Maller: Rumors & Notes 5/21/07

Hostile;1505687 said:
Yeah, naive.

Look, I do like Vick, and I am hoping he's not involved in all of this stuff. That is not a cigar by any wild stretch of the imagination. It is being held like a joint, not like a cigar. It is short like a joint, not long like a cigar. It has a rolled end like a joint, not a filter with a slit like a cigar.

He has a freshly lit match in his lap, yet you want me to believe he's smoked the cigar clear down to the filter and his finger can hide what is left of it?

No way.

How is it naive? I'm not believing it's a cigar just because I love Vick so much and I think "he couldn't possibly dosomething wrong." Believing Michael Irvin never did anything wrong in his life would be naive. I simply see a cigar in that picture. The picture is grainy and poor quality but from what I see, I see a square shaped end of a cigar.

I'm naive because my opinion differs from yours? I'm not the one who said "everybody who thinks it's a blunt is an idiot". That's naive, believing anybody who believes differently then you is stupid, that is naive. However I'm not the one who said that. Today was the first time I've ever seen the picture and when I saw it, it didn't strike me as being a joint.

I even tried showing why I believe it's a cigar I just didn't say "it's a cigar, end of story" I showed a picture and tried to make my case, that isn't naive. I've never been a Michael Vick fan, but I honestly see the shape and color of a cigar in that picture and not a joint. I even gave several reasons why I thought that, I'm not Philo claiming I know something and not making any rational argument for my case. I could be completely wrong and it could be a joint, however there is just as much chance you are wrong and it's a cigar. The difference is I'm willing to accept the fact there is a possiblity that I'm wrong, you just refute anything anybody says as if your word was law.
JackMagist;1505703 said:
Go back and look at the picture again...take note of the area between his first and second finger just at the back of his fingernails. You can clearly see the cigar extending from behind his first finger down behind his middle finger (the one he shots to the crowd); it is covered by more than One finger. Also, those small cigars are only about three inches long to start with and they are quite frequently smoked down to only one inch long. Of course they are about ready to put out at that point because they become harsh tasting but it is not at all unusual to see them smoked down to one inch.
Perhaps my monitor is simply bigger, or I have the resolution on brighter, but in between the fingers I can clearly see the color blue that matches his jeans. Clear as day. If I knew anything at all about graphics I would blow it up even more to show you.

I've never seen a blue cigar that wasn't bubble gum.
adamknite;1505714 said:
How is it naive? I'm not believing it's a cigar just because I love Vick so much and I think "he couldn't possibly dosomething wrong." Believing Michael Irvin never did anything wrong in his life would be naive. I simply see a cigar in that picture. The picture is grainy and poor quality but from what I see, I see a square shaped end of a cigar.

I'm naive because my opinion differs from yours? I'm not the one who said "everybody who thinks it's a blunt is an idiot". That's naive, believing anybody who believes differently then you is stupid, that is naive. However I'm not the one who said that. Today was the first time I've ever seen the picture and when I saw it, it didn't strike me as being a joint.

I even tried showing why I believe it's a cigar I just didn't say "it's a cigar, end of story" I showed a picture and tried to make my case, that isn't naive. I've never been a Michael Vick fan, but I honestly see the shape and color of a cigar in that picture and not a joint. I even gave several reasons why I thought that, I'm not Philo claiming I know something and not making any rational argument for my case. I could be completely wrong and it could be a joint, however there is just as much chance you are wrong and it's a cigar. The difference is I'm willing to accept the fact there is a possiblity that I'm wrong, you just refute anything anybody says as if your word was law.
For the record "naive" is not an insult. So stop taking it like one. Naive means "innocent" a whole lot more than it means anything close to "foolish." In other words I'm saying you're being gullible, or easily sold.

Me, I'm a skeptic. I am simply being skeptical. It isn't a stretch for me to believe the guy could toke, and that picture makes me believe that is exactly what he has been doing.

I don't think the picture is grainy at all. I can see lines in his fingers even though it is clearly dark in the car. I can see the blue of his pants between his fingers. I can see his glazed eyes. I can see a burned match in his lap next to the box of matches.

What I can't see is the slit that is always in the kinds of filters used on cigars. This can't be seen even though the angle he is holding it would clearly show it because it would be pointed right at us. A disappearing slit? My brother-in-law is a professional magician and I don't think he could pull that off.

You can take it as if I am saying my opinion is law, but that wouldn't be the case at all. I am being obstinate because you can't show me a cigar. There would be some evidence of it in between his fingers. There would be a slit in the tip of the filter. I don't see those things and I don't see how anyone can deny this. The thought that there is a cigar there is as baffling to me as the belief that the girl next to him is a blow up doll.

I don't buy it. If that is me saying this is "law" then don't debate me on it. All I'm asking is that any of you guys show me the cigar and you can't. That's my fault?

Okay. :rolleyes:
A challenge to any of you who see a cigar in that picture. Re-create it for me. Go get a Black and Mild with that color filter, get it short enough to be hidden behind one finger, and hold it in that manner in a darkened car above your lap, and somehow magically make that slit go away without photoshop.

If you can do that I will apologize for ever being skeptical and donate to the person who can do this favorite charity.
Fence sitter to the rescue.:D

I don't see that picture providing enough evidence to say one way or the other if it is a black and mild or a joint.

Sorry just not enough there, I could see it being one or the other.

Furthermore whether the thing is an inch or three really does not make much of a difference as if it is a cigar it could have just went out and he relit the thing which would explain the match.

One other thing to consider. It could very well be a mini cigar (the color and shape in that picture could be a cigar filter at an angle, it would suggest it is as opposed to a normal joint which is usually more pointed even if it has been pressed down).

About the other thing to consider, as someone posted already, many people will buy those mini cigars and hollow part of it out to put in the mary jane.

So it could be that both parties are right, that it is mary jane but also a black and mild.

That picture is not enough evidence to say conclusively that it is with out a doubt one or the other no matter how someone says otherwise.

My opinion is that it is probably a black and mild and would not be shocked if it has been hollowed out and mary jane put in it. Problem is since I was not in the car with him and the picture is not conclusive I just have no way of knowing one way or the other, nor does anyone else unless they have a better picture or they were in the car with him to smell it.

Ahh...what a view from the fence.:D
Hostile;1505872 said:
Clouded though it is. ;)

Not is just the tears from sitting on barbed wire blurring the vision.:laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;1505922 said:
Not is just the tears from sitting on barbed wire blurring the vision.:laugh2:
That I can believe. :D
Vintage;1505936 said:
Dunno how people can tell definitively tell what it is.

Oscar Goldman
Steve Austin

Those names ring a bell. :p: ;)
Vintage;1505936 said:
Dunno how people can tell definitively tell what it is.

It doesn't matter anyway, stoners take the tobacco out mini-cigars like that and stuff weed into it... in fact, that's what I've always thought a blunt was, a cigar with the tobacco removed, only the tobacco wrapping remaining, with weed crammed down in it...
Vintage;1505936 said:
Dunno how people can tell definitively tell what it is.
I don't know how anyone can say it's a cigar or a mini cigar.

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