Marvel Unveils Films Through 2019 Including 'Dr. Strange,' 'Black Panther' And 'Captain Marvel'
Marvel now has its pipeline full through 2019. At a fan event in Hollywood today, the Disney-owned studio unveiled the third phase of the Marvel universe which will include two
Avengers movies,
Dr. Strange and
The Inhumans. Marvel’s films have already earned $7 billion at the global box office.
The Marvel film world is also about to get a lot more diverse. For the first time an African American hero will headline a film with B
lack Panther which hits theaters November 3, 2017. And finally, a female superhero movie from Marvel is in the pipeline.
Captain Marvel will debut May 4, 2018. Although the character has had many incarnations in the Marvel comic book world, on screen she will be Carol Danvers.
Fans lined up for hours outside of Disney’s El Capitan theater in Hollywood Tuesday morning for the super secret Marvel event. Many speculated that the event would cement the new Marvel films which until now have just been dates on the calendar.
Warner Bros. made a similar move last week when it committed to movies based on the D.C. world through 2020 including two
Justice League movies and stand alone films starring Aquaman and The Flash.
Feige said the plan was to unveil the line-up at Comic Con last summer but there wasn’t enough in place which is why they waited until today to make the announcement.
One of the films Warner Bros. announced was
Wonder Woman. Now Marvel can show that it too is listening to fans who have long demanded a female-led superhero movies.