I just wish more players were cut league wide for stupidity. This is out of control.
I support what you are saying, but it is not practical.
A good chunk of NFL players are drawn from populations where they are not exactly set up for success.
A lot of them have used their athleticism to get themselves a chance to break out of their situations, but they cannot leave their previous lives behind once they "make it".
For all of the NFL and even Dallas' bluster about "character", they all know that there is not a team that can avoid trouble.
I have more of an issue of making it
too much of the philosophy.
A couple of character risks, provided they can play at an acceptable level, okay.
But three, four, five, six even seven players that will be unreliable and unavailable due to suspension?
Despite what Jerry Jones says about preparing for suspensions, that is no way to run a team.