Twitter: Lowest uncatchable pass % (Dak and Brady tied 4th)


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Not ANYTHING, but we do give him a wider margin than we used to. I think he's earned it.
He has improved in some ways. But he will still occasionally hold the ball and take a sack he don’t need to.


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Not ANYTHING, but we do give him a wider margin than we used to. I think he's earned it.
That's cool if you think he's earned it. We all have our own pov but I obviously disagree. He's the best option currently but first chance to potentially improve Im doing it even if it fails.


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Who is defending him. Lol. If he throws a bad pass then he throws a bad pass. Every QB does it. I am not one of those people that are on the extreme either way on him. In his 4th year he has shown improvement and he needs good players around him. Most QB do. Romos play picked up when he had murray and that O-Line. Very few can carry a team on his back. I wish people wouldnt compare him to a brady. Nobody is a brady, that guy is the pink unicorn of the NFL.
He hasn't shown improvement. The players are better which makes him look better. Nobody can carry a team on their back for long but Dak can't really do it at all. Romo play picked up with better players but even with average WR Romo still could make it happen at times. When Dak had Romo level WR he's play went to expletive.


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hmmmmm......part of accuracy?

look as most stats are misleading this is as well.. we watch every snap, every pass, and the NFL requirement for this stat as a catchable pass is ridiculous as it doesnt show what route was being run and how the pass was thrown..

we know Daks weak part of his passing game seem to be crossing routes and slant and that where hes been throwing a lot of balls BEHIND the WR.

I'm sorry but those particular routes where a WR is running FULL Speed one direction and to have the ball thrown to the back shoulder and making the WR slow ay down or dang near stop reach back totally with only hands as his arms are torqued across his body to make catch like that, IMO that barely in a catch radius..its caused a lot of INTs or Incompletes.. putting that on the WR in that case on those routes makes the stat less valid to me..

yes Daks inaccuracy issues are overblown, hes not inaccurate to the narrative being made BUT hes got issues with those routes and no stat and ranking will change my mind..those are meat on the bone type plays notonly that failed to complete or cause a TO but hit the WR in stride he gets more yards and some of them Scores..


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They don’t seem high to me.

If a QB throws 30 passes. 15% uncatchable means 4.5 of the passes were uncatchable.

If you watch a lot of NFL games, 4-5 uncatchable balls per game sounds right to me. QB’s miss throws all
The time. You have to especially consider that this percentage takes into account deep passes that a QB misses on. Which happens all the time, and this number may account for throw away also.

So these numbers don’t seem unrealistic at all to me.

What is uncatchable also is subjective.

I also imagine there is a gap between an uncatchable pass and what would be considered a “drop” too. Like the passes that are not well thrown and a tough catch, but one that is possible for a receiver to catch if they make a great play.
Didn't you know that only Dak misses those passes. All the other QBs throw perfect passes every throw


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Daks just average and is inaccurate but I know you grown men need a hero so will say annnnnnything to defend him.

And you smacked glasses need a scape goat for Romo retiring and not fulfilling your dreams . Dak dosent need defending he flat out has given us great value for a 4th round pick that was not supposed to be our franchise QB and not even our first choice in that draft for Romos back up .

When we use a top 3 pick then we can complain . If we were stuck with Trubisky , Marriota , Winston , or Darnold we would have the right to complain. Check there Stats for this week Busts all of them and top 3 picks to boot . We are lucky to have Dak

Little Jr

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Would be interesting to see what they consider uncatchable. If they consider passes that a receiver was able to get his fingertips on as a catchable pass, then I disagree with that. Those are poor passes that almost got saved because of the receiver's efforts rather than good passes that the receiver dropped.

Uncatchable Inaccurate passes: Overthrow, Underthrow, In Front, Behind

The uncatchable bucket includes a number of other categories, including plays made by the defender, but the basic concept is the quarterback is throwing a pass that is uncatchable either due to accuracy or a lack of velocity.

The link goes into more detail and have pics


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He has improved in some ways. But he will still occasionally hold the ball and take a sack he don’t need to.
Dak has been sacked the 30th most this season

There is only one starting QB that has played all his team's games and taken less sacks: Derek Carr


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Uncatchable Inaccurate passes: Overthrow, Underthrow, In Front, Behind

The uncatchable bucket includes a number of other categories, including plays made by the defender, but the basic concept is the quarterback is throwing a pass that is uncatchable either due to accuracy or a lack of velocity.

The link goes into more detail and have pics

It still needs to be quantified. How much does a pass have to be behind the receiver for it to be considered uncatchable? Was the pass that Cooper got his hands on that turned into an interception considered uncatchable? How about the pass that Gallup missed in the Philly game?

Little Jr

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It still needs to be quantified. How much does a pass have to be behind the receiver for it to be considered uncatchable? Was the pass that Cooper got his hands on that turned into an interception considered uncatchable? How about the pass that Gallup missed in the Philly game?
Do you want the exact yards the ball went behind or in front of the wr? Did the pic in the article not define it well enough? Not being a smart***, actually asking.

The Cooper passed would defiantly be catchable. The Gallup one would've been borderline.


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Purely subjective and bogus stat.

Kirk Cousins has the highest QB rating in the NFL.

That's all you need to know about stats.