RELEASED Lucky Whitehead Cut **merged**

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More proof why cutting his itch ss was a timely move. He is welcomed to go be the 52nd best player on the Jets roster. BYE FELICIA!

Now we get to see Ryan Switzer perform......and hope he performs worthy of the guaranteed break.

Really, I think they wanted Lucky on the roster to have another experienced return guy for the 5 preseason games. Having guys back there who fumble or whatever keeps you from seeing what you've got on offense. And putting starters like Beasley back there isn't something you want to do instead.

But it is what it is. He's at Jet now. Hope it was the wakeup call he needed. Time to move on to more important topics.
Mickey has a point. This doesn't pass the smell test. And Lucky is a first-class tool, so I don't doubt that he changed his story to the team and they decided they'd had enough.
I hate how they did him, I really do. I think of it as if it were me. If someone did me like that, :mad: Elliott has been in trouble after trouble, but you can bet your sweet &&&, he's not going to be cut. If you're going to cut someone, don't cut him for things he's done off the field, otherwise, a lot of guys on this roster would be cut. Cut him because he fumbles too much, or takes the ball out of the end zone on kickoffs when he should just stay in, or that he only has one route on the WR tree. But cutting him over this was asinine at best.

What's done is done though, moving on.:cool:
Mickey has a point. This doesn't pass the smell test. And Lucky is a first-class tool, so I don't doubt that he changed his story to the team and they decided they'd had enough.

Think about two different stories:

1) Someone shoplifts and has memorized the full name, DOB and SSN of someone else living in a different State


2) Someone gets caught shoplifting and skips the court hearing. Knowing training camp is coming up, their Agent calls the police department and threatens an expensive lawsuit. PD says "Whatevs, its a misdomeaner" and drops everything rather than paying the costs involved.

I think both are entirely plausible scenarios.
I'm baffled that we reached 37 pages on a fringe clown. We must all really be feening for some football... o_O

A false charge does Lucky in.....that's why it's 37 pages. Demarcus Lawrence, Randy Gregory, Irving....still ridin' with the 'Boys. We understand.....value/production/potential brings high tolerance. For the warrant (false one), the decision was quick and obviously without valid research/due process.....that's my problem. I wouldn't have a problem if Lucky got released for transgressions BEFORE training camp and false charge.

And if Randy Gregory is in training camp, that's even more eye raising. Man needs more help than football and more lives than a cat.

But I understand.....Cowboys trying to send a message......just with poor PR and egg stuck on face. Sure some players were laughing and shaking heads, with the get tough approach. Ya think?

Anyway, Lucky is working again and wishes are for him to do well......he was one on our team tossed out, but alley still filled with trash. C'mon JJ & JG. Really? I'm out.....Go Cowboys!!!
I hate how they did him, I really do. I think of it as if it were me. If someone did me like that, :mad: Elliott has been in trouble after trouble, but you can bet your sweet &&&, he's not going to be cut. If you're going to cut someone, don't cut him for things he's done off the field, otherwise, a lot of guys on this roster would be cut. Cut him because he fumbles too much, or takes the ball out of the end zone on kickoffs when he should just stay in, or that he only has one route on the WR tree. But cutting him over this was asinine at best.

What's done is done though, moving on.:cool:
yeah I think that they planned on cutting him and just used the report of arrest to be a good reason.
Switzer was drafted To replace him.
Evidently Jg and S. Jones did not
Like him or how he behaved.

Any players that they like personally
and kiss butt good will finish their contract's.
It could be he wanted off the team?
Anyway no big deal but it does make fo and jg look bad.
They could have just been more honest
about it.
Jets claimed him.

