and pure beauty. Can't even describe it. I'm in luuuuuuvvvvvv!!!!!!!!!!!
I hear you, K and CC. I sure miss the Official Cowboys Fan Forum. I can't believe Jerry let it die. Why? Didn't he make money off of it by the amount of fans it lured and all of the postings? Even then, aside from that, why did he end the fans' main source pf communication among each other, especially since it was perfect for keeping the fans entertained and so emotionally (and financially) attached to the team by being allowed to be a member of the Official Cowboys Fan Forum? I simply don't understand how ending it is in any way a good idea. Wish Jerry would reconsider it and bring the Forum back.
I hear you, K and CC. I sure miss the Official Cowboys Fan Forum. I can't believe Jerry let it die. Why? Didn't he make money off of it by the amount of fans it lured and all of the postings? Even then, aside from that, why did he end the fans' main source pf communication among each other, especially since it was perfect for keeping the fans entertained and so emotionally (and financially) attached to the team by being allowed to be a member of the Official Cowboys Fan Forum? I simply don't understand how ending it is in any way a good idea. Wish Jerry would reconsider it and bring the Forum back.
What for? This site is so much better in every way!.........Plus, there are more Cowboys fans to get to know!
I hear you, K and CC. I sure miss the Official Cowboys Fan Forum. I can't believe Jerry let it die. Why? Didn't he make money off of it by the amount of fans it lured and all of the postings? Even then, aside from that, why did he end the fans' main source pf communication among each other, especially since it was perfect for keeping the fans entertained and so emotionally (and financially) attached to the team by being allowed to be a member of the Official Cowboys Fan Forum? I simply don't understand how ending it is in any way a good idea. Wish Jerry would reconsider it and bring the Forum back.
AC, if he ever bothered to read it, which I doubt, he would have found the negative vibe against him and his coach to be unsettling on the official Cowboys website. He does not handle criticism well as witnessed by his attempt to spin his answer to Costas' question about should he have fired himself.

If he did reopen it, I wonder how many that have joined here would return? The way they handled that tells me all I need to know about how much we were valued. And that web site was a consistent pain in the butt from a technical viewpoint.

What made that special is mostly here now and I am assuming the rest will come over when they decide to get interested about the Cowboys. We're more interested in each other and goofing off than football now anyway.
AC, if he ever bothered to read it, which I doubt, he would have found the negative vibe against him and his coach to be unsettling on the official Cowboys website. He does not handle criticism well as witnessed by his attempt to spin his answer to Costas' question about should he have fired himself.

If he did reopen it, I wonder how many that have joined here would return? The way they handled that tells me all I need to know about how much we were valued. And that web site was a consistent pain in the butt from a technical viewpoint.

What made that special is mostly here now and I am assuming the rest will come over when they decide to get interested about the Cowboys. We're more interested in each other and goofing off than football now anyway.
CC, in hindsight, They did us a favour by shutting that forum, the tech problems were bad, but the level of disconnection between Admins and Members was shocking compared to what You see here.
Now, that was one irascible poster, I liked him even more.

But ya know, when AC's fiancee did him wrong when he was ValleyGMan, and that might have been the reason:laugh:, that was the first time someone opened up on the forum and I got to see the real magic of it. Wasn't BS either, posters felt his pain along with him and even the ones that had argued with him were responsive. That was the day I really fell in love with the forum. I only wish I'd had the good sense AC did to lean on others when I needed it the most because I do think it would have helped me at the time. I did the opposite and left.

My older son asked me what I liked about it that I would spend as much time on the old forum and I could not explain it to someone that hasn't experienced it. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. Every time I've seen a fellow member from the old site show up here, I do a little mental fist pump, which might explain the condition of my brain, and am cry for happy that another made it.

I am not ashamed to admit I need this. If I don't come here at least once a day, I feel I am missing out on something necessary to my balance in life. People who I have never met have touched my life and enriched it.

We should have all picked up and shagged butt over here years ago because I feel more appreciated here than I ever did over there. I feel the warm welcome we received here was real and sincere and the majority are really happy to have us. Of course there is that break in period because this was the largest migration this site ever experienced and I wonder how we would have been so accepting of an invasion of this size.

It is different and it will take some adjusting but just as the old site was, it is up to us to help make this what it is and can be.

Beautifully put CC. We all have to deal with life and sometimes it doesn't play fair. Cowboy fans here (and the old forum), a couple of Giants fans and Pape are like my online family. I did like Aerolithe Lion, too(I apologize if I spelled it wrong). We are missing some from the old forums and I wish they'd get over here fast. There were two jack rabbits on my ignore list that I hope never make it. If they lived next door, I'd chase them with baseball bat for what they've said about my Cowboys. One big happy family and there's always at least one trouble maker in the group.
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AC, if he ever bothered to read it, which I doubt, he would have found the negative vibe against him and his coach to be unsettling on the official Cowboys website. He does not handle criticism well as witnessed by his attempt to spin his answer to Costas' question about should he have fired himself.

If he did reopen it, I wonder how many that have joined here would return? The way they handled that tells me all I need to know about how much we were valued. And that web site was a consistent pain in the butt from a technical viewpoint.

What made that special is mostly here now and I am assuming the rest will come over when they decide to get interested about the Cowboys. We're more interested in each other and goofing off than football now anyway.
Speak for yourself!..............................................................................and me.

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