LVE continues to be weak link

Really a lot of people on here seem to think every thing is fine and that LVE is exceptional. Interesting. I agree 100%. LB is number one and then defensive line.
"Exceptional"? I must have missed all the posts that made that claim. I guess you don't restrict your tendency to see only what you want to see strictly to the football field.
So then you saying that you have forgotten more than I know should get you benched. That sounds a lot more personal than what I!! What a dude
In response to what? Let stop. Just stop. Enough. Just the facts mam.
"Exceptional"? I must have missed all the posts that made that claim. I guess you don't restrict your tendency to see only what you want to see strictly to the football field.
Reread the posts. Clearly a lot of wolf boy love on here. The storm is coming. And it wont be pretty.
Nick Martin had has way with wolf boy (as well as other blockers) Couple first quarter plays but after that nothing and a day late and a dollar short on most running plays. We will be destroyed by rams and philly on the ground game. Our stellar defense really covers for an incredibly ineffective LVE (and Barr to be honest). But we will be exposed the next two games unfortunately. Washington did expose us with the run on a number of plays. Offensive coordinators on good teams with run games will fully expose our weak link. That is why I suggested more safely play and Wilson and Bland really shined. I just don't see the point of LVE taking up a spot on the 11.
LVE is a stop gap, and Q is happy having him for the moment.
Is 27th against the rush not a problem?

Given all the light boxes we have been repeatedly showing, the disappearance of big plays against us, excellent 3rd drive efficiency, elite points per drive, the bevy of negative plays, and the turnovers then no, it is not a problem.

But hey if you want to act like the defense is something other teams do not fear because of people running the ball against us not leading to points then go right ahead.
Reread the posts. Clearly a lot of wolf boy love on here. The storm is coming. And it wont be pretty.

This is a typical troll move. No one should have to look up justifications for your arguments.

You need to come up with new material. At least when you come up with cute pet names for your persons of interest that can be funny. Now you are just mindlessly biasing to one stat/player, making wild claims with no evidence, and backing it up with the con.

You're just trying to be irritating. You have been spending all week on this so I guess you like the attention but seriously dude, go outside.

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