Lots of Texans fans in Cowboys Stadium **merged**

Fans in Dallas/Ft Worth stink. Quit selling your tickets on ebay and get your lazy butts off the couch and support the team. Just disgraceful. Even Romo said it felt like a road game.

So it's the fans fault? Jerry has given us a bad product for more than a decade and we are supposed to continue giving him our money? It's been almost 20 years since the last superbowls and we have won 1 playoff game in 15+ years, that's a horrible performance by any standard. I am still a fan but ticket prices are super expensive and I am supposed to pay for such a bad product? No way.
Jerry can fix the problem. Lower ticket prices. Lower parking prices. We'd be naive to think that Jerryworld hasn't had the note paid on it by now.

I hope but you have more faith in that note pad than me. They to stop worrying about shopping malls and expensive art and fix the homefield advantage at the dang stadium. Cowboys fans will not want to keep going if they have to deal with opposing fans 4-5 games a year. Fix this please.
Yeah 4-1 is really embarrassing.

That really all that matters? The stadium can be 75% full of the opposition and you don't care? I know you're an old school fan much further back than I go. How can you so nonchalantly accept this?
So what I am hoping is that everyone who hates this buys the tickets that will be on sale when the Giants come to town. If we see too many Giants fans it is your faults for hating this and doing nothing about it right?

I don't see it that way, but those of you who think that way should.

If I lived in North Texas anymore I would. I do my share when the Cowboys come into Atlanta or Charlotte. Pretty sure I pay more for those scalped tickets than fans do in Dallas. Cowboys tickets are hot everywhere else.
I hope but you have more faith in that note pad than me. They to stop worrying about shopping malls and expensive art and fix the homefield advantage at the dang stadium. Cowboys fans will not want to keep going if they have to deal with opposing fans 4-5 games a year. Fix this please.

It's not fun to be out numbered. The Texans fans were surprisingly a-hole in nature too, very cocky for a team that hasn't really done anything.
To everyone talking about how disgraceful it is, go ahead and fix it, start putting your money where your mouth is.
It's not fun to be out numbered. The Texans fans were surprisingly a-hole in nature too, very cocky for a team that hasn't really done anything.

how do we fix this? What are your suggestions? I'm noticing it's the same sections every week that are being over run....lower level endzones and 10 yd lines. Are those sections completely owned by corporations? Jones family needs to have some dang pride.
It's not the opposing team fans. Dallas fans at the stadium always cheer when the offense is playing, particularly on 3rd downs. In the past they even put big signs on the screen telling people to be quiet when the offense is on the field. It's a real facepalm scenario.

While embarrassingly true for a long, long time, that didn't explain most of today. The crowd was a sea of red.
The lower level seats between the 20's were packed with Texans. Dont give me the excuse that it's because of the price of tickets. Those are premium season ticket seats and the people that own those seats can easily afford them. Just further proof of the pathetic local fan base in Dallas.
I was at the game and I think there was an even 50/50 split of Texans/Cowboys fans. However, Cowboys fans just don't when to get loud or stay quiet. Every game I have been to they just yell on all 3rd downs. Offense and defense. Even during both of Bailey's field goal attempts. I think that probably contributed more to the noise level than anything else. I try to tell the ones near me to quiet down, but I don't think they understand.
That really all that matters? The stadium can be 75% full of the opposition and you don't care? I know you're an old school fan much further back than I go. How can you so nonchalantly accept this?
I blame the owners for pricing the game out of reach of most fans. It is as simple as that. If Cowboys fans don't want other teams fans in our Stadium, then we need to make the road trips. We need to buy the tickets that these fans feel they have to sell. I do not blame the fans who sell the tickets. If you need to, man that's cool. Knock yourself out. I do exactly what these Texans fans did. I go scoop up tickets when the Cowboys travel to Arizona and sometimes San Diego, the two stadiums closest to me. I pay a little extra for the tickets so that the seller makes a profit. I don't care as long as I get to see my team play. I've been at games in Arizona where we have 60% or more of the fans. Why is this any different? Because it's our house? Well, I can't be that myopic. If you need to see that as nonchalance on my part, so be it. At least it is honest.
So it's the fans fault? Jerry has given us a bad product for more than a decade and we are supposed to continue giving him our money? It's been almost 20 years since the last superbowls and we have won 1 playoff game in 15+ years, that's a horrible performance by any standard. I am still a fan but ticket prices are super expensive and I am supposed to pay for such a bad product? No way.

It's not the fans fault. But the issue isn't so much the product. It's the ticket prices and the ridiculous re-sale prices. If I were to buy 2 season tickets for $8k for the year and then could sell those tickets for 1 game for $2k, tough deal to pass up when I can just watch the game at home in HD at the comfort of my own couch.

