Alumni2k11;4446770 said:Anyone else get to the endings yet? Without giving anything away, I'll just say I was disappointed (with the ending, not the game itself). Heard there is a secret ending if you beat the game twice and stockpile 5000 war credits or whatever they are called.
Romo 2 Austin;4447102 said:I slowed down the pace i'm playing at and am doing a bunch of side things. Don't want to rush to the ending.
Alumni2k11;4446770 said:Anyone else get to the endings yet? Without giving anything away, I'll just say I was disappointed (with the ending, not the game itself). Heard there is a secret ending if you beat the game twice and stockpile 5000 war credits or whatever they are called.
MC KAos;4462891 said:*SPOILER ALERT*
have you guys heard about the indoctrination theory? it makes a hell of a lot of sense, specially considering how great the story has been up to the point at the very end when harbinger comes down to wreck shop. think about it, the little creepy kid at the beginning of the game, how does he get to the spot with the door? how does he get into a locked building? how does he get from the building down to the evacuation area almost as quickly as shepard and anderson? and then, you see soldiers helping everyone into the shuttles, yet there is this little kid trying to get into the shuttle and no one helps him? i think its pretty obvious that at the start of the game the process of indoctrination is being started on shepard by harbinger himself. if you are interested in reading in more detail about it and seeing all the proof that points toward it, here is a good thread someone started at a forum thats entirely dedicated to this theory. the very first post is updated periodically with new info that is found on it.
I believe everything that happened after the shuttle was blown up (basically everything starting with the run to the conduit) was part of the reaper indoctrination and all in shepards mind. If this is true, it doesnt just not make it a bad ending, it might make it the most epic ending in video game history, assuming the DLC comes soon that resumes the game
if you have enough Effective Military Strength and you choose the option to destroy (the red "renegade" choice you see anderson take) then you see a quick scene of shepard laying in rubble and waking from something. Thats the only way you will survive the indoctrination, and if you believe the theory, you need to pick that option and have a high EMS to survive the indoctrination.
Yep, I agree with the indoctrination theory and I'm holding out hope.MC KAos;4462891 said:*SPOILER ALERT*
have you guys heard about the indoctrination theory? it makes a hell of a lot of sense, specially considering how great the story has been up to the point at the very end when harbinger comes down to wreck shop. think about it, the little creepy kid at the beginning of the game, how does he get to the spot with the door? how does he get into a locked building? how does he get from the building down to the evacuation area almost as quickly as shepard and anderson? and then, you see soldiers helping everyone into the shuttles, yet there is this little kid trying to get into the shuttle and no one helps him? i think its pretty obvious that at the start of the game the process of indoctrination is being started on shepard by harbinger himself. if you are interested in reading in more detail about it and seeing all the proof that points toward it, here is a good thread someone started at a forum thats entirely dedicated to this theory. the very first post is updated periodically with new info that is found on it.
I believe everything that happened after the shuttle was blown up (basically everything starting with the run to the conduit) was part of the reaper indoctrination and all in shepards mind. If this is true, it doesnt just not make it a bad ending, it might make it the most epic ending in video game history, assuming the DLC comes soon that resumes the game
if you have enough Effective Military Strength and you choose the option to destroy (the red "renegade" choice you see anderson take) then you see a quick scene of shepard laying in rubble and waking from something. Thats the only way you will survive the indoctrination, and if you believe the theory, you need to pick that option and have a high EMS to survive the indoctrination.
StevenOtero;4467653 said:Yep, I agree with the indoctrination theory and I'm holding out hope.
Just completed my 2nd play through today on Insanity. I did EVERY side mission and obtained 100% of the assets. tedious lol
49 achievements out of 52 won (inc 2 of 2 DLC achievements)