You are making arguments that I am not arguing. I don't have an issue with the concept of Lucky being cut. Frankly, as I said earlier, I assumed he was a goner once Switzer started lighting it up in OTAs, etc. I don't have an issue with certain players getting different treatment given their status on a team. Honestly, I don't have an issue with cutting a guy to try to send a message to other players.
My only issues here are that the process of cutting Lucky was simply bad PR and then the justifications after the fact from the team and fans (like saying Lucky had to be cut becaue he was a distraction as if Wilson being accused of assault and brandishing a gun isn't a "distraction").
IMO, the Cowboys should have waited for the facts, then cut him based on merit down the road. Because now, any positive PR they were trying to get and any message they were trying to send to the team is gone as everyone now knows they cut a guy for a crime he didn't actually commit.