Madden players?

only 30 mins? guess you make an exception when telling strangers online what to do with their lives

Not telling anyone to do anything. If you want to waste it playing video games that's your perogative. I'm just departing some wisdom. Please ignore it if you wish.
Keep dreaming.
Haha man do you really want to go there Mr. "My occupation is just to fund my hobbies." Sounds like you are barely scraping by for your next fishing trip old timer. I'm going to Vegas on New Years with a suite booked at Wynn. Want to see the travel plans old timer? People who tell others to get a life on the Internet just screams "I'm a worthless trolling loser with nothing to do". You need another hobby old-T. You should try gaming.
Oh yeah, forgot about the quick toss/sweeps/outside zone runs. You generally can spread the DL and motion your LBs to one side. Take control of the weakside LB and ensure you go wide of the LT/RT to protect against that cut back and put that WOLB on the LOS on the backside. If he runs strong side, you want to turn into the player closest to action and speed directly to the sideline to cut off that angle and then press the L trigger to get centered if you beat them outside to prepare for the tackle.

If someone keeps using that screen (cheeser type), take control of your MLB and watch the OL and cut off the path to the RB sprinting in his line of path or close proximity to make tackle, etc. (can lead to a lot of sacks).
But if you're not the MLB, (this is my preference btw but general rule is playing as DL is a lost play defensively; online exclusive/a lot of players play S exclusively and run all over the field to disrupt/confuse/play coverage, but those are hardcore OL/cheeser types) pre snap and they just mix it in a lot, take control of your LBs and watch the TE/RB and see which one should takes priority.

I forgot too, on running while playing offense, don't hit sprint until your OL makes contact (it causes the D to speed up/pursuit) so wait until they make contact bf making your cuts w/R stick raft inside/speed button. Think of sprinting as exclusive to outside runs (outside zones/power sweeps generally have the OL setup to allow you to sprint to the outside almost immediately or until you clear the rif inside and to finish off your runs to gain that couple of extra yards w/your R stick.

Holding L trigger while performing jukes, spins, trucks one on one helps you break tackles and can lead to long runs. Zeke inside I just hold L trigger until ready to truck/sprint/wiggle w R stick and just read the MLB to decide which side to run (usually good for 5-7 a pop). HB Dives/stretch/power O trap, and power sweep are probably the best running plays. You can audible your OL too, so on stretch plays make sure to either push R/L ( or up for inside) or to the side of your sweep and the OL will take a big step to help set up your blocks.

Nice a lot of great info here. I'm going to read through it again later again and try some things out. The bit about running is a lot of help. I sprint off the bat and get stuck half the time. I also use the power stick with the rb a lot and if I time it wrong and the defender hit sticks me I end up fumbling. So the left trigger you say.. is that L2 on ps4?
Nice a lot of great info here. I'm going to read through it again later again and try some things out. The bit about running is a lot of help. I sprint off the bat and get stuck half the time. I also use the power stick with the rb a lot and if I time it wrong and the defender hit sticks me I end up fumbling. So the left trigger you say.. is that L2 on ps4?

No problem and glad to help. Yeah, hold L2 trigger (right before the action, not the whole time) and then press stiff arms, spins, truck, etc. and you will break a lot of those first tackles. Been awhile since been OL but remember those as my general tips and "money plays", etc.
I'm up for an online franchise if y'all wanna put a league together. I prefer playstation though. 3 or 4
Just wondering where the Madden community is around these parts?

Ive been playing online lately and man oh man I'm pretty bad lol. With that said I keep at it and try and hang with some of these 11 year old professionals :)

I gave up on Madden several years ago. It's just not enjoyable anymore. I play like 5-6 games and then it collects dust.
I play offline franchise, which they had ruined for a few years, but last years release was pretty decent.

I feel like they often take one step forward and two steps back, on purpose. So they can "fix" it the following year and call it a new feature.

Sports games are really the only console games I play anymore, easy to get in and out.
I play offline franchise, which they had ruined for a few years, but last years release was pretty decent.

I feel like they often take one step forward and two steps back, on purpose. So they can "fix" it the following year and call it a new feature.

Sports games are really the only console games I play anymore, easy to get in and out.

You called out EA's model brilliantly. Having no competition from 2K allows them to become lazy and know there are enough NFL fans who play video games to earn the money regardless. That's why the game feels the same for going on 10 years, they use an animation based engine instead of the physics based engine that 2K was approaching to at a rapid pace (and got close to getting there before being closed out, etc).

Also, agree that offline franchise was fixed "enough" to let us be more involved in our team; again the counter is stuff like lacking sub based packages/subs pre game and modifying player position mid season instead of having to do it bf the season begins, etc.
Yeah, these guys need to get a life and use their time more wisely--like complaining about gamers on the internet!

I bought Madden 16 and it was the first time in a few years I had bought Madden. Only played like 3 or 4 times, its just not the same anymore.....I wish theyd let EA make NCAA Football again.....

Finally! Someone is just like me. Madden gets old after the first month. I'm still pissed that NCAA football is no longer available. That was the best. Loved it, and it never got old.

I love FIFA soccer too. It too never gets old.

Other than that, I don't play any other games. Sports only. Now I'm trying to decide if I should try MLB, NBA, or NHL.
MLB The Show is excellent. As is Fifa. But I still get addicted to Madden like no other game.
Finally! Someone is just like me. Madden gets old after the first month. I'm still pissed that NCAA football is no longer available. That was the best. Loved it, and it never got old.

I love FIFA soccer too. It too never gets old.

Other than that, I don't play any other games. Sports only. Now I'm trying to decide if I should try MLB, NBA, or NHL.

I haven't played the newest fifa but 2015 I was in division 2 for the longest. My skill level was more of a division 3 though.
Just wondering where the Madden community is around these parts?

Ive been playing online lately and man oh man I'm pretty bad lol. With that said I keep at it and try and hang with some of these 11 year old professionals :)

Here is a hint to get the max out of your offensive line...Wait until the center points out his assignments, your chances of a successful running play increases.
Get a life. Go outside and live.

Your dumb. I have been playing videos games since the 80's....I have a LIFE...I have a professional career, own my own adult internet company, have raised 3 kids and 2 step-kids (1 of my daughters just graduated from Miss State). Have been married and divorced twice, been to multiple countries and states. That's a great LIFE to me....and I still got a lot of LIVING to do....

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