Marty B showing major signs of maturing - NOT

Cover 2;3299824 said:
Some people will defend a Cowboy player no matter what.

Irvin was taking the pipe to a dumpster after a night of fkighting the devil out of his crack-smoking friend!! Those idiot policemen did not believe him and had to make a feral case out of it!!
dcfanatic;3303688 said:
:bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

Please wear a full body condom at all times.

And maybe you need to cut eye and ear holes in yours so you can see what is going on in America today. You are so out of touch of reality. Or maybe you should put down your microphone and pick up some headphones. Stop talking so much esp about things that you obviously are our of touch on and start listening and seeing. You called the guy stupid didn't you? So what's the difference then? I guess you'll teach your children that it's not ok to say ratard but it's fair game to call people stupid??????
vta;3299748 said:
We don't have anything. A pro football organization does and I'm not sure what they think about it. It seems to get most of it's play on forums with people getting indignant over a complete strangers antics. Don't look through someone's window then complain about their messy house. It's very easy to avoid.

As for his impact on the team, somehow I doubt this one fool is going to impact the chances of whether or not this team goes to and wins the Super Bowl. Really, this *** is a backup TE, when all is said and done, he hasn't done **** and probably won't.

There's way too much access into everyone's business and it's really creating a neurotic environment. Romo playing golf! Bennet Tweeting! Oh my! The world is crumbling.

You sir are a very intelligent man! Now stop trying to reason with ignorance. Lol they just don't get it and honestly I feel as if they chose to not get it. It's as if some people are only satisfied when they put other people down and act as if they are the voice of reason. It gets really old. I love this forum but the gossip queens are enough to make you wanna puke.

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