Lowest QBR in the Division

It's equally as funny that "yall" used QBR to puff him up, yet here you are downplaying this poor QBR.
I’m not downplaying anything. I’m just trying to keep up with the argument. A few weeks ago it was we don’t care what he does in the regular season. Now regular season matters. :laugh:
Since stats are in play, what’s Dak’s record in games in his career when we get down 10+ points. I’ve ask this several times and no one seems to know. I have no clue how to research this. I’m sure it’s some but I can’t remember one and I haven’t missed many games.
They are 16th in pressure/sack rate. Better than I thought, seems like he always has a defender in his lap.
That's because he has very little pocket awareness and doesn't make those little elusive moves to get in a better throwing position sometimes he even moves right towards the pressure. He's stiff and immobile now too so he makes the pass protection looks worse than it is
I don't care that he got it, only that it was here. I agree, get whatever they're dumb enough to pay you.
I object, Your Honor. The evidence clearly shows the defendant is a ‘stat padder’ and all but disappears when the opponent is relevant to the playoff race. Bailiff, ROLL THE FILM.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury - please note the enlarged and glazed eyes of the defendant - and the repeated tendency to throw off his back foot rather than stepping UP into the pocket or sliding to either side before planting for the throw.

THESE ARE the characteristics of your classic ‘front-runner’ … and NOT an example of the ballsy clutch QBs that annually litter the landscape of conference championship football.

The defendant is clearly NOT a championship-caliber QB - but a mere ‘poseur’attempting to milk his next contract negotiations. And duping inumerable fans into believing in a capacity that is absent in this player - subsequently doling out their hard-earned bucks hoping to witness an event that will NEVER OCCUR.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury … I beseech you to do the right thing. To protect the ‘little guy’ … the hard-working normally level-headed Cowboys fan who falls for the spiel of Jerry Jones sales pitch year-after-year. Convict this Defendant Number Four of the charge of Fraud. And protect these innocent dupes from the tentacles of Jerry Jones’s avarice. Until NEXT season.

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