I don't know exactly how Texas Stadium is structured, but when I watched the Atlanta Thrashers at the Phillips Arena the lower level was predominantly corporate tickets and those are always given away. In the Thrashers case, the upper deck would be filled and the lower deck would be 25% full.

This could be stopped if the tickets could only be purchased by credit cards from certain billing zip codes (other teams do this).

But if Romo is looking for somebody to blame he should blame Jerry.

how do we fix this? What are your suggestions? I'm noticing it's the same sections every week that are being over run....lower level endzones and 10 yd lines. Are those sections completely owned by corporations? Jones family needs to have some dang pride.
Win a Super Bowl, and it all goes away.

I've been to 19 games at other NFL stadiums (20 after next weekend), and ours just doesn't have much to write home about in terms of game day experience.

From the restrictions to tailgating in the parking lots, to the morons showing up in slacks and sports coats, to the bubble bars, to the lack of crowd interest, to the prices, to the gimmicks, to the stupid cheerleaders getting a spotlight every quarter (thankfully they got rid of the hookers dancing in the end zone this year) ... It's all about everything but the football.

Until it becomes about football, and not entertainment, it'll never change.
I blame the owners for pricing the game out of reach of most fans. It is as simple as that. If Cowboys fans don't want other teams fans in our Stadium, then we need to make the road trips. We need to buy the tickets that these fans feel they have to sell. I do not blame the fans who sell the tickets. If you need to, man that's cool. Knock yourself out. I do exactly what these Texans fans did. I go scoop up tickets when the Cowboys travel to Arizona and sometimes San Diego, the two stadiums closest to me. I pay a little extra for the tickets so that the seller makes a profit. I don't care as long as I get to see my team play. I've been at games in Arizona where we have 60% or more of the fans. Why is this any different? Because it's our house? Well, I can't be that myopic. If you need to see that as nonchalance on my part, so be it. At least it is honest.

People keep talking about the owners pushing out the "average fan", I'm sorry, but that's simply not the truth for a good portion of the stadium.

Before every game, I make it a point to get to the stadium early to look around, and try to take it all in. I see PLENTY of the average Joe at every single game.

Now are those people season ticket holders? No, but there are only roughly 70,000 season tickets in that place, even if the average fan could afford season tickets, there wouldn't be enough to go around.
People keep talking about the owners pushing out the "average fan", I'm sorry, but that's simply not the truth for a good portion of the stadium.

Before every game, I make it a point to get to the stadium early to look around, and try to take it all in. I see PLENTY of the average Joe at every single game.

Now are those people season ticket holders? No, but there are only roughly 70,000 season tickets in that place, even if the average fan could afford season tickets, there wouldn't be enough to go around.
So the fans are absolutely 100% at fault?
Unless the Cowboys change their ticket policy I would think the teams that travel well will continue to bring thousands of fans into JerryWorld.
It's not the fans fault. But the issue isn't so much the product. It's the ticket prices and the ridiculous re-sale prices. If I were to buy 2 season tickets for $8k for the year and then could sell those tickets for 1 game for $2k, tough deal to pass up when I can just watch the game at home in HD at the comfort of my own couch.

I don't know exactly how Texas Stadium is structured, but when I watched the Atlanta Thrashers at the Phillips Arena the lower level was predominantly corporate tickets and those are always given away. In the Thrashers case, the upper deck would be filled and the lower deck would be 25% full.

This could be stopped if the tickets could only be purchased by credit cards from certain billing zip codes (other teams do this).

But if Romo is looking for somebody to blame he should blame Jerry.


I disagree. I think it's the product as well. I don't get everyone that complains about Cowboys stadium, I think it is great. I really enjoy going to that stadium, it is big, modern, safe, etc. I can bring the wife and family and have a good time. The problem has been the team... fans get tired of losing. I get that every team can have bad years, but this is getting ridiculous.

Ticket prices are obviously a problem, but more fans would buy if the team had more success. This is Jerry's fault, he has been awful as GM for many years. Jerry can't expect to field a mediocre team for a decade, charge very high prices, and then expect home fans to be lining up to buy tickets.

That being said, I like the team's performance this year, so maybe things will change. In that case, we will start seeing more cowboy fans at the stadium.
Where are the tickets being sold to the opposing fans form, anyway? I've always assumed it was on the secondary market where season ticket holders were subsidizing their seats. But are there unsold tickets the Cowboys organization is dumping on the market, too? Probably. Especially when you see the Houston fans gobbling up the party passes.

I typically give little credence to the argument that season ticket holders *have* to sell their seats to the opposition because the season tickets are too expensive. The obvious solution to that is to not buy the tickets in the first place if you can't afford to have them always go to a Cowboys fan. But if it's the Cowboys themselves making the seats available to opposing fans, that's a different story. At the very least, they should bundle tickets for high-visitor games like NO and HOU this season so you have to buy more than one game in package instead of getting walk-up pricing for the game of your choice.

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