Looks like Tim Duncan is in Playoff Form

MC KAos;1458245 said:
how about dirk nowitsky, rasheed wallace, rip hamilton, vince carter and ray allen among others, the reason you think duncan is the biggest whinner is becuase of what just happened and because of the fact he plays for the team you hate and envy. By the way the whinniest players in the league are BY FAR ray allen and rasheed wallace.

Even retired, Danny Ainge has them all beat by a mile. :laugh1:
MC KAos;1458245 said:
how about dirk nowitsky, rasheed wallace, rip hamilton, vince carter and ray allen among others, the reason you think duncan is the biggest whinner is becuase of what just happened and because of the fact he plays for the team you hate and envy. By the way the whinniest players in the league are BY FAR ray allen and rasheed wallace.

1. Mark Cuban

2. Dewayne Wade

3. Tim Duncan

Those are the whinnest people in the NBA.
mickgreen58;1458305 said:
1. Mark Cuban

2. Dewayne Wade

3. Tim Duncan

Those are the whinnest people in the NBA.

ill give you cuban as the whinniest, but ray allen and sheed are almost as whinny trust me! tim is pretty whinny but hes not as bad as every makes him out to be, and D wade whinny?? ive never seen him whine
MC KAos;1458245 said:
how about dirk nowitsky, rasheed wallace, rip hamilton, vince carter and ray allen among others, the reason you think duncan is the biggest whinner is becuase of what just happened and because of the fact he plays for the team you hate and envy. By the way the whinniest players in the league are BY FAR ray allen and rasheed wallace.

puh-lease. Dirk's not even close. I'd say Sheed is just a punk, not a real whiner. Vince and Jesus? I've never seen anything overly whiny from Jesus. Vince, maybe, but he's not in Duncan's area code.

I don't expect you to agree though, you're biased.
Danny White;1458269 said:
I also think that some vocal Mavs fans take their cue from Cuban, unfortunately. I never disliked the Mavs before Cuban.
I agree with you mostly, just to clarify... No one hated the Mavs before Cuban. It's because we were irrelevant. I would say Cuban resurrected the franchise, but there wasn't much to resurrect other than the 1988 team. The fact that he's been successful in a short amount of time just adds to the hatred.
Yeagermeister;1458342 said:
Every player in the NBA whines
Every player at every level of basketball whines. Typically, it's a direct reflection of the coach, if the team is losing, and/or if they're on the losing end of a call.
WoodysGirl;1458408 said:
Every player at every level of basketball whines. Typically, it's a direct reflection of the coach, if the team is losing, and/or if they're on the losing end of a call.

True....I wouldn't be shocked to see a player miss a wide open shot with no one around them then complain to the ref he was fouled.

Wr's are the same way. If they don't catch a pass the complain to a ref.
peplaw06;1457991 said:
You'd be hard pressed to find a player who whines more than Duncan though.

I found a whole team ...... they are called the Mavs.
peplaw06;1458384 said:
puh-lease. Dirk's not even close. I'd say Sheed is just a punk, not a real whiner. Vince and Jesus? I've never seen anything overly whiny from Jesus. Vince, maybe, but he's not in Duncan's area code.

I don't expect you to agree though, you're biased.

im biased? your saying dirk doesnt whine, you kidding me? at least i admit duncan does whine
MC KAos;1459521 said:
im biased? your saying dirk doesnt whine, you kidding me? at least i admit duncan does whine

Maybe I should incorporate a stutter into my typing so you can understand me, Special Ed. Where did I say Dirk doesn't whine? Please show me a link... Or, I don't know, maybe you could quit pulling these "things I said" out of thin air.
by saying "dirks not even close" you are implying that he doesnt whine, when he is in fact one of the biggest whinners in the league, and then takes it out on a basketball and an exercise bike! what a great leader he is! i cant wait till he starts chocking in the playoffs, AGAIN!
Guys knock off the name-calling. The Zone rules apply in this forum too. :cool:
MC KAos;1460029 said:
by saying "dirks not even close" you are implying that he doesnt whine, when he is in fact one of the biggest whinners in the league, and then takes it out on a basketball and an exercise bike! what a great leader he is! i cant wait till he starts chocking in the playoffs, AGAIN!


You implied it when you were reading it. Don't fault me for your mistake.
peplaw06;1460118 said:

You implied it when you were reading it. Don't fault me for your mistake.

then clear it up for me, do you think he whines or not?
MC KAos;1460473 said:
then clear it up for me, do you think he whines or not?

Well considering I said this...

peplaw06;1457991 said:
Irony on all fronts I suppose. Almost all players whine, and almost all fans whine. You'd be hard pressed to find a player who whines more than Duncan though.

...I would certainly think that I was saying Dirk does whine, before what you "implied" (read "made up") -- that Dirk "never" whines. But maybe that's just me.

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