Manson Parole Hearing April 11

CanadianCowboysFan;4495223 said:
do you understand what brainwashing is?

Funny how all that brainwashing went away as soon as they were eligible for parole.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495233 said:
what if the choice wasn't voluntary?

What if it was? They made choices from join up with Manson to getting high and they killed in cold blood they tied these people up who begging for mercy and they got NONE, That is the same mercy I give the Mason family NONE!!!!

Hey Manson had a rough child hood his mother left him he spent most of his time in reform schools and Prisons maybe we should let him off as well. Hell with the victim’s right? I guess they deserved to die
Doomsday101;4495243 said:
What if it was? They made choices from join up with Manson to getting high and they killed in cold blood they tied these people up who begging for mercy and they got NONE, That is the same mercy I give the Mason family NONE!!!!

Hey Manson had a rough child hood his mother left him he spent most of his time in reform schools and Prisons maybe we should let him off as well. Hell with the victim’s right? I guess they deserved to die

non sequitor
zrinkill;4495241 said:
Funny how all that brainwashing went away as soon as they were eligible for parole.

Brainwashed my ***. These people are the worst of society. Even after Manson went to jail, Squeaky Fromme tried to kill Ford. Doubt she was Brainwashed then. She just wanted to be "Someone".

These people should never draw a breath of free air again. Ever. And it is very hard and very disturbing to believe that people would advocate for it. I doubt they would hire any of these people to work with them or want to live next door to them.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495256 said:
please, even you aren't that dumb to have that take

Only dumb one here is the fake lawyer who believes the murderers who became magically reformed when they thought they had a chance to get out again.
zrinkill;4495272 said:
Only dumb one here is the fake lawyer who believes the murderers who became magically reformed when they thought they had a chance to get out again.

Depends. Homicide/murder has a bunch of different flavors.

What about the guy who kills a guy who raped his daughter? Is he forever a murderer who should never see light not shaded by bars and barbed wire ever again?
casmith07;4495277 said:
Depends. Homicide/murder has a bunch of different flavors.

What about the guy who kills a guy who raped his daughter? Is he forever a murderer who should never see light not shaded by bars and barbed wire ever again?

What are you talking about?

Why would you even make that comparison about what I said?
CanadianCowboysFan;4495252 said:
non sequitor

Well when the dead are given parole so should their killers be paroled until then they have life in prison
CanadianCowboysFan;4495223 said:
do you understand what brainwashing is?

It's when a person is duped into believing a savage murderer is somehow awarded a measure of victim status, granting him/her a level of sympathy, - a necessary human element that was entirely absent from said savage as he/she was plunging a knife into a pregnant woman's belly.
casmith07;4495277 said:
Depends. Homicide/murder has a bunch of different flavors.

What about the guy who kills a guy who raped his daughter? Is he forever a murderer who should never see light not shaded by bars and barbed wire ever again?

That's not even close to what we are talking about in this thread. A father like that doesn't equal Charles Manson or his henchmen.
vta;4495284 said:
It's when a person is duped into believing a savage murderer is somehow awarded a measure of victim status, granting him/her a level of sympathy, entirely absent from said savage as he/she was plunging a knife into a pregnant woman's belly.

:bow: :bow: :bow:
vta;4495284 said:
It's when a person is duped into believing a savage murderer is somehow awarded a measure of victim status, granting him/her a level of sympathy, a necessary element entirely absent from said savage as he/she was plunging a knife into a pregnant woman's belly.

Nicely done.
zrinkill;4495272 said:
Only dumb one here is the fake lawyer who believes the murderers who became magically reformed when they thought they had a chance to get out again.

you know the world is not black and white as you believe it is, they killed, they have done their time, they are no longer a threat to society, they are old, what purpose is served by leaving them in jail when we all know the real culprit is Manson who took advantage of them, gave them drugs, amazing sex (apparently he had a real sexual hold over them) and turned them into monsters.

ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?
zrinkill;4495282 said:
What are you talking about?

Why would you even make that comparison about what I said?

All you said was "murderers."

If you said "serial killers" then you're right. I don't care how long they stay in prison, a serial killer will never be reformed. Ever.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
they have done their time

No they have not ....... their original sentence was death ..... they have not yet served it.

CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?

This has got to be the dumbest thing I have seen on this board in a long time.

You are comparing serial killing child murderers to soldiers ...... pathetic.

If a group of soldiers butchered civies on orders .....I would want them to face the justice of a firing squad.
CCF, I like you, I think you're fairly level-headed...but hang on just a second:

CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
they are no longer a threat to society

That is almost assuredly not true, because they are serial killers/psychotic.

what purpose is served by leaving them in jail

Protecting the greater safety of society.

ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?

As a military man, yes. Everyone has a duty to disregard unlawful orders, and I think in basic morality, that duty extends to civilians as well to disregard requests for unlawful action.

There's a crime for that, it's called solicitation.
casmith07;4495301 said:
All you said was "murderers."

If you said "serial killers" then you're right. I don't care how long they stay in prison, a serial killer will never be reformed. Ever.

We were talking about specific people ....... not random killers.

I cannot believe you would think that of me.
CanadianCowboysFan;4495295 said:
you know the world is not black and white as you believe it is, they killed, they have done their time, they are no longer a threat to society, they are old, what purpose is served by leaving them in jail when we all know the real culprit is Manson who took advantage of them, gave them drugs, amazing sex (apparently he had a real sexual hold over them) and turned them into monsters.

ask yourself, if they were soldiers acting on orders, would you want them to be in jail forever?

It is called punishment for their crime. They were given the death penalty the only reason they are alive is the death penalty was done away with in Cal in 1972 so all the sentence became life in prison. The mother of sharron tate continued to be at every hearing every year she was alive Sharron Tate sister now goes to every single hearing. Those victims were not given a chance yet the killers should be?
vta;4495284 said:
It's when a person is duped into believing a savage murderer is somehow awarded a measure of victim status, granting him/her a level of sympathy, - a necessary human element that was entirely absent from said savage as he/she was plunging a knife into a pregnant woman's belly.

you people are focussing way too much on the fact Tate was pregnant, it was an aggravating factor but at the end of the day, not all that relevant to whether or not her killers have served an appropriate amount of time.

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