Madden players?


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Just wondering where the Madden community is around these parts?

Ive been playing online lately and man oh man I'm pretty bad lol. With that said I keep at it and try and hang with some of these 11 year old professionals :)
Just wondering where the Madden community is around these parts?

Ive been playing online lately and man oh man I'm pretty bad lol. With that said I keep at it and try and hang with some of these 11 year old professionals :)

Get a life. Go outside and live.
I play Madden too but offline franchise mode (control Lee or Smith) on D. Downloaded the updated rosters from the community files so run Zeke hard and DEZ on posts/corners/drags unless doubled, etc. Wish they had 2k for some competition, but this year's edition was well made compared to previous entries. Best advice for the passing game is just to read the Safeties post snap and the corners pre snap (man or zone); let's you know what routes will work and where, etc.
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I play Madden too but offline franchise mode (control Lee or Smith) on D. Downloaded the updated rosters from the community files so run Zeke hard and DEZ on posts/corners/drags unless doubled, etc. Wish they had 2k for some competition, but this year's edition was well made compared to previous entries. Best advice for the passing game is just to read the Safeties post snap and the corners pre snap (man or zone); let's you know what routes will work and where, etc.

My passing game is not that good. I have like 2 reads and then I panic and try to find the rb.. my defense is actually decent. The hardest thing to stop are 4 verticle,screens and outside runs.

So if its man and zone what are the routes that will work? I just know cover 2 has pockets open in the middle and 4 verticle routes tear it up. What else? When it'd man if you have protection any crossing route just destroys man..
But online these players show blitz in zone then last minute go 2 man's just a chess game.
My passing game is not that good. I have like 2 reads and then I panic and try to find the rb.. my defense is actually decent. The hardest thing to stop are 4 verticle,screens and outside runs.

So if its man and zone what are the routes that will work? I just know cover 2 has pockets open in the middle and 4 verticle routes tear it up. What else? When it'd man if you have protection any crossing route just destroys man..
But online these players show blitz in zone then last minute go 2 man's just a chess game.

To help your passing game, generally don't go in with a pre read though have an "idea" of the best option, etc. You have to use hot routes to use slants (Triangle/Receiver button/inside w/r stick) and other routes to exploit zones or if your opponent isn't pressing your receiver in man coverage, but beware of the LB to pick you so look for the right window to hit your TE.

To defend those 4 verticals, play man 2 cover Quarters or dime and press the coverage (triangle/press down on controller directional pad) and take control of your fastest S (but be ready to switch to the corner in coverage ASAP once the pass is thrown) to cover the deep and hold down Triangle/Y to intercept, or hold down Square/X for a conservative pass break up (hard hit/interfere w/receiver as he is trying to catch) to jar the catch loose or Hold down A/X for a more aggressive hit (old Roy style) but this last option can be your trickiest so take some time to get use to that one bc you could let the receiver catch and run right to the EZ.

On OL, the default coverages are Cover 3 and man cover 2 (and nano/blitzers unfortunately; why I don't play OL unless you want to join a league that stresses NFL sim, etc) to defend the pass to throw you off. If cover 3, you always have a man deep in a gap and can go deep a lot to beat this coverage if you have the protection. The best play calls are corners (outside WRs) w/your slot on a streak route or slant based on coverage and throw outside to whichever side has priority in coverage. You can also go deep w/you slot WR if you find the S up top drifting or sitting.

They are good for long mid/posts and the med drag routes for slot WRs. When guys go Man 2 on you, exploit remember your TE on seam/go routes and slants (hot routes) and pay attention to who covers him post snap/usually LB/S and can use directional passing to go inside/out on your route. Again beware of the looming LBS and ensure your TE has passed their window on seams and that they aren't waiting on your slants.

To the bolded above, this is where it is essential to turn into that corner the receiver is intended for asap and go for the the pick/break up/conservative break up.

My audibles were always set to single back 2 TE HB dive, Power O, Deep Corners, and Deep cross (that's why they are exploiting that man coverage). On D, Quarters cover 2 Man, nano blitz, cover 3, and goal line for obv runs when they audible up on you. is a great place to find things specific to your inquiries but glad to help out a fellow "gamer" :D. We grew up on this stuff, we'll work it into our adult lives w/no prob:)
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To help your passing game, generally don't go in with a pre read though have an "idea" of the best option, etc. You have to use hot routes to use slants (Triangle/Receiver button/inside w/r stick) and other routes to exploit zones or if your opponent isn't pressing your receiver in man coverage, but beware of the LB to pick you so look for the right window to hit your TE.

To defend those 4 verticals, play man 2 cover Quarters or dime and press the coverage (triangle/press down on controller directional pad) and take control of your fastest S (but be ready to switch to the corner in coverage ASAP once the pass is thrown) to cover the deep and hold down Triangle/Y to intercept, or hold down Square/X for a conservative pass break up (hard hit/interfere w/receiver as he is trying to catch) to jar the catch loose or Hold down A/X for a more aggressive hit (old Roy style) but this last option can be your trickiest so take some time to get use to that one bc you could let the receiver catch and run right to the EZ.

