Loophole in Dak's contract could reduce his salary cap hit to $40.93M


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Dak was worth that extension. Don’t get it twisted. Two NFC championships and three 12 win seasons.
Uh, 2 NFC Championships? I must have missed that.

I do remember them winning the EAST twice.....but that's about it.

Dakota can't even get past the divisional rounds and we all know it ,so don't get THAT twisted
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So roughly $28 million ÷ by 3 years = $9 million + the reduced 2024 salary as low as $1.2 million = TOTAL 2024 PAID SALARY of just over $10 million for Dak this upcoming season?

If true, don't anybody by complaining that Dak is being overpaid since he will be getting paid only $10+ million for 2024. That's one hell of a deal for the Cowboys!
I don’t think that’s correct. Dak would still be getting ~ $30M in cash (the same amount). The Cowboys would just be deferring 2/3 of the cap hit. It’s just accounting machinations similar as most other organizations.


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Yet none of you bothered to mention this during the months of discussions on this forum that have been ongoing about his likely extension.

Instead you waited for @big dog cowboy to post it, and then ridicule others for "not knowing".

Yeah. That's plausible. :laugh:
This information has been on Sportracs since 2021...

If you want to hide information from Dak Haters..... dummies :lmao2: :lmao2:

I bet 31 other teams know it...!!
:laugh: :laugh:

Contract Notes:
  • $95M fully guaranteed (signing bonus + 2021 salary + 2022 salary)
  • $31M 2023 salary fully guarantees on 3/20/2022 (injury guaranteed now)
  • 2024 Roster Bonus: $5M (3/17/2024)
  • Annual $500,000 deescalator for missing workouts
  • No-Tag clause
  • No-Trade clause
  • 2025-2026 are void years for cap purposes, automatically void the last league day of 2024
  • 2026 void year will allow the 2022 base salary to be restructured
  • Annual Super Bowl win + 50% snaps: $1M

America's Cowboy

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This information has been on Sportracs since 2021...

If you want to hide information from Dak Haters..... dummies :lmao2: :lmao2:

I bet 31 other teams know it...!!
:laugh: :laugh:

Contract Notes:
  • $95M fully guaranteed (signing bonus + 2021 salary + 2022 salary)
  • $31M 2023 salary fully guarantees on 3/20/2022 (injury guaranteed now)
  • 2024 Roster Bonus: $5M (3/17/2024)
  • Annual $500,000 deescalator for missing workouts
  • No-Tag clause
  • No-Trade clause
  • 2025-2026 are void years for cap purposes, automatically void the last league day of 2024
  • 2026 void year will allow the 2022 base salary to be restructured
  • Annual Super Bowl win + 50% snaps: $1M
Shhh, BFL says he's 99.9% accurate and knows everything about the Dallas Cowboys.


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It's no secret that Dak's salary can be converted into a bonus and spread over the next 3 years (2024 and voidable years 2025 & 2026). However, there are cons to this approach:

1) Who is your QB in 2025? Under that scenario Dak becomes a free agent in 2025 and can't receive the franchise or transition tag due to Jerry getting taken to the woodshed by Dak's agent.

2) Dak could leave in 2025 and go to another team and leave us with about $54 million of dead cap because that scenario would dump another $18 million of dead cap space into 2025 where we already are on the hook for $36 million dead cap space

3) We have an entire year of controversy where the media will be debating which team Dak plays for next year etc

4) We are now relying on the Jones' boys to find the next QB in 2025 if they don't sign Dak. It could be worse. Remember they tried trading up for Paxton Lynch and were interest in Connor Cook before the Raiders traded ahead of us and selected him.

Unfortunately, we are in a tough spot if we want to move on from Dak.


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QB aint the problem in Dallas.

QB market is a problem for every team that wants a vet at helm.

Coaching is a problem for the Cowboys.

Dak's proven he can play in this league. Its the QB Market and coaching around Dak that is the problem.


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It's no secret that Dak's salary can be converted into a bonus and spread over the next 3 years (2024 and voidable years 2025 & 2026). However, there are cons to this approach:

1) Who is your QB in 2025? Under that scenario Dak becomes a free agent in 2025 and can't receive the franchise or transition tag due to Jerry getting taken to the woodshed by Dak's agent.

2) Dak could leave in 2025 and go to another team and leave us with about $54 million of dead cap because that scenario would dump another $18 million of dead cap space into 2025 where we already are on the hook for $36 million dead cap space

3) We have an entire year of controversy where the media will be debating which team Dak plays for next year etc

4) We are now relying on the Jones' boys to find the next QB in 2025 if they don't sign Dak. It could be worse. Remember they tried trading up for Paxton Lynch and were interest in Connor Cook before the Raiders traded ahead of us and selected him.

