Low Carb Dieting/Working Out Question

Some things you can do to add carbs

Kashi makes a bunch of cereals that have 10-13g of protein so you still get protein but you can get carbs as well.

Beans have great source of carbs

Peas have carbs as do other vegetables

The main thing for me is I have tried to avoid lots of bread and get my carbs and fiber from things that are healthier for me.
Anyone ever tried meth?

I hear it works wonders on the spare tire.
Eat your carbs in the morning/afternoon/after workout. You HAVE to get some carbs in after your workout as well as protein. Those two things are depleted and to start the healing process after a workout get those in within 30 minutes. A cup of pineapple juice, a banana, or some type of fruit in a protein shake is your best bet. 70-80g of carbs in a day is also okay. Make sure they are high quality carbs though. Sweet potato, whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc. Eat a ton of good veggies too. Dieting tends to make people make bad dieting decisions and certain vitamins and nutrients tend to go missing from their diets. A good multivitamin and veggies will help that.

The faster it comes off the faster it goes back on. I hope there's some serious math and research into why you're choosing June. If there's not you're only going to push yourself too hard and burnout or you're going to let yourself down. Don't just make up some random date. Enjoy the process and make sure your expectations are realistic. There's no rush to lose the weight. Do it right so that it stays off and never comes back. By taking your time you learn a lot about your metabolic rate and what your body can handle and can't in terms of keeping you at a desired weight or putting on weight. Don't be afraid to experiment a bit either.

STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR!!!!!! :D It's satan when it comes to anything related to dieting.
I picked June 1st because I figured I can get to 250 by Jan 1, 237.5 by Feb 1, 225 by Mar 1, 212.5 by Apr 1, and 200 by May 1, 190 by Jun 1. I coach a team in the summer when school lets out and I want to be at my ideal weight by then...that's the rationale behind June 1.

Is that unrealistic...12.5 lbs a month at my size? I could understand if I was 190 trying to go to 140, but I'm 254 right now (after my morning workout).

I do notice I'm really having to push myself before going to workout, but then afterwards I'm REALLY glad that I did it.
rickjameschinaclub;4896627 said:
Your absolutely insane if your doing that much cardio and not eating carbs, plus your routine is setting you up for over-training. There is a reason why athletes carb-load before events and with strenuous activity. Losing weight is ultimately about calories.

What do you mean by overtraining? I'm noticing my knees are a bit sore, especially after really pushing the running, but it hasn't been anything that's kept me back thus far.

If losing weight is ultimately about calories, why does eating carbs and drinking beer over a weekend tend to put me 5 lbs over what I was at the end of the week...even if I'm not having more calories than my metabolic rate?
Stryker44;4897579 said:
What do you mean by overtraining? I'm noticing my knees are a bit sore, especially after really pushing the running, but it hasn't been anything that's kept me back thus far.

If losing weight is ultimately about calories, why does eating carbs and drinking beer over a weekend tend to put me 5 lbs over what I was at the end of the week...even if I'm not having more calories than my metabolic rate?

It's mostly water weight. Alcohol takes 3 days to fully metabolize, I think.

Don't sweat nutrition timing. You don't have to take anything within 30 minutes after exercising. That's like that absurd Myoplex commercial with Brady Quinn.

Macros and calories are far more important. Muscle Protein Synthesis stays elevated for up to 48-72 hours. So if you decided to lift heavy weights, and didn't want to eat right away, it's fine. You're muscles wont fall off. Hit your daily needs, get good rest/sleep, and it won't matter.

Look up Leangains: intermittent fasting. Many people fast for 16 hours a day and only eat within an 8 hour frame window. I've tried it and loved it. I'm planning to go back to it when I start my cut.

Leangains works for me cause I don't have time to eat meals as frequently as i'd like, it's easier for me to count calories, and I do feel more energy -- probably do to hormonal responses and elevated insulin sensitivity.