Glad to hear that, all in gods plan,truth be told,as I've kinda been planning on keeping some low key tabs on the jets this year(come on,I admit to like seeing Joe Namath play back in the day,I mean, like elway and Marino he could never be counted out,,, I remember towards the end he'd stiffly hobble up to the center after getting sacked,, but still, in all that mud,rain and snow he was a player.)
Glad to hear that, all in gods plan,truth be told,as I've kinda been planning on keeping some low key tabs on the jets this year(come on,I admit to like seeing Joe Namath play back in the day,I mean, like elway and Marino he could never be counted out,,, I remember towards the end he'd stiffly hobble up to the center after getting sacked,, but still, in all that mud,rain and snow he was a player.)
Joe Namath has an amazing docu on HBO, Melon. If you like Namath, you'd adore his doc.

It's simply called Namath and it's outstanding :star::star:
Spagnola posted an article on the Lucky Whitehead situation on, a couple of interesting points. He said there were other incidents with Lucky that weren't public (duh) and that Lucky gave several different stories to the team about the situation. Not a smart thing to do if you already have several strikes against you.

He also goes through the identify theft scenario, I'm not certain if he is saying it really was Lucky and not ID theft or if he is saying Lucky hangs out with people shady enough to steal his identity.
The bottomline is the Cowboys knew more information on Lucky than we or the media did and was okay with releasing him without that last incident. The Cowboys didn't do him wrong. According to Mickey Spagnola, the Cowboys had time to rescind his release after the mistaken ID story came out and before the official release paperwork hit the NFL front office... they just didn't want him.
The bottomline is the Cowboys knew more information on Lucky than we or the media did and was okay with releasing him without that last incident. The Cowboys didn't do him wrong.

Exactly, its a moot point because Lucky had zero chance of being on the final roster anyway.

Also Spagnola won't come out and say it, but the more you think about it - which is more likely? Lucky was the shoplifter and a lawyer or agent got it dropped or the other scenario - a guy who does Identity Theft steals $40 of nothing from a convienence store and has memorized Lucky's exact name, DOB and SSN?

Really? People who do identify theft focus on credit cards and large fraud, things that bring thousands or tens of thousands of dollars at a pop. Do they really memorize the information so they can steal from a 7-11?
I get that.

But that's not what the Cowboys did yesterday. After little to no punishments for players that did actually get in trouble, they cut a guy immediately after learning of an arrest warrant and then a couple of hours after that found out that the kid wasn't even in the state the crime was committed.

It's a bad look for the organization.

Sorry, but the incident isn't generating as much negative PR as you think. Many of you are missing the biggest point of the situation. It's not that Lucky was was Lucky's DOCUMENTED HISTORY of neglecting to inform his employers of a troublesome situation he'd gotten into.

The Cowboys learned of Lucky's auto accident last season from a,media member who'd seen it on Lucky's Snapchat. Lucky should have informed them himself after it happened.

The Cowboys learned of this latest incident from the media, A MONTH AFTER IT HAPPENED. Worse than that, it was two weeks after Lucky skipped a court appearance. Yes, he was aware of the court date. He had been charged, then indicted, after which he was served a summons to appear.

Had Lucky been upfront with the Cowboys at the time it happened, he'd still be in camp. He was going to be cut, but there was no reason to do it now. Lucky's history of immature decision-making is why has gone now, instead of later.
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This makes no sense.

If they cut Whitehead last week, then it doesn't get picked up by the media. But the fact they cut him an hour after learning he had an arrest warrant and then a couple hours after they cut him it turns out they have the wrong guy, that's why it was picked up by the press.

In other words, this was entirely of the Cowboys making. They created this.

That is s completely wrong. LUCKY created this. Had he I nformed the club of the situation, he'd be on the club today, pending final resolution. Even if he had been guilty, his worst offense would have been not informing the Cowboys. His guilt or innocence doesn't change that.

Damien Wilson is a great example of how you handle this kind of thing. What he did was far worse, but he does not have a documented history of bad decision makng. What's more, he called his agent immediately, who in turn notified the team. Unlike Lucky's situation, they didn't learn of the incident through the media.
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