Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

The millions we will be forced to fork over to pay for this cretin and his actions piss me off, but I do not think mandatory sterilization is the answer, and I am as right leaning as they come. I don't think anyone here would be comfortable returning to these days....

From wiki:

The United States was the first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for the purpose of eugenics.[33] The heads of the program were avid believers in eugenics and frequently argued for their program. It was shut down due to ethical problems. The principal targets of the American program were the mentally ******** and the mentally ill, but also targeted under many state laws were the deaf, the blind, people with epilepsy, and the physically deformed. According to the activist Angela Davis, Native Americans, as well as African-American women[34] were sterilized against their will in many states, often without their knowledge while they were in a hospital for other reasons (e.g. childbirth). Some sterilizations took place in prisons and other penal institutions, targeting criminality, but they were in the relative[citation needed] minority. In the end, over 65,000 individuals were sterilized in 33 states under state compulsory sterilization programs in the United States.[35]][36]
What about implementing some kind of yearly fee added to tax returns per kid? For example, like 2k per child, so if someone has 2 kids, they pay an extra 4k per year. Some of it would have to be mad tax deductible in some form though. If the parents do not pay this (or set up an arrangement too), one of them faces jail time.

Something in this fashion would certainly make others think about their actions. Or maybe a certain required yearly income required per child. If ya make 30k a year, you can have 1 kid, 60k permits two, etc, etc.

I don't know, just spit-balling here, but something does need to be addressed in these extreme situations. IMO, having 30 kids you can not care for is child abuse.
Okay, instead of mandatory sterilization, how about optional sterilization? This guy wants a break on his child support. Make him an offer, "you get a break, but you need to get a vasectomy in exchange."

And this particular case is hardly a good example for being against mandatory sterilization. This is an extreme case where mandatory sterilization seems very appropriate. It does not compare well at all to the example that JBond linked to from wiki. Apples and oranges. Two extremes on the topic while other solutions exist in the middle.

The biggest surprise to me in this whole story is that this guy is not a professional athlete.
dexternjack;4567799 said:
What about implementing some kind of yearly fee added to tax returns per kid? For example, like 2k per child, so if someone has 2 kids, they pay an extra 4k per year. Some of it would have to be mad tax deductible in some form though. If the parents do not pay this (or set up an arrangement too), one of them faces jail time.

Something in this fashion would certainly make others think about their actions. Or maybe a certain required yearly income required per child. If ya make 30k a year, you can have 1 kid, 60k permits two, etc, etc.

I don't know, just spit-balling here, but something does need to be addressed in these extreme situations. IMO, having 30 kids you can not care for is child abuse.

I believe that jail time for child support offenders is already on the books, I am not 100% sure, but I believe it is.

As for the minimum requirement for income, I don't think that would work. It is my experience that people do not plan, in most cases, to get pregnant. It happens and then you go out and figure out a way to make more money. If you do it the other way around, then what you will get are people getting pregnant that are below the allowable income and the state does what?

I think that ultimately, the woman is in control here. The key is to impact the decision the women makes and force her to think twice and three times before she has unprotected Sex. If you are going to impose jail time on somebody for this, then I think you have to figure out a way where it's not just the Male who faces this. There is no incentive for a Woman to avoid having children for pay, so to speak, so long as it is only the Male who is at risk of penalty. That, IMO, is the key to solving this issue.
Another albeit extreme case of the irresponsible, fatherless culture that dominates certain segments of our society.

This guy is doing himself, the women and those kids an injustice. The kids will grow up largely without a father figure, and you know what? A good number of those kids will repeat the cycle as adults and ultimately will be sustained on tax payer coin.

Let's also not forget to blame the women in this equation as well, they are no more resposible than he is.
update on this, the man actually doesn't have 30 he has 24, he is currently in jail and has not filed for state assistance
rkell87;4571739 said:
update on this, the man actually doesn't have 30 he has 24, he is currently in jail and has not filed for state assistance

Boy am I feeling better about this... Only 24.


