Lots of Texans fans in Cowboys Stadium **merged**

Well it might help if the game tickets, parking, and concessions were not beyond the average person.And the fact that we have been down that 8-8 road too many times.
But yea you guys buy those tickets.I'll be fine by the old 73 inch in my recliner.We had barbeque, some cold beer and a movie after the game, oh yeah a nap at half time.
I am not a fan of JJ but you cannot blame it on the team.

The lack of attendance by Cowboys fans in the area is not a complete reaction to the team, although the product on the field is obviously an important factor. Other factors are, for one example, the way the team markets itself to the local population. You don't study the market your business is in, you usually pay for it. Jerry Jones, however, doesn't worry much about it because he has other more lucrative streams of revenues, such as TV, and he can count on traveling fans from other teams who, for whatever reason, have the disposable income to make an occasional visit. That's the embarrassing part. He's made the Cowboys a " Las Vegas in Texas " venture, but at the cost of local fans who cannot afford the steep prices OR are so disgusted with him that they're refuse to support him.

Very similar situation that's going on down here in Miami.
I wish we had home field advantage. We NEVER do. Not on the road, not at home. Next week, we get to see what a real 12th man advantage truly is. Sigh
It's a joke...I had to listen to the game on the radio here in Houston (my son turned 6 today and we had a nice party for him away from any TVs) and the noise level when the Cowboys were on offense, especially at the end of the game, was ridiculous. It's absolutely embarrassing that Romo has to use a silent count at home.
Its been bad but it's been an unusual string of opponents. When the Giants and Deadskins come to town the crowd will be united in its hate.
Ticket & parking prices are no excuse. It didn't stop Texans fans from showing up-big time. Dallas, you need to appreciate what you have in America's team, & that incredible cathedral called AT&T Stadium and get off you butts, get in those seats, & make some noise. I live in NE Ohio, & Browns fans have endured failure for what seems like forever, yet they sell out every home game & get real loud in support at home games. Wake up Dallas. That was an embarrassment to you & your fans.
A lot of blame to go around on this. The average fan can't afford ticket prices there. Corporations buy them and don't care who sits there.
Also, it doesn't help when your stadium is a destination stop. Perfect storm.
This is 100% wrong. The average Texans fan showed up and voiced support of their team.

Generally speaking, people on this site need to get to stub hub and buy tickets.
How about the Cowboys players buy a few thousand tickets to give away each week. They can afford it.
Ticket & parking prices is no excuse. It didn't stop Texans fans from showing up-big time. Dallas Tx needs to appreciate what they have in America's team, & get off their butts & make some noise. Browns fans have endured failure for what seems like forever, yet they sell out every home game & get real loud in support at home games. Wake up Dallas. That was an embarrassment to you & your fans.

It is an excuses. Fans of other teams plan all year to come attend these games. It's a destination. It's a weekend getaway. How many have you been to? Blame Jerry, he didn't build a football stadium.
I'm sick of the excuses and justifications. Yes tickets are expensive, yes Jerry World is a spectacle, and yes we have a good showing at opposing stadiums.

None of these excuse the pathetic showing week after week from the local DFW fans.
According to Romo and Witten. That's just plain embarrassing!!! Our home fans are nothing short of an embarrassment. To all the season-ticket holders who sell their tickets to opposing fans, Shame on you. Fans in Dallas are the worst Cowboy fans!!! Y'all get dominated every single week in our own damn stadium today.
Its been bad but it's been an unusual string of opponents. When the Giants and Deadskins come to town the crowd will be united in its hate.

Last time I went to a game I was on a plane loaded with Giants fans, a hotel packed with Giants fans and a bus to the stadium packed by Giants fans. Surrounded by them in my seats. So I guess they travel well.
Jerry doesn't help the situation, it's to expensive to go.
We got some of the worst fans in the NFL, or at least it seems that way. What other team in the entire NFL has to go into silent count at HOME. And fans here would always give this nonsense that "when the product on the field gets better, and this team starts winning, the fans would show up." Well that's a load of crap because we're 4-1 and we're still having problems with fans showing up at home games, pathetic. I'm glad Romo said something today. /end rant
I've said enough on this topic the last month. Today was despicable. If you sale your seat to an opposing fan, then turn in your damn fan card. The team is 4-1 not 1-4 for God's sake. I'm seriously embarrassed for my city.
I've said enough on this topic the last month. Today was despicable. If you sale your seat to an opposing fan, then turn in your damn fan card. The team is 4-1 not 1-4 for God's sake. I'm seriously embarrassed for my city.

I guess it'd be more understandable if we were 0-4 heading into today's game, but we're not. This team is 4-1 playing some nice football and they're tied for first in the division, completely embarrassing by our fans. The only good thing to come out of this is it somewhat prepared them for next week against Seattle, because we all know how loud that place gets.
I guess it'd be more understandable if we were 0-4 heading into today's game, but we're not. This team is 4-1 playing some nice football and they're tied for first in the division, completely embarrassing by our fans. The only good thing to come out of this is it somewhat prepared them for next week against Seattle, because we all know how loud that place gets.

The only explanation I can come with is that people sold their tix weeks ago before we found the team was going to be decent this year. Anyways it's disgraceful and I wish Jerry would create a committee to fix this problem. I'm sitting here watching the player interviews and they're asking all of them about it, it's despicable.
I'm sick of the excuses and justifications. Yes tickets are expensive, yes Jerry World is a spectacle, and yes we have a good showing at opposing stadiums.

None of these excuse the pathetic showing week after week from the local DFW fans.

I'll ask you, how many are you coming to. If you don't live here, you can fly in just like the road team's fans. It's idiotic to think that expensive tickets, people can't afford it is an excuse. Where are they gonna pull money from, out of their *****? At the end of the day, Jerry or the Cowboys aren't paying anyone's bills. Those who can afford to go consistently, do. Those who can't don't. It ain't rocket science.
The only explanation I can come with is that people sold their tix weeks ago before we found the team was going to be decent this year. Anyways it's disgraceful and I wish Jerry would create a committee to fix this problem. I'm sitting here watching the player interviews and they're asking all of them about it, it's despicable.
Jerry can fix the problem. Lower ticket prices. Lower parking prices. We'd be naive to think that Jerryworld hasn't had the note paid on it by now.
So what I am hoping is that everyone who hates this buys the tickets that will be on sale when the Giants come to town. If we see too many Giants fans it is your faults for hating this and doing nothing about it right?

I don't see it that way, but those of you who think that way should.

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