Not sure if you're joking or not, but Harrison actually was on a practice squad. Not sure about Sherman. Arian Foster was. Amendola, Woodhead, Wake, Warner, Kuhn, Browner, Peters, Rod Smith,
yea im ruing over Amendola too. yes, lots of players were, the problem is, not everyone is going to be "elite" or :"legit" or whatever the talk shows have people saying like "difference maker" some people are just going to be "better than average" possiblly a jag"
There was a player we lost to KC a few years ago, not the "next best thing" for sure, but KC got more out of him than we did. That happens as well, some coaches can just coach up guys better, ie Rod, he does more with less most times.
Did we get a "great player" most likely not, but so far we got a player who does more with "less" so we just gotta take it for what it is. unless your still under the impression Dunbar is a legend, than, ill just shake my head.
Not every player we draft, or sign is goign to the pro bowl, i hate to break it to you. No easter bunny either. it happens. A few years ago, we let a good player named Ware go, maybe you heard of him, i dont know if you did. Poor Ware just wanted to attack the QB. Dallas had a better plan. Sadly that didnt end well for Dallas. You should have heard teh fans who said "ware cant get to the qb, he has nothing left, all the coaches on this board, but Ware was smart, if he wanted to win a ring, he had to leave and thats what he did. Its sad but its fact. Some players are better than we know, and some players suck and sometimes we get one to work that would suck else where.