Jail is a great place for him.

Knock someone up in there.
MichaelWinicki;4571746 said:
Boy am I feeling better about this... Only 24.


Jail is a great place for him.

Knock someone up in there.

i wasn't expecting this, it made me laugh:laugh2:
stasheroo;4567773 said:
I disagree.

Thankfully though, they are still in the minority when it comes to voting on it.

45% of US households do not pay Federal Income tax. We are at a tipping point. I disagree with your thoughts on population control and sustainability though. It's a little to National-Socialist for my liking. It did not end well in the 40's.
dexternjack;4567799 said:
What about implementing some kind of yearly fee added to tax returns per kid? For example, like 2k per child, so if someone has 2 kids, they pay an extra 4k per year. Some of it would have to be mad tax deductible in some form though. If the parents do not pay this (or set up an arrangement too), one of them faces jail time.

Something in this fashion would certainly make others think about their actions. Or maybe a certain required yearly income required per child. If ya make 30k a year, you can have 1 kid, 60k permits two, etc, etc.

I don't know, just spit-balling here, but something does need to be addressed in these extreme situations. IMO, having 30 kids you can not care for is child abuse.

More taxes? You need to think that through a little better. Poor people don't pay crap already. This would hurt the middle class more than anyone else.
silverbear;4566511 said:
30 babies, in 14 years... amazing...

He should go to jail for making the rest of us foot the bill for his promiscuity... and all 11 mothers should be institutionalized for bein' out of their freakin' minds...

I note also that he went to court 3 years ago, when he "only" had 21 kids... so he knew he had a serious problem them, and his reaction was to go out and father 9 more kids in 3 years...

One wonders how many more children that he'll never support, either financially or emotionally, this jagoff will father...

You do realize then that you will foot the bill for his jail time AND also have to support his children if he is in jail. In the end, you won't come out ahead. Talk about a pyrrhic victory.
At least he is making up for the fact many of us only have one so the population is sustained.

I personally do not think anyone should have more than at most 3, and for the most part I think 2 is the max that is affordable in today's society. If you have more than 3, you simply cannot afford to give your children what they need in terms of activities, attention, holidays etc

Lord knows Mrs CCF and I make very good combined income but we have trouble affording our one given his hockey costs, and other activity costs.
TheDallasDon;4567476 said:
Whoa......hold up 1 sec, he can still pull chicks after all this known by the whole town?
Dude must have some game or you got alot of stupid women in your town.

This makes me laugh. Then I wonder why and I look to the location he resides--the Bible belt. I guess they don't teach you much "game" there.

CanadianCowboysFan;4571991 said:
At least he is making up for the fact many of us only have one so the population is sustained.

I personally do not think anyone should have more than at most 3, and for the most part I think 2 is the max that is affordable in today's society. If you have more than 3, you simply cannot afford to give your children what they need in terms of activities, attention, holidays etc

Lord knows Mrs CCF and I make very good combined income but we have trouble affording our one given his hockey costs, and other activity costs.

I have four and while I am not vacationing in the South of France, mostly by choice, I am able to afford them. I don't think you can make statements like this. You don't know how hard or how smart any given person is able to work or willing to work. The important thing is to take care of your family and if you can do that, then it's up to any given family as to how many children they can or should have.
hipfake08;4572076 said:
I just want to know what pick up line he is using.

Where do I work? Uh, I just got signed by the Dallas Cowboys.

Note: Line works better in the state of Texas excluding the Houston area.
ABQCOWBOY;4572182 said:
I have four and while I am not vacationing in the South of France, mostly by choice, I am able to afford them. I don't think you can make statements like this. You don't know how hard or how smart any given person is able to work or willing to work. The important thing is to take care of your family and if you can do that, then it's up to any given family as to how many children they can or should have.

I was going to respond to that post with something similar ABQ, but saw who posted it and didn't bother.

You are right, it is foolish to say things like that.

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