Video: Matt Hasselbeck believes Dak's arm soreness could be an issue going forward


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He said that he's dealt with arm soreness before in training camp.
Hasselback is very calm and not known to freak out about things or go for hype clicks….and he's not doing so here either.

He's just logically laying out his thoughts on the topic, and every single thing he said makes sense.

He doesn't throwout panic, but it is something to keep an eye on over a 17 game season, and hopefully playoffs.

Dallas is smart to get ahead of this early and no push the arm too much.


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Ignore Dr. Hasselbeck's diagnosis. He has not examed the patient or even talked to him. The Cowboys trainers and medical staff are way ahead on this. Nothing here worth seeing. Go on with your lives with what you were previously doing.
Um we were getting hyped about the upcoming season. This phase deals primarily with anticipation & possible sky crashing scenerios.


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Hasselback is very calm and not known to freak out about things or go for hype clicks….and he's not doing so here either.

He's just logically laying out his thoughts on the topic, and every single thing he said makes sense.

He doesn't throwout panic, but it is something to keep an eye on over a 17 game season, and hopefully playoffs.

Dallas is smart to get ahead of this early and no push the arm too much.

hes also not doctor, not close to dak or the team and hasn't consulted the mri with radiologist did he? he has zero idea what daks actually dealing with,,,its all opinion


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Ignore Dr. Hasselbeck's diagnosis. He has not examed the patient or even talked to him. The Cowboys trainers and medical staff are way ahead on this. Nothing here worth seeing. Go on with your lives with what you were previously doing.
right a good sign is this, what did INdy do the day wentz story broke about his foot, went and signed two more qbs..

did Dallas go after a vet immediately after the mri? nope sounds like they believe its what they say it is simple fatigue and soreness..


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And thats all he claims it to be.
yet this place is taking it like its from daks personal doctor,,

IMO a good sign is this, what did Indy do the day wentz story broke about his foot, went and signed two more qbs..

did Dallas go after a vet immediately after the mri? nope sounds like they believe its what they say it is simple fatigue and soreness..