Unfortunately, we are in a tough spot if we want to move on from Dak.
The problem is the $36M cap hit already on the books for ‘25 & ‘26 doesn’t go away regardless. Essentially, the Cowboys have an auto loan they’re upside down. They’re faced with buying another car and having to roll the negative balance into a new loan.


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QB aint the problem in Dallas.

QB market is a problem for every team that wants a vet at helm.

Coaching is a problem for the Cowboys.

Dak's proven he can play in this league. Its the QB Market and coaching around Dak that is the problem.
in a nutshell to be honest!!!! QB plays good, market value is set!!


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Yes, Dallas can automatically reduce his salary to save roughly $27 million this year and spread it over 3 years and not extend Dak. He then would be a free agency as soon as the Super Bowl is played after the 2024 season.

It also means that Dallas is on the hook for those 3 dead seasons of a total of $58 million against the salary cap meaning they have to account for it before they can sign any free agents after the 2024 season or even draft. And that wouldn't be all the dead money they would have account for depending who they cut or designate as a June 1st cut this year or in the 2024 training camp.

Be careful for what we wish for. If we happen to go 12-5 again and in the playoffs again then drafting a top QB would be extremely costly in picks. Maybe Trey Lance could be the guy, maybe somebody we draft in round 6 or 7 this year could be the guy although both are crap shoots. Does anyone remember how many QBs we had after Aikman retired and before Romo (who was a pretty good QB). That would be 8. Romo had roughly 73 wins over 9 seasons and was 2-4 in the playoffs. Dak has 73 wins over 8 seasons and 2-5 in the playoffs.

Point is that we probably would suffer some Quincy Carter years again for some 6 years before sniffing the playoffs unless we completely tank a season and get the #1 pick and pick the right guy.

The question for fans is, do you want to continue winning and making the playoffs with at least a chance to win in the playoffs or do you want to jettison everything and be 5-12 for x amount of years and start thinking about the draft come November 1st every year. For me, I like winning and getting to the playoffs and having a chance. I don't want to go back to those years with knowing you have no chance at all before the season starts.


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If they did this and then some restructures and generated cap space and then actually went out and added real talent via free agency I’d be ecstatic. I’m not expecting it though, totally expecting dak extension and a quiet free agency but would love being wrong


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It doesn't solve the problem and right now the Cowboys are facing the very real prospect of a fans' mutiny because of the way Prescott has played.
Maybe they still sellout, but maybe they don't. With next year's season looking to be brutal, the Cowboys need a real option at quarterback that will give fans some hope if they expect to sell it to the fans.
I think Jerry finds himself in the position that many businesses in the corporate world deal with- they need to get rid of someone to get shareholder confidence up. Dak is that guy.
Unless Jerry makes a definite move that offers fans and even his own players hope, at the first sign of trouble his income for next year could take a hit- with repercussions coming in the following year from ad revenue.
I think Jerry might not be saying it, but he and Stephen know they are in a pickle at the moment that could cost them a lot more than $60 million.
I think you’re read on the situation in regards to dak is entirely off. I don’t think they think daks an issue at all which is why fans are upset. I do agree they may, (underline that and put it bold letters) may get aggressive in free agency to generate buzz but the reality is that right people are pissed but in 8 months? They know the fans will be right back in those seats and in front of those tv’s


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This information has been on Sportracs since 2021...

If you want to hide information from Dak Haters..... dummies :lmao2: :lmao2:

I bet 31 other teams know it...!!
:laugh: :laugh:

Contract Notes:
  • $95M fully guaranteed (signing bonus + 2021 salary + 2022 salary)
  • $31M 2023 salary fully guarantees on 3/20/2022 (injury guaranteed now)
  • 2024 Roster Bonus: $5M (3/17/2024)
  • Annual $500,000 deescalator for missing workouts
  • No-Tag clause
  • No-Trade clause
  • 2025-2026 are void years for cap purposes, automatically void the last league day of 2024
  • 2026 void year will allow the 2022 base salary to be restructured
  • Annual Super Bowl win + 50% snaps: $1M
I don't doubt the info was out there. I also don't doubt that you were totally unaware of it.
Otherwise, you would have mentioned it, instead of waiting for someone else to do so and then making fun of those who "didn't know".

Also regarding the bold, at least you've figured out that there are 32 teams in the NFL.
A week or two ago, you were saying there were 33 teams. That's progress.:thumbup:


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1. I still see absolutely no way Dallas gets to the point where they are adding free agents. They still have to sign their own draft class and maybe a few of their own free agents.

2. This gives Dallas leverage in negotiations. Dak can't hold the team hostage with his $60m cap hit. If Dak holds out for some absurd number, they can just say no and do the conversion.

The most likely scenario is an extension but I seriously question Dallas' ability to give him a $60m AAV contract and still be a contender. Hopefully he prioritizes winning over personal wealth and gives Dallas some type of break.