On a typical day I'll consume:

350 grams of Carbs
200 grams of Protein
60 grams of Fat

Which is roughly 2740 calories. This is what I need to maintain my weight of 185 lbs. If i wanted to bulk up, I'd increase those numbers slightly for a slow bulk.
Lonestar94;4893435 said:
Work out during the week. Let Saturday and Sunday be your rest days and enjoy yourself. Just don't overdue the food.

That's pretty much it. Training isn't even half the battle.

I've seen guys who workout 3 days a week and are ripped. They're eating is just spot on and that's what I need to start doing.

It doesn't take long in the kitchen to ruin a gym session.
Jenky;4897653 said:
It's mostly water weight. Alcohol takes 3 days to fully metabolize, I think.

Don't sweat nutrition timing. You don't have to take anything within 30 minutes after exercising. That's like that absurd Myoplex commercial with Brady Quinn.

Macros and calories are far more important. Muscle Protein Synthesis stays elevated for up to 48-72 hours. So if you decided to lift heavy weights, and didn't want to eat right away, it's fine. You're muscles wont fall off. Hit your daily needs, get good rest/sleep, and it won't matter.

Look up Leangains: intermittent fasting. Many people fast for 16 hours a day and only eat within an 8 hour frame window. I've tried it and loved it. I'm planning to go back to it when I start my cut.

Leangains works for me cause I don't have time to eat meals as frequently as i'd like, it's easier for me to count calories, and I do feel more energy -- probably do to hormonal responses and elevated insulin sensitivity.

On a typical day I'll consume:

350 grams of Carbs
200 grams of Protein
60 grams of Fat

Which is roughly 2740 calories. This is what I need to maintain my weight of 185 lbs. If i wanted to bulk up, I'd increase those numbers slightly for a slow bulk.

This is the best advice you'll get on here.

I do the same thing. It's the most effective way of dieting and it's not even like I'm dieting.

150 cals for breakfast, 1600 for lunch, 150 for dinner. I love it.
At 247 now. Really enthused with the progress thus far but a long ways still to go.
Do you guys ever hit a rut when you stop feeling like workout and/or eating well? I've been like that the past week and really need to get past it mentally. What do you do to stop putting things off "until tomorrow" when it comes to this?
Stryker44;4960563 said:
Do you guys ever hit a rut when you stop feeling like workout and/or eating well? I've been like that the past week and really need to get past it mentally. What do you do to stop putting things off "until tomorrow" when it comes to this?

All it usually takes for me is to look in the mirror or notice how loose my clothes have gotten to remind me no food or laziness is worth throwing that away.

Stryker44;4960563 said:
Do you guys ever hit a rut when you stop feeling like workout and/or eating well? I've been like that the past week and really need to get past it mentally. What do you do to stop putting things off "until tomorrow" when it comes to this?

Take a break. Still eat well but allow yourself some of the thing that aren't as bad for you. Avoid the stuff that's horrible though. You could be burning yourself out. You really have to think long term. There's no rush since eating healthy should be a lifelong change.
As Jenky points out, the appearance of weight loss, when going low-carb, is really just about water weight. Carbs actually make one retain water to an extent, which isn't a bad thing.

Also, as Jenky points out the idea of nutrition timing isn't real either. As long as your your daily needs, you'll reap benefits in the end. It's pretty much common sense. It would be an example of ultimate stupidity of evolution that the body, in periods where it believes that one may encounter a starving scenario, would start to fall apart. The exact opposite happens in reality, which is, the body for a significant period sharpens it's performance, with the release of cortisol and other hormones. This is why, people who have trained with intermittent fasting often during their training periods mind themselves much more alert and energized.

This state of 'alertness happens for a certain period of time until it starts to become harmful for the body. Elevated cortisol for extended periods of time is not good, i.e. it's one of the stress hormones. Elevated cortisol levels is also an example of over-training, which may be what your facing now.

