Matt Lauer: The Latest Man To Fall


"You want some?"
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Issues?? Pussified society. Issues?? lol. What's that mean? Where is the evidence? What exactly did they do?? I am curious to know? Let's hear it from all the experts all the fans with the facts...Tell us..what did they do??

HR... No matter what you (or even I) think, times are different than they were even 30 years ago. There are simply things you do not do (or say) in the workplace. You just don't. You may not like that, but I'll tell ya, it's not going to change or back to how it was... It simply won't or isn't.

I can remember when I worked for a public utility in the early 80's, we had to go through workplace training as far as what we could and couldn't say or discuss with female coworkers.

Bottom line... You just can't pull out your Johnson in front of a female worker and ask her to do something with it!


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HR... No matter what you (or even I) think, times are different than they were even 30 years ago. There are simply things you do not do (or say) in the workplace. You just don't. You may not like that, but I'll tell ya, it's not going to change or back to how it was... It simply won't or isn't.

I can remember when I worked for a public utility in the early 80's, we had to go through workplace training as far as what we could and couldn't say or discuss with female coworkers.

Bottom line... You just can't pull out your Johnson in front of a female worker and ask her to do something with it!
Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah


Red, White and Brew...
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Have you. Has he been charged with a crime?? What has he been convicted of...exactly? Accusations are not fact's.Allegations are not convictions. Have you ever heard of due process?? Have you ever heard of lies? Have you ever heard of a running back named Elliott.
He's acknowledged it.


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He's acknowledged it.

I posted the article link on that, and he comes back with...."I'll settle for the ones in your head!! Thrill us with your knowledge of these cases?? What happened? What have these men been convicted of?? Come on..share the facts that you know??"

Like I said, he likes rocks.


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Yeah as first O'Reilly, then Rose, now it is Lauer. Bet they are sharing drinks at a bar and talking about their firings. At least they are at least set for life. Legacies are tarnished.


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Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah

You can flirt. You can ask a woman on a date.

But no. No sneaking booty swipes.

Good rule of thumb: Just go to work and do what they're paying you to do.


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HR... No matter what you (or even I) think, times are different than they were even 30 years ago. There are simply things you do not do (or say) in the workplace. You just don't. You may not like that, but I'll tell ya, it's not going to change or back to how it was... It simply won't or isn't.

I can remember when I worked for a public utility in the early 80's, we had to go through workplace training as far as what we could and couldn't say or discuss with female coworkers.

Bottom line... You just can't pull out your Johnson in front of a female worker and ask her to do something with it!
I really am taken aback by the brazenness of it by so many. I have been in corporations for 15+ years and I just havent seen anything nearing this behavior.

Maybe I am just not powerful enough to be in that club :)


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I'm assuming by backside you mean butt, right?

If so, I could understand why coworkers, male or female wouldn't want to get butt slapped at work.

I know I wouldn't want my 50 year old boss grabbing my butt.

Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah


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I really am taken aback by the brazenness of it by so many. I have been in corporations for 15+ years and I just havent seen anything nearing this behavior.

Maybe I am just not powerful enough to be in that club :)

Same here.

Though when I was in college, I made a point to befriend a half dozen girls, with no intention of ever pursuing any kind of romance.

Listening to them talk about guys that they knew or dated, I came to the realization that dudes I knew and liked could be really bizarre in private. Some of the things the girls talk about ranged from comical to downright disturbing.

So it doesn't really surprise me anymore when I hear "guy x" is a deeply-troubled sociopath.

What Matt Lauer has done happens all the time. Probably even people that you may know.

That said, probably doesn't happen at work because normal people are generally afraid they'll lose their job.


Stop chasing
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Same here.

Though when I was in college, I made a point to befriend a half dozen girls, with no intention of ever pursuing any kind of romance.

Listening to them talk about guys that they knew or dated, I came to the realization that dudes I knew and liked could be really bizarre in private. Some of the things the girls talk about ranged from comical to downright disturbing.

So it doesn't really surprise me anymore when I hear "guy x" is a deeply-troubled sociopath.

What Matt Lauer has done happens all the time. Probably even people that you may know.

That said, probably doesn't happen at work because normal people are generally afraid they'll lose their job.
Dag, you're blowing all my stereotypes out of the water. I had always raised my little sister to be weary of the "guy friends" who settle for friendship when they're obviously attracted to you. Those always seemed like the Dateline ID weirdos who will eventually flip out, etc. You're obv not, and more guys I assumed were legit have turned weird; Louis CK was mine. Still love em, but was a "noooooo, o for real?" moment; I just never heard of that fetish bf tbh.


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I really am taken aback by the brazenness of it by so many. I have been in corporations for 15+ years and I just havent seen anything nearing this behavior.

Maybe I am just not powerful enough to be in that club :)
I haven't either..I've worked mainly around women most of my life and they playfully flirt more than anyone, that was in my younger, better looking years.ha
I don't even comment that a woman looks nice much less this type stuff.
As far as it should be ok to grab a behind, cmon, I'm sure these guys would love some perv doing that to their young daughter or wife.


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Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah
Lauer had a button under his desk that locked the door without getting up..... very rapey
He greeted some employees in his office with his member out
He left a box of sex toys around the show to give as gifts and gave women explicit instructions
One staffer says she remembers having sex in his office as she passed out and woke up in the care of a nurse
He threatened co-workers after consensual sex
He sent inappropriate texts
He made everything about sex and looks and played F, Marry Kill at all times
On the road he made staffers come to his room at all times of night for menial tasks

Everything is about sex, except the actual sex which is about power and Lauer wielded the most power at NBC....... this was not flirting or acceptable in any manner........ he is a creepy perverted bully and deserves everything he gets


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I haven't either..I've worked mainly around women most of my life and they playfully flirt more than anyone, that was in my younger, better looking years.ha
I don't even comment that a woman looks nice much less this type stuff.
As far as it should be ok to grab a behind, cmon, I'm sure these guys would love some perv doing that to their young daughter or wife.

Yea. It just seems to be very cultish in how the power position protects their own and has eerily creepy stories - drugging, locked doors, sex toys, etc.

My experience has been seeing more females overtly flirtling with executives in public areas. Not trying to cast aspersions, but the only friendly arm rubs, hands on knees, rubbing a back have come from a couple females to an executive during happy hour. I knew one c-level guy that got canned for a relationship. He was married but ended up marrying the employee.

There has to be a zero tolerance in companies, though, i cant think of a brightline that covers it off and the risk is just not worth it anyway


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What is going to be done about the out of control allegations being leveled against men these days? Guilty before proof in court.

Let’s be reasonable here... points of reason 1 and 2.

1. These guys have been abusing power. Chickens coming home to roost all at once.

With that said,,,

2. It can’t just be a godfather whacking to all of them. What are we going to do? Destroy all successful American men. In many cases... yearrrrrrrrs after the alleged fact?

This has to be taken out of assassination mode.
Penalty mode. Then move on with less bloodshed.

Now, I am in NO WAY saying that abusing women is right. Not even close. It’s wrong. But in a world of second chances.

To add: many times these women are going around doing photo ops AFTER the alleged incidents took place.

Women, in some cases, chose career over the right thing.


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I've learned two things over this past year:

1) A lot of people (mostly men) are creepy. Especially ones who have power and who like to virtue signal.
2) A lot of people (mostly women) consider everything as harassment or assault these days. Including things like compliments, being approached in a public place, and having consensual sex.