On OL, the default coverages are Cover 3 and man cover 2 (and nano/blitzers unfortunately; why I don't play OL unless you want to join a league that stresses NFL sim, etc) to defend the pass to throw you off. If cover 3, you always have a man deep in a gap and can go deep a lot to beat this coverage if you have the protection. The best play calls are corners (outside WRs) w/your slot on a streak route or slant based on coverage and throw outside to whichever side has priority in coverage. You can also go deep w/you slot WR if you find the S up top drifting or sitting.

They are good for long mid/posts and the med drag routes for slot WRs. When guys go Man 2 on you, exploit remember your TE on seam/go routes and slants (hot routes) and pay attention to who covers him post snap/usually LB/S and can use directional passing to go inside/out on your route. Again beware of the looming LBS and ensure your TE has passed their window on seams and that they aren't waiting on your slants.

To the bolded above, this is where it is essential to turn into that corner the receiver is intended for asap and go for the the pick/break up/conservative break up.

My audibles were always set to single back 2 TE HB dive, Power O, Deep Corners, and Deep cross (that's why they are exploiting that man coverage). On D, Quarters cover 2 Man, nano blitz, cover 3, and goal line for obv runs when they audible up on you. is a great place to find things specific to your inquiries but glad to help out a fellow "gamer" :D. We grew up on this stuff, we'll work it into our adult lives w/no prob:)

Thanks for the advice. I didn't know x' broke up the pass I just knew about triangle going for the interception. OK so I think I got the 4 verticals but who covers the running back on that stupid little out run? And if he's not the qb just runs with it.

Another question what about the screen passes and outside runs? What's the best to stop those?

Thanks again. And yeah adult gamers here we go :)
Just wondering where the Madden community is around these parts?

Ive been playing online lately and man oh man I'm pretty bad lol. With that said I keep at it and try and hang with some of these 11 year old professionals :)

Haven't played madden much in the last 2 years. Got 15 new and sold it in 2 weeks. Hard to have fun when you lose 90% of the games you play lol
Please...gaming is a hobby just the same as "bicycling" or whatever outside event you deem more worthy. Get outta here with that pompous bs. Go drink that IPA outside somewhere...

- One doesn't prevent the other,...

Is this your inner monologue while enjoying the outside?:laugh:

Keep telling yourself that.
I bought it this year, but rarely played it. One feature that is sorely lacking imo, is the ability to create packages in the pause menu. Back when I used to play it, I use to love putting Ware/Spencer at DE and Ratliff/Canty at DT in my nickel and dime defenses. You still can, but it sucks having to do that while the offense picks a play, and if they pick one too fast, you spend several plays on the first drive trying to do something that *should* be doable at the beginning.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't know x' broke up the pass I just knew about triangle going for the interception. OK so I think I got the 4 verticals but who covers the running back on that stupid little out run? And if he's not the qb just runs with it.

Another question what about the screen passes and outside runs? What's the best to stop those?

Thanks again. And yeah adult gamers here we go :)

Oh yeah, forgot about the quick toss/sweeps/outside zone runs. You generally can spread the DL and motion your LBs to one side. Take control of the weakside LB and ensure you go wide of the LT/RT to protect against that cut back and put that WOLB on the LOS on the backside. If he runs strong side, you want to turn into the player closest to action and speed directly to the sideline to cut off that angle and then press the L trigger to get centered if you beat them outside to prepare for the tackle.

If someone keeps using that screen (cheeser type), take control of your MLB and watch the OL and cut off the path to the RB sprinting in his line of path or close proximity to make tackle, etc. (can lead to a lot of sacks).
But if you're not the MLB, (this is my preference btw but general rule is playing as DL is a lost play defensively; online exclusive/a lot of players play S exclusively and run all over the field to disrupt/confuse/play coverage, but those are hardcore OL/cheeser types) pre snap and they just mix it in a lot, take control of your LBs and watch the TE/RB and see which one should takes priority.

I forgot too, on running while playing offense, don't hit sprint until your OL makes contact (it causes the D to speed up/pursuit) so wait until they make contact bf making your cuts w/R stick raft inside/speed button. Think of sprinting as exclusive to outside runs (outside zones/power sweeps generally have the OL setup to allow you to sprint to the outside almost immediately or until you clear the rif inside and to finish off your runs to gain that couple of extra yards w/your R stick.

Holding L trigger while performing jukes, spins, trucks one on one helps you break tackles and can lead to long runs. Zeke inside I just hold L trigger until ready to truck/sprint/wiggle w R stick and just read the MLB to decide which side to run (usually good for 5-7 a pop). HB Dives/stretch/power O trap, and power sweep are probably the best running plays. You can audible your OL too, so on stretch plays make sure to either push R/L ( or up for inside) or to the side of your sweep and the OL will take a big step to help set up your blocks.
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I bought Madden 16 and it was the first time in a few years I had bought Madden. Only played like 3 or 4 times, its just not the same anymore.....I wish theyd let EA make NCAA Football again.....

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