Manson Parole Hearing April 11

zrinkill;4495306 said:
We were talking about specific people ....... not random killers.

I cannot believe you would think that of me.

An honest mistake.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4495762 said:
This. Once again the criminal justice shows its an utter joke if they let this clown out.

Just stop. Learn some stuff in school, go to law school if you think it's so terrible or run for office. But stop with the self-serving, biased nonsensical statements.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
you know the world is not black and white as you believe it is, they killed, they have done their time, they are no longer a threat to society, they are old, what purpose is served by leaving them in jail when we all know the real culprit is Manson who took advantage of them, gave them drugs, amazing sex (apparently he had a real sexual hold over them) and turned them into monsters.
They had their death sentences turned over to life sentences. LIFE. L.I.F.E They are still alive, so they have not completed their sentence.

CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?
Actually, no. I'd want them put to death. But in this case, since there is no death penalty now in California, yes. I would.

Soldiers are supposed to refuse unlawful orders, and report them to higher. So if they made the choice to follow an unlawful order, they should suffer the consequences along with the person who issued said order.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4495762 said:
Once again the criminal justice shows its an utter joke if they let this clown out.

It's just a parole hearing, they are obligated by law to hold it. If they deny him his hearing it's grounds for a suit against the state and he COULD get out.

There is less than zero chance that he ever actually gets out. Parole can be denied for essentially any reason the state sees fit and their decision is not open to appeal.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?

First of all, yes...and they would be put in jail forever just as if they were a civilian. U.S. military law states that the following of unlawful orders is punishable to the full extent of the crime. Past precedent has shown time and again that the "I was just following orders" defense will not save you.

Second, from a moral AND a legal standpoint premediatated murder is much different than a war crime in the heat of the moment.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495081 said:
I have more sympathy for the girls mostly because they were duped by Charlie and were not of sound mind.

I don't.

No one told them to go running around finding random people to live with and hook up with.

No one made them decide to join up with Manson or to do drugs or do any of the things that led to them falling in love with him or what the hell ever reason they gave for their stupidity.

They weren't brainwashed when they started running all over creation looking for people to love them. They chose him, his group, and to follow. That's on them and no one else.

CanadianCowboysFan;4495230 said:
they have been in prison for over 40 years, they have done their time in my view, especially in the circumstances of how they were brainwashed, under influence of psychotic drugs etc

does keeping them in jail now really serve a purpose?

Yes it does. It's called punishment for taking anothers life. Personally I wished they'd been given death, as they were originally supposed to be given, as it's what they deserve.

But since the sentence is now life that's exactly what they should get. I don't care if they're 90 and dying of cancer they don't deserve to be out from behind bars ever. They deserve the exact same mercy they gave their victims.


Also, on a side note, why don't you go ask the family and friends of their victims if it serves a purpose or not having them in jail. Also maybe you should think about how you'd feel if it was your pregnant wife or sister or someone that meant the world to you that they'd simply butchered just because they felt like it. Still think it's ok for them to roam around the free world, to do as they please, whenever they please just because they're old?

vta;4495284 said:
It's when a person is duped into believing a savage murderer is somehow awarded a measure of victim status, granting him/her a level of sympathy, - a necessary human element that was entirely absent from said savage as he/she was plunging a knife into a pregnant woman's belly.

Excellent post.

CanadianCowboysFan;4495316 said:
you people are focussing way too much on the fact Tate was pregnant, it was an aggravating factor but at the end of the day, not all that relevant to whether or not her killers have served an appropriate amount of time.

What exactly is the approperiate amount of time for killing a person? 10 years? 20? 50?

Tell me again when do their victims get to live their lives after their death sentence cast upon them by individuals who simply felt like killing people cause they wanted to please their crazy as hell leader?

CanadianCowboysFan;4495588 said:
I appreciate your view but the murders are 44 years old, they were young and dumb when they happened, they are seniors now. There's probably a greater chance of Zrinkill and Cajun going postal at work than them killing again.

I really don't care if they get out or not, won't have any effect on me but I can't see how they are the same people now they were oh those many years ago.

In the end of course, it is all moot, no parole board would ever have the stones to let them out even on supervised day parole.

Oh well in that case lets let all the murders and rapists and serial killers out that were caught when they were young and dumb. I mean gosh I didn't realise being young and stupid when you commited a disgusting crime meant that you should be given leniency later.

Cause they were young and dumb....there is only one thing about that which is dumb and it's the notion that being young and dumb should ever be a suitable defense.
The30YardSlant;4496020 said:
First of all, yes...and they would be put in jail forever just as if they were a civilian. U.S. military law states that the following of unlawful orders is punishable to the full extent of the crime. Past precedent has shown time and again that the "I was just following orders" defense will not save you.

Second, from a moral AND a legal standpoint premediatated murder is much different than a war crime in the heat of the moment.

That's the best explanation that you'll find for that question. Well done 30.
The30YardSlant;4496020 said:
First of all, yes...and they would be put in jail forever just as if they were a civilian. U.S. military law states that the following of unlawful orders is punishable to the full extent of the crime. Past precedent has shown time and again that the "I was just following orders" defense will not save you.

Second, from a moral AND a legal standpoint premediatated murder is much different than a war crime in the heat of the moment.

Actually, the courts seem to have gone back and forth on the military issue of unlawful orders. You can find cases on both sides of the fence there.

Premeditated murder is certainly viewed as the more heinous crime. The brainwashing thing may or may not have been relevant, but courts seem to generally not put much weight on that, in my limited experiance.
joseephuss;4496189 said:
How did this turn into a serious thread?

Because there's not much real discussion to be had about keeping Manson in the clink? That one's a no-brainer....

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