One should keep in mind, all these ideas of excess protein and the like are nothing but mindless fanaticism in respect to fiet. The body can even recycle protein it already has according to it's needs. The basic principle of weight loss is calories expended must be greater than calories consumed. The problem is, nutrition is now looked upon like alchemy was in the past, i.e. there is a magic diet. There are some benefits of low carb diets from a certain angle in respect to wieght loss. And this is the fact that fats and protein tend to be more satiating then carbs. One should also take into account the idea that the urge for a certain type of food is that your brain may desire a certain food, because it has learned over the past that that particular food possesses a certain nutrient, which it may sense it needs at the very moment one has the urge for it.

The basic principles to health and weight loss are essentially eat a balanced diet, remain active, which doesn't necessarily equate to exercise, reduce stress and sleep well.
One point that I disagree with others on in here...
If someone is quite a bit overweight and trying to lose weight even at a reasonable pace, it is perfectly fine and recommended to keep carbs fairly low. As many have pointed out, the key to this is avoiding simple sugars, breads, chips, crackers, etc. Carb intake should be things like beans, brown rice, etc.

I would not recommend for someone this overweight who is trying to drop fat to to eat 80-90g of carbs per day. About 40-45g is probably better.

Also, in terms of calories, I suspect a better level of intake is around 1800-2000, not 2700. This would assume you are burning about 2200 per day, which would be a good calaorie deficit ratio (200 calories or so). In terms of your aerobic workouts, I suspect you aren't burning as much as some people in here think.

Finally, the tuna diet isn't going to be sustainable. You are going to get burned out. Focus on a lifestyle change and find some healthy foods you sort of like. For example, I eat egg whites w/black beans and salsa for breakfast most days. And I like the way it tastes, and it's very healthy.
I am on a low carb diet and started on New Year's Day. I weighed 300 lbs and now am about 287. My goal is to get to 250 by August. Good to know you are having success bro! I am only exercising 3 days a week especially 20 min on a elliptical.
goshan;4964959 said:
One point that I disagree with others on in here...
If someone is quite a bit overweight and trying to lose weight even at a reasonable pace, it is perfectly fine and recommended to keep carbs fairly low. As many have pointed out, the key to this is avoiding simple sugars, breads, chips, crackers, etc. Carb intake should be things like beans, brown rice, etc.

I would not recommend for someone this overweight who is trying to drop fat to to eat 80-90g of carbs per day. About 40-45g is probably better.

Also, in terms of calories, I suspect a better level of intake is around 1800-2000, not 2700. This would assume you are burning about 2200 per day, which would be a good calaorie deficit ratio (200 calories or so). In terms of your aerobic workouts, I suspect you aren't burning as much as some people in here think.

Finally, the tuna diet isn't going to be sustainable. You are going to get burned out. Focus on a lifestyle change and find some healthy foods you sort of like. For example, I eat egg whites w/black beans and salsa for breakfast most days. And I like the way it tastes, and it's very healthy.

45 grams of carbs a day? That's way too low.
TheCowboy;4964966 said:
I am on a low carb diet and started on New Year's Day. I weighed 300 lbs and now am about 287. My goal is to get to 250 by August. Good to know you are having success bro! I am only exercising 3 days a week especially 20 min on a elliptical.

Congratulations dude! I've been hovering around the same weight since the holidays, but also didn't eat well or work out last week (was kinda in a funk after the Commanders playoff loss).

Getting back on track this week.
I may have overtrained at first...I got down to 246 just before Christmas working a cardio workout each morning and lighter cardio/weights in the afternoons...but since the holidays I've had trouble getting my consistent routine back.

When I was doing the workouts twice a day, I was having to nap for 1-2 hours after work to have the energy to do the second workout. I assume that's not a good thing.
Stryker44;4965554 said:
I may have overtrained at first...I got down to 246 just before Christmas working a cardio workout each morning and lighter cardio/weights in the afternoons...but since the holidays I've had trouble getting my consistent routine back.

When I was doing the workouts twice a day, I was having to nap for 1-2 hours after work to have the energy to do the second workout. I assume that's not a good thing.

I think thats normal. At least it is for me. Lack of calories plus exercise = lack of energy.

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