BREAKING NEWS Markus Paul (S&C Coach) hospitalized from medical emergency - **Updated -- Post 202**

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It happened March of '14.
I still have nightmares and sometimes it gets to me so harshly I have to start yelling random words to try to get my mind in another direction.
She was my everything, but I'm not here to make this about me.

I worry so very much for Mr. Paul and his family that are probably going to have to make the same decision.
Such an awful, awful situation.
The day my mom died, I took her home from the hospital and then went to the weight room to do a walk-through during off season workouts. I was on vacation and all three of my coordinators were there along with another seven coaches. I left her and my dad called me 40 minutes later to tell me she had died. Her last words were, where are the boys? All my brothers were there and I was in the weight frikkin room! I never forgave myself. That's the real reason I retired at fifty. I lost my edge.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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The day my mom died, I took her home from the hospital and then went to the weight room to do a walk-through during off season workouts. I was on vacation and all three of my coordinators were there along with another seven coaches. I left her and my dad called me 40 minutes later to tell me she had died. Her last words were, where are the boys? All my brothers were there and I was in the weight frikkin room! I never forgave myself. That's the real reason I retired at fifty. I lost my edge.
You are a great soul.
Let no doubt enter your mind.
You are my brother.


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Yeah I am sorry for Corso too. No one wants to have to make a decision like that but it's better there is someone to make it if you don't want to end up a vegetable or basically dead/breathing by a machine with no hope. I think the best gift you can give to loved ones is a Will that makes it really clear what you want done should you become incapacitated permanently. I have pretty low standards though. For me it's over if I can't wipe my own arse. That's it for me!!
My parents have done that for me and my siblings. Said they gave me the decision because I would do the right thing.


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The day my mom died, I took her home from the hospital and then went to the weight room to do a walk-through during off season workouts. I was on vacation and all three of my coordinators were there along with another seven coaches. I left her and my dad called me 40 minutes later to tell me she had died. Her last words were, where are the boys? All my brothers were there and I was in the weight frikkin room! I never forgave myself. That's the real reason I retired at fifty. I lost my edge.
Take solace in the fact that your Mom was proud of you and understood your life. She was your Mom. She knew.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It happened March of '14.
I still have nightmares and sometimes it gets to me so harshly I have to start yelling random words to try to get my mind in another direction.
She was my everything, but I'm not here to make this about me.

I worry so very much for Mr. Paul and his family that are probably going to have to make the same decision.
Such an awful, awful situation.
I’m with you my friend. Had to make the same choice for my Mom. She was rehabbing after a fall that tore a ligament and then at night going to the restroom fell and hit her head. She never woke up and was put on a ventilator. She was 82. She had severe dementia so the choice was not as grey as yours was but more black and white. She should have never been allowed to get up in the middle of the night to relieve herself. I looked into a lawsuit but the lawyers said the defense attorneys would parade a **** load of Doctors to stick up for the rehab facility. If I was rich I would have gone through with it. That burns me to this day.
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Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I’m with you my friend. Had to make the same choice for my Mom. She was rehabbing after a fall that tore a ligament and then at night going to the restroom fell and hit her head. She never woke up and was put on a ventilator. She was 82. She had severe dementia so the choice was not as grey as yours was but more black and white. She should have never been allowed to get up in the middle of the night to relieve herself. I looked into a lawsuit but the lawyers said the defense attorneys would parade a **** load of Doctors to stick up for the rehab facility. If I was rich I would have gone through with it. That burns me to this day.
Much love.


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My mother had a fatal problem during surgery at the Mayo clinic in Phoenix while trying to repair an aortic valve replacement.
She ended up on an ECMO till I had to make the horrific choice to pull the plug.

I am so sorry to hear that you went through that situation. I am sure it must have been extremely painful to go through. *hugs*


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Yeah, technically there is no way back to life after cerebral hypoxia. Mechanical efforts that maintain breathing cannot restore a person's brain cells. It's sad for the family
My mother had a fatal problem during surgery at the Mayo clinic in Phoenix while trying to repair an aortic valve replacement.
She ended up on an ECMO till I had to make the horrific choice to pull the plug.
Very sorry to hear that happened. It's a tough thing to have to accept.


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The day my mom died, I took her home from the hospital and then went to the weight room to do a walk-through during off season workouts. I was on vacation and all three of my coordinators were there along with another seven coaches. I left her and my dad called me 40 minutes later to tell me she had died. Her last words were, where are the boys? All my brothers were there and I was in the weight frikkin room! I never forgave myself. That's the real reason I retired at fifty. I lost my edge.
Very sorry to hear that. It is tough to lose a parent. Being unable to control certain outcomes with people we are close to is such a helpless feeling.


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The day my mom died, I took her home from the hospital and then went to the weight room to do a walk-through during off season workouts. I was on vacation and all three of my coordinators were there along with another seven coaches. I left her and my dad called me 40 minutes later to tell me she had died. Her last words were, where are the boys? All my brothers were there and I was in the weight frikkin room! I never forgave myself. That's the real reason I retired at fifty. I lost my edge.

So very sorry, healing prayers for you Ranching.
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