LT After The Game?

I gained respect for LT actually because you dont let the other team just shown no class at all like that especially on your homefield. thats coming from someone who doesnt even like the Chargers.

Oh and i hate the people that say well dont let them win or score or whatever. THATS FREAKIN BS!!!!!!! just because you win it doesnt give you the right to act like an A-Hole and show no class whatsoever for the other team. Thats nothing but an excuse from people who say that!!! Luckily T.O hasnt done this in Dallas
BigDFan5;1314169 said:
If its anything like Wares sack on Vick it wont count as an official sack since he tackled Brady as he was scrambling and there wasnt even a loss of yardage

(7:04) (Shotgun) T.Brady sacked at SD 41 for 0 yards (S.Merriman).
Maeriman did get credit for one sack and one tackle.
Da Hammer;1314325 said:
I gained respect for LT actually because you dont let the other team just shown no class at all like that especially on your homefield. thats coming from someone who doesnt even like the Chargers.

Oh and i hate the people that say well dont let them win or score or whatever. THATS FREAKIN BS!!!!!!! just because you win it doesnt give you the right to act like an A-Hole and show no class whatsoever for the other team. Thats nothing but an excuse from people who say that!!! Luckily T.O hasnt done this in Dallas

I disagree totally.

Whats so bad about making fun of a cheater?
big dog cowboy;1314328 said:
Maeriman did get credit for one sack and one tackle.

Merroidman is the undisputed king of cheap "sacks."
Deep_Freeze;1314133 said:
Well, they are testing him more after that so he can't take them and he was still performing well.

The effects of steroids don't disappear the instant you stop using them.
cowboys19;1314330 said:
I disagree totally.

Whats so bad about making fun of a cheater?
i dont mind them making fun of Merriman and doing his dance because i hate him and hell if they would have done it during the game then i would have laughed but dont do it right after the game and show up the other team. Its completely Classless!!!
AdamJT13;1314340 said:
The effects of steroids don't disappear the instant you stop using them.

I know, but its has been a while since the suspension, IF in fact he has quit, lol. Thats the point that joseephuss also pointed out. Sure he is in question, but at this point, all you can do is accept his stats and go on til he is tested positive again.
smarta5150;1313998 said:
We didnt do a good job controlling our emotions.

I will never, ever react in that way, I am a very classy person. (he was upset about the celebrating at mid field - the Pats were doing the Merriman dance)

The players should NO class and maybe it comes from their coach (BB)

Exactly right. I am so sick of the Patriots. I hope Manning throws 50 on em!
Good for the Pats...they whipped the Chargers on their own field...they didn't stomp on their team logo...they made fun of Merriman, who's a cheater.

I have no problem with it...LT has every right to feel however he wants, but to me he came across like a little crybaby...there was nothing he could do about their celebration anyway...he didn't stop anything really...he was just upset over losing...I have no doubt the Pats have total respect for him, but why should they have any for Merriman?

I totally respect the Pats and their coach and their entire organization...they don't have a ton of high priced stars...they go out and play the game the way it should be played with great guys like Troy Brown.

I won't let jealousy cloud my vision...they are a quality group of guys who deserve respect, imo.

LT is the games greatest player right now...that doesn't make him a god, nor does it make him right in his personal your crying in the locker room, not in the media.

I loved it...besides, the wife and I picked all four winners and had 45 points in the final game, while someone else had 44 and another 46.5....thanks to the Pats, we won 135 smackers at her work LT can go cry in his cornflakes :grin:
Roid Rage is the only reason I wanted the Pats to win.......I absolutely hate the Pats, but at least they don't use roids
AdamJT13;1314085 said:
I don't hate him. Until he got busted for using steroids, I always said I'd love to have him on the other side from Ware. He's a good player. (But he's also overrated and overhyped.) And now he's tainted. He's the Mark McGwire of the NFL.

That's not a fair comparison. MLB didn't have a policy against the supplements that McGwire used at the time he used them. McGwire's records are tainted to be sure, but he wasn't cheating. Merriman was.
kmd24;1314388 said:
That's not a fair comparison. MLB didn't have a policy against the supplements that McGwire used at the time he used them. McGwire's records are tainted to be sure, but he wasn't cheating.

No, he was just breaking the law. And enough people consider it to have been cheating that he's not going into Cooperstown anytime soon.
Aikbach;1313996 said:
He said trade me to Dallas, then I woke up.

He looked angry most of the game and I was thinking, why aren't they using this guy and his back up more???
ELDudearino;1314404 said:
He looked angry most of the game and I was thinking, why aren't they using this guy and his back up more???

I wouldnt doubt it if his backup, Turner, is a starter next year on a new team.

I dont wanna say it but...

the Giants need a RB.
smarta5150;1314406 said:
I wouldnt doubt it if his backup, Turner, is a starter next year on a new team.

I dont wanna say it but...

the Giants need a RB.

I wouldn't mind trading JJ for that guy..
kmd24;1314388 said:
That's not a fair comparison. MLB didn't have a policy against the supplements that McGwire used at the time he used them. McGwire's records are tainted to be sure, but he wasn't cheating. Merriman was.

Yeah, but steroids have been illegal without a prescription in the U.S. for how long? Shouldn't that be a factor?

The bigger question is, should there even be a need for a policy for drugs classified as controlled substances under US law? I just think that sounds ridiculous. What's MLB's "policy" regarding heroin? If there isn't one on the books, should MLB just give the player a warning the first time he sticks a needle in his arm?

I may be wrong here, but didn't the NFL adjust its steroid policy a long time ago, like when the DEA cracked down on the stuff or soon thereafter?

The difference is, MLB chose to look the other way for a long time, and even thier new "policies" in response to Bonds, McGwire, et al are a total joke compared to the policy the NFL had in place 10-15 years ago. Selig and MLB created thier own problem there.

I love how McGwire "wasn't cheating" because he was using (and obtaining) a controlled substance in an illegal manner that gave him a clear and indisputable advantage over a significant percentage of the competition, simply because MLB didn't get around to addressing it, or just didn't feel like it. What if McGwire just came out and admitted in 1998 that he was popping 250mg of Anadrol every day, or enough to kill a horse? Hey, its not cheating, because MLB policy is silent! I'm sure no one would've thought twice. Great argument :lmao2:

No testing system is foolproof, but the bottom line is that any NFL player getting caught red-handed with steroids in the past 15-20 years, like Merriman did, indicates that he's a either a total idiot or an out of control egomaniac, or both. Merriman seems to fit either or both of those descriptions given his character.
AdamJT13;1314397 said:
No, he was just breaking the law. And enough people consider it to have been cheating that he's not going into Cooperstown anytime soon.

To be clear, I wasn't defending McGwire, I was pointing out that what Merriman did was worse.

MLB has been hypocritical in their treatment of the steroid issue. After all the labor issues over the last couple of decades, don't think that league officials weren't thrilled to see offensive stats rise and excitement grow over the potential to see decades-long records fall. The casual observer could see that guys like McGwire, Sosa, Giambi, and Bonds were juicing, but MLB winked, patted these on the butt, and let them go about their business until the Feds got involved.

Maybe you don't see any difference, but to me, what McGwire did was bad, and what Merriman did was far worse.
ultra5;1314028 said:
GO LT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Belichek is an a hole and i wish he would be deported to an island along with his loser team.

i am sick of hearing about Belichek Brady and Peyote Manning for that matter.


We should be so lucky to be "losers" like the Patriots. :lmao:
LT needs to stop crying, from the looks of things the Chargers were the ones doing all the mouth popping and acting out....