Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

Afigueroa22;4572191 said:
Where do I work? Uh, I just got signed by the Dallas Cowboys.

Note: Line works better in the state of Texas excluding the Houston area.

That reminds me of the guy who was going around impersonating Vince Young and getting women to go out with him and give him lots of money.
WV Cowboy;4572239 said:
I was going to respond to that post with something similar ABQ, but saw who posted it and didn't bother.

You are right, it is foolish to say things like that.

Having more than three is foolish and in our evolved society, unnecessary. We only had that many before because so many died as children. Hell, in the past, some named newer children the same name as dead children.

I can't think of any good reason why anyone would want more than three.

In my office, there are three people out of 85 that have more than three children, those three are all very religious. Can the other 82 be wrong?
CanadianCowboysFan;4571991 said:
At least he is making up for the fact many of us only have one so the population is sustained.

I personally do not think anyone should have more than at most 3, and for the most part I think 2 is the max that is affordable in today's society.
If you have more than 3, you simply cannot afford to give your children what they need in terms of activities, attention, holidays etc

Lord knows Mrs CCF and I make very good combined income but we have trouble affording our one given his hockey costs, and other activity costs.


CanadianCowboysFan;4572561 said:
give me a valid reason why having more than three is affordable and a good thing

Well, it's kinda like this sporty. You say, "I give my kid the best of everything. The best clothes, schools, trips etc." And then you say you can barely afford the stuff you do with him.

Did it ever occur to you to not spend so much money? And to the further point, if someone had the capacity to love more than three children and take care of them and they want them, then they should have them. Who do you think you are to tell people how many kids to have?
Cajuncowboy;4572668 said:
Well, it's kinda like this sporty. You say, "I give my kid the best of everything. The best clothes, schools, trips etc." And then you say you can barely afford the stuff you do with him.

Did it ever occur to you to not spend so much money? And to the further point, if someone had the capacity to love more than three children and take care of them and they want them, then they should have them. Who do you think you are to tell people how many kids to have?

He likes nanny states. He works for one, in the nanny state department. This surprises you?
Why should I spend less on the one I have? He deserves it. Anyway, even if I wanted to stop, my wife will spend on him. I don't control her spending, she is a free person. Do you control what your wife spends?

I searched through all my posts and couldn't find where I told people they can't have more than three, just that they shouldn't, big difference.

No amount of love will put a child through university, take them on nice trips to see the world or food in their stomachs.
CowboyMcCoy;4572674 said:
He likes nanny states. He works for one, in the nanny state department. This surprises you?

Actually, you are wrong as usual.

I have represented the Ministry but I do not work for the ministry.
CowboyMcCoy;4572674 said:
He likes nanny states. He works for one, in the nanny state department. This surprises you?

No. I am not surprised.
Well, let's take this little exercise one at a time...

CanadianCowboysFan;4572678 said:
Why should I spend less on the one I have?

Because you said you almost can't afford it. Duh.

CanadianCowboysFan;4572678 said:
He deserves it.

Really, what amazing thing has he done to deserve it? Come out of the vaginal chute on time?

CanadianCowboysFan;4572678 said:
Anyway, even if I wanted to stop, my wife will spend on him. I don't control her spending, she is a free person. Do you control what your wife spends?

We make decisions together like most married couples.

CanadianCowboysFan;4572678 said:
I searched through all my posts and couldn't find where I told people they can't have more than three, just that they shouldn't, big difference.

And by what vested authority gives you the right to make that the barometer that people "Should" use?

CanadianCowboysFan;4572678 said:
No amount of love will put a child through university, take them on nice trips to see the world or food in their stomachs.

And this is how you think you show love to a child? Really? You are going to have one screwed up kid when he finds out the world doesn't owe him anything since he deserves everything handed to him for the simple but awesome accomplishment of drawing a breath.
CanadianCowboysFan;4572690 said:
except of course I do not work for the state, but keep going, it is funny watching you

No, we know who you are. You are a lawyer in New Westminster BC.
Cajuncowboy;4572709 said:
No, we know who you are. You are a lawyer in New Westminster BC.

Well done.

As for not affording, I said barely afford, not that I couldn't, big difference.

I guess I should get him used hockey equipment and not take him to WDW to the Animal Kingdom Lodge because he might get used to it and want it later. Nah, he is happy and my happiness comes from him. Does he have a sense of entitlement, of course he does, but no more than any other 8 year old.

Marital decisions? Your wife doesn't work outside the home does she? If you try to control what a working woman spends, here is the response, "I earn my own and contribute, so you can't control me or what I spend".

We were in SF last weekend. I was off at the baseball game with some cats from work so she went out shopping and bought CCF Jr a bunch of gifts from the Ferrari Store and Disney Store. Needless to say, I didn't discuss them with her nor did she with me. Was I supposed to demand she return them because they cost too much?

When he wants 5-6 books from the book club at school, am I supposed to tell him no, take them from library? Should his birthday party at the circus school have been cancelled because it cost upward of 750 for his 12 little friends?

Funny part is, you are up in arms over me stating that anything more than 3 is not affordable, how dare I tell people how many children to have, yet you have no issue telling me how I should raise my son. Go figure.
CanadianCowboysFan;4572726 said:
Well done.

As for not affording, I said barely afford, not that I couldn't, big difference.

I guess I should get him used hockey equipment and not take him to WDW to the Animal Kingdom Lodge because he might get used to it and want it later. Nah, he is happy and my happiness comes from him. Does he have a sense of entitlement, of course he does, but no more than any other 8 year old.

Marital decisions? Your wife doesn't work outside the home does she? If you try to control what a working woman spends, here is the response, "I earn my own and contribute, so you can't control me or what I spend".

We were in SF last weekend. I was off at the baseball game with some cats from work so she went out shopping and bought CCF Jr a bunch of gifts from the Ferrari Store and Disney Store. Needless to say, I didn't discuss them with her nor did she with me. Was I supposed to demand she return them because they cost too much?

When he wants 5-6 books from the book club at school, am I supposed to tell him no, take them from library? Should his birthday party at the circus school have been cancelled because it cost upward of 750 for his 12 little friends?

Funny part is, you are up in arms over me stating that anything more than 3 is not affordable, how dare I tell people how many children to have, yet you have no issue telling me how I should raise my son. Go figure.


You so funny.
CanadianCowboysFan;4571991 said:
At least he is making up for the fact many of us only have one so the population is sustained.

I personally do not think anyone should have more than at most 3, and for the most part I think 2 is the max that is affordable in today's society. If you have more than 3, you simply cannot afford to give your children what they need in terms of activities, attention, holidays etc

Lord knows Mrs CCF and I make very good combined income but we have trouble affording our one given his hockey costs, and other activity costs.

This is